Spring Primping: How a Tree Removal Can Get Your Yard Looking Its Best

With spring’s arrival, all of the plant life in your yard will once again be in its prime. The best way to showcase your spring blooms and leafy greens is to ensure you don’t have any eyesores detracting from the big picture.

Whether it’s decaying branches, an unruly tree canopy, or a stubborn stump that’s taking away from your perfect landscape, Premier Tree Solutions can help. Here are a few ways we can get your yard primped and polished for spring.

Tree Removal

There are several signs of a dying tree, many of which can diminish the aesthetics of your property. Some warnings to watch for include:

  • Dry, brittle branches
  • Leaning
  • Little to no leaf growth
  • Mushrooms and fungi
  • Long cracks in the trunk

Of course, dead trees aren’t just a visual nuisance; they can also pose a serious threat to property and people. In the cases where a tree can’t be saved with revitalizing tactics like applying the right fertilizer or giving it a healthy pruning, it may be necessary to remove the tree completely.

Our team of certified arborists was the first in Georgia to own and use JAWS, a specialty crane that simplifies the tree removal process while enhancing safety. Operators remove the tree piece by piece via remote control, eliminating the hazards that come with climbing the tree and cutting limbs by hand.

As an added bonus, JAWS minimizes cleanup and damage done to your property that might otherwise come from dropping limbs and trunks. If you have a problem tree, you can still have it removed this spring without ruining the hard work you’ve put in to make your property look its best.

Tree Pruning

Tree pruning keeps your trees healthy and attractive. Not only does it remove wayward, unappealing branches, but it encourages optimal growth patterns. Pruning can also be done strategically to accentuate a tree’s best features, control and direct new growth, and eliminate dead or diseased branches.

Though pruning is paramount for healthy trees, it’s also an involved process that calls for professional help. Many well-intentioned DIYers make mistakes while pruning, such as injuring the tree’s bark, removing limbs improperly, and leaving open wounds in the tree. All of these factors can leave the tree more vulnerable to serious damage to both itself and your property — from disease to pests and storm damage. For this reason, it’s best to enlist the help of our professional arborists to get your trees pruned and ready for the warm weather.

Stump Removal

Stumps can make it more difficult for you to perform normal lawn care tasks, like mowing and weeding. But the bottom line is that a stump is also just an eyesore. Create a clean slate this spring and bring new life into your lawn with our stump removal services.

Our stump removal involves a self-propelled machine that eliminates stumps and their roots, chipping the wood away into small pieces. Eventually, any remaining roots will decompose, and you’ll be able to refill the area with soil and place sod over top.

Get your yard looking its best this spring with the help of Premier Tree Solutions. Our team is dedicated to finding the best solutions to fit your property and its unique needs. To request an estimate, call 404-252-6448, or send us a message online.

Want the Best Yard in the Neighborhood? Read This First

Drive down any residential street and it’s easy to pick out the most pristine yard on the block. These picture-perfect front lawns are the subject of envy throughout suburbia, and many neighbors often wonder, how do they do it? It may seem like magic, but having the best landscape on the street is actually achieved through a few simple steps.

Landscape strategically

An aesthetically pleasing yard starts with the right landscape design, which is based on several basic principles:

  • Proportion: The size of individual landscape elements should align with the size of the overall space. For instance, smaller yards will call for species that can be easily contained, whereas more expansive layouts can accommodate sprawling shrubbery, as well as trees that grow wider or taller.
  • Transition: For the best visual impact, elements of your landscape should flow, rather than starting or stopping abruptly. Trees and shrubs can be placed to offset hard lines of construction features, such as fence corners or driveways.
  • Cohesion: While beautiful landscapes have variety, colors and textures should complement each other instead of clash.
  • Rhythm: Use repetition to draw the eye to various points of your landscape. For instance, you might place a row of ornamental trees to border a fence, or line your walkway with a series of tulips.
  • Balance: Plants shouldn’t be all of the same color, shape, or size throughout your landscape. Instead, strike a balance that offers variety but overall cohesion with complementing hues and patterns.

Use mulch to your advantage.

Mulch can benefit your yard in several ways. For one, it helps to define spaces such as flower beds and areas around your trees, which creates clean lines. For another, mulch allows plants to thrive by protecting roots against extreme temperatures, suppressing weeds, and aiding in water retention.

Mulch can be especially beneficial for newly planted trees by providing insulation, preventing root competition, and reducing damage from lawn mowers and weed whackers. To mulch around a tree, remove all grass within a three-foot radius (or up to ten feet for larger species). Lay natural mulch such as bark or wood chips in the space at a depth of two to four inches. Keep a slight buffer around the tree trunk, and avoid placing the mulch directly against the tree’s base.

Care for your grass

A lush, healthy lawn is a must-have feature for an attractive yard. Optimal grass growth calls for a few basic practices, including mowing to the right height, watering on a set schedule, aerating, and seeding. You may also want to apply a weed control product specific for your grass type.

There are several common types of grass species in Georgia, including Bermudagrass, Centipedegrass, St. Augustinegrass, Turf-Type Tall Fescue, and Zoysiagrass. Start by identifying yours to determine the best care approach.

Don’t forget your trees

When so much focus is placed on your lawn, it’s easy to overlook what’s above. But the limbs, leaves, and small branches on your established trees need care, too. In fact, tending to them is an important aspect of overall landscape care. After all, a downed branch could destroy other aspects of your property, and a compromised tree could create issues like pests, fungus, or disease that could spread to otherwise healthy plants.

While you can DIY many aspects of lawn care to achieve and maintain the most beautiful property on the block, tree care is best left to the professionals. From pruning to removal and stump grinding, our experts have all your tree needs covered. Schedule an appointment by calling 404-252-6448 or by contacting us online.