Get to know Georgia’s beautiful array of trees and how you can take care of your own! Each month, we feature some of the most popular trees in the state. This month, we are showcasing the Sugarberry Tree (Celtis laevigata). Learn all about the Sugarberry Tree below!

Infographic for Sugarberry Tree.

What To Do if Your Tree is Dying

If you have trees in your yard, chances are you love them for their beauty, the shade they produce, and the value they add to your home. The last thing you want is to see one of them start to wilt and die! 

Our experts explain what to do if your tree is dying or if you sense your tree is unwell. 

First Things First: Identify if Your Tree Is Dying 

Spotting a dying tree can be trickier than you think! Here are some tell-tale signs that a tree is dying:

  • There’s a long crack on the trunk. 
  • The tree appears to be extremely dry and the branches crack easily under pressure. 
  • The tree isn’t standing upright. 
  • Little or no leaves grow on the branches. 
  • Fungi and mushrooms have made a home on the tree. 

Figure Out What’s Killing Your Tree

This step might require outside help, as it can often be difficult to determine for yourself what’s harming your tree. The potential culprits include pests, diseases, and weather damage. If you need assistance in monitoring the health of your trees, our experts would love to help! Reach out to us to schedule an appointment today with one of our Certified Arborists and ask about our Plant Health Care Program to learn more

Try Out Different Tree Saving Methods 

If you know your tree is dying and it’s not because of the major health issues mentioned above, try some of these tactics to bring life back into your tree. 

Water More or Less 

Issues with watering are hands-down one of the biggest reasons trees meet an untimely end. The key to doing it right is to find the middle ground between not watering too much or too little. You want to stick to somewhere between one minute to two minutes of watering per day and stop before water puddles on the ground. You also want to ensure you have proper drainage around your tree, so your soil doesn’t retain too much water. 

Boost with Fertilizers

Sometimes all your tree needs to bring it back to life is a boost with fertilizer. Grab a trusted brand and then use it on your tree following the instructions on the packaging. You might see a difference in just a few weeks! 

Mulch Can Help! 

Mulch is a fantastic tool for trees, as it can provide extra nutrients. Again, the trick is to use the perfect amount for your tree, not too much and not too little. You want to ensure that you dig close enough to your roots to allow the mulch to touch them, but you don’t want to bury the roots so much that they can’t breathe. Usually, somewhere around 1.5 inches of mulch works perfectly. 

Pruning Can Give Your Tree a Second Chance at Life

We talk about pruning in most of our tree-of-the-month infographics, and for a very important reason! Pruning a dying tree has the potential to bring it back to life. 

How does it work? If the trunk is still alive, you can cut off any dead branches or areas you notice have died. Doing so will prevent the dead cells from spreading anywhere else on the tree. 

Have any questions about tree care? Feel free to reach out to us by clicking here or by giving us a call at 404-252-6448.

The Science Behind Falling Leaves

Autumn is famous for the gorgeous colors it brings to our trees and foliage. But when the oranges, reds, and yellows fade, we’re left with dead leaves scattered across our yards. While it can be annoying to deal with leaf blowing and raking, we can take comfort in knowing this process is a vital part of a tree’s life cycle. 

Have you ever wondered why leaves fall from trees in the fall? We’re explaining the science behind falling leaves and this seasonal phenomenon below!

It’s All in The Leaf’s Design

Deciduous trees are the types of trees that exhibit brightly colored leaves that fall during the Autumn. Their leaves are usually very thin, which means if they stayed on during the winter they would rupture from freezing water in their veins. 

When the temperatures start to change with the new season, hormones within the tree are activated. The process called abscission begins. Chlorophyll, the part of the leaf that controls the pigment and also plays a major role in photosynthesis, stops being produced. That’s why green leaves fade into the gorgeous reds, yellows, and oranges we all know and love. 

Then, the vessels that provide the leaves with sugars and water close up. A layer of cells called the abscission layer develops. It grows between the leaf stalk and the branch holding it, cutting it off from the tree without creating a wound. Finally, the tree enters its dormancy stage, meaning it’s resting and saving energy until it’s time to grow new leaves in the spring. 

Overall, this is an important part of a tree’s life cycle. When leaves fall, it allows the tree to have a fresh start during the spring, giving them ample time to develop new food sources instead of holding onto ruptured leaves that can’t provide any nutrients. Having no leaves also protects the tree from damaging snow and winds during the winter. 

But Some Trees Don’t Lose Their Leaves?

That’s right! Those types of trees are called evergreens, which means that they have leaves with thick waxes and resins that protect them from the cold weather that comes. Some great examples are pine trees and magnolias.

Have any questions about caring for your evergreen or deciduous trees in your yard or the science behind falling leaves? Feel free to reach out to us by clicking here or by giving us a call at 404-252-6448.