• Premier Tree Featured on the Green and Growing Radio Show

    Green and Growing radio show.

Premier Tree Solutions is a guest once a month on Green and Growing with Ashley Frasca radio show where Premier Tree Solutions Founder, Jeff Roth, and Arborist, Rafael Santiago, discuss the art of arboriculture, landscaping, and all things tree care. Green and Growing airs every Saturday morning 6–9 am on 95.5 WSB in Atlanta, Georgia.

Make sure to tune into 95.5 FM to catch our appearances but, if you aren’t able to listen live, you can hear any of our previous interviews below.

Premier Tree Solutions Featured on Green and Growing with Ashley Fresca Radio Show
Premier Tree Solutions Founder, Jeff Roth, on Green and Growing radio show.
Premier Tree Solutions Founder, Jeff Roth, and Arborist, Rafael Santiago with Ashley Frasca. Green and Growing radio show.
Arborist, Rafael Santiago, on Green and Growing
Green and Growing radio show.

Contact Premier Tree Solutions Today for Free Assessment

Direct: 404.252.6448 • Emergencies: 404.569.8897 • [email protected]
8525 Serenbe Rd, Chattahoochee Hills, GA 30268

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