Fall Foliage Festival: The 6 Most Colorful Autumn Trees in Georgia

Tree ownership is a lot of work. You have to keep them safe from flooding, check for disease, and so on and so forth. They’re a touch needy sometimes.

But others, trees are a wonderful gift, and a treat for the eyes – such as in fall.

So what are some of the most colorful fall trees here in Atlanta? And how long do they hold on to that brilliant display? Let’s find out.

Leaf Season

Typically, leaf season in Georgia extends for about a month and a half, from late September to early November. Peak season is typically mid- to late October, with trees bursting into a brilliant display of gold, orange, red and deep brown. The length depends on the species, weather that year, and exact climate, but overall trees follow this pattern annually.

Best Fall Trees in Georgia

That said, let’s check out some of the best specimens this time of year:

  1. Red Oak: As the name suggests, Quercus rubra turns a stunning shade in fall, from dark brick to fiery scarlet.
  2. Eastern Redbud: This lovely tree, Cercis canadensis, turns a pale yellow to greenish-gold in fall, offering a pretty backdrop for all those flaming colors.
  3. Black cherry: The deep green leaves of Prunus serotina turn pretty shades of rose and yellow come fall, developing early and clinging to trees long.
  4. Sassafrass: This lower-growing tree, Sassafrass albidum, which tops out at about 60 feet, turns gorgeous shades of yellow, red and purple in fall.
  5. Sweetgum: The native Liquidamber styraciflua puts on an incredible show come fall, with colors ranging across the spectrum, including yellows, oranges, purples and reds.
  6. Sourwood: Oxydendrum arboretum has excellent fall color in shades of deep crimson, with silver flower capsules that cling to the tree and provide contrast all through the season.

Wondering about the health of your trees? Hoping to keep them hale and hearty for years of fall color to come? Here at Premier Tree Solutions, we want to help. In addition to trimming, pruning, branch removal, storm cleanup and stump grinding, our certified arborists will keep your stunning specimens fighting fit all year round.

All you have to do is give us a call at 404.252.6448 for regular maintenance or 404.569.8897 for an emergency, or you can reach out to us on our website. Either way, don’t wait.

And in the meantime, happy fall!

Hardwood Haircuts: Pruning Dos and Don’ts

It’s fall, and that has your fingers itching to prune. With all the chrysanthemum-planting and leaf-raking and ornamental grass-waving, you can’t resist that extra mile of pruning as well.

Before you get started, though, make sure you’re Doing the Thing Correctly. Otherwise, you might be sorry later. Here are some dos and don’ts to keep your trees healthy year-round.

DO: Prune in Winter or Early Spring

While it’s true that some arborists advise fall pruning, it’s not the best approach. Instead, wait until winter when sap isn’t running, and trim up then. There’s much less chance of infection this way.

Plus, pruning stimulates new growth, which isn’t good in fall when trees are trying to go dormant, explains Good Housekeeping. This is confusing for plants, and we’re guessing you don’t have the money to get all of them a good therapist.

DON’T: Top Trees!

If there’s nothing else you take away from this article, it’s do not top trees.

This means cutting off the leader, the vertical stem that juts up from the ground. Even if you think the tree would look better that way, don’t. It stresses the tree, leads to decay, removes food-producing crown foliage, and can even lead to a lawsuit if a weakened tree causes property damage and you’re found responsible. No, no, no!

If a tree has lost its leader through a storm, help it recover using these tips.

DO: Disinfect Tools

When you prune, you want to avoid transmitting disease between trees and shrubs. That means disinfecting your tools between each cut. Get a bucket of rubbing alcohol or Listerine ready, then dip your tool after each trim. Avoid bleach, as this degrades tools significantly.

DON’T: Cut Off the Branch Collar

It’s tempting to prune flush against the tree to preserve a smooth, straight trunk. Don’t do it, though. Cutting off the branch collar makes it harder for the tree to scab over the wound, increasing the risk of infection and potentially compromising your whole tree. Accept that this knobby little beauty is part of your tree forever, and move on.

DO: Get Help!

If you doubt your pruning prowess, let us help! Premier Tree Solutions is a rapidly growing tree removal business based in Atlanta, Georgia. We specialize in all things arboreal, including tree trimming, pruning, storm cleanup, stump grinding, branch clearing, debris removal and more.

Call 404.252.6448 to schedule some softwood or hardwood haircuts, or in an emergency, dial 404.569.8897. Reach out and we’ll come save you and your trees as quickly as we can!

Premier Tree Solutions Provides Service for President Jimmy Carter

President Jimmy Carter

While doing work in Andersonville, Georgia for the Secret Service and the National Park Service, Jeff and his Premier Tree Solutions team were called to serve President Jimmy Carter at his compound in Plains, Georgia.

Premier Tree Solutions removed a number of trees that fell on his house and property in the wake of Hurricane Michael, and were honored to provide services for such a president.

Looking for tree help? Contact Premier Tree Solutions today. We specialize in helping tree owners feel secure and help keep their landscapes safe. In addition to protecting trees from wind and floods and other natural disasters, we also do branch thinning and pruning, storm cleanup, tree removal, stump grinding, and more. Call 404.252.6448 for a consultation today, or in an emergency, 404.569.8897.

Arbor 911: How to Tell When Your Trees Aren’t Healthy

You love those oak trees and birches. Nothing makes you happier than firs and sweetbays. So of course, it goes without saying that you want your trees to be happy.

Sadly, there is no tree hotline to call and talk them through a rough patch; all trees have is you, so it’s up to you to ensure their environment and health is the best it can be. Here are a few signs to look for that indicate your trees need help … and what to do about them.

Missing or Unusual Leaves

According to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, leaves are a great key to tree health. Look for “distorted leaves and stems,” “growth stimulation,” and “stunted and reduced leaves” as warning signs.

Missing Fruit and Flowers

If your tree is supposed to produce flowers or fruit at a certain time of year and you see a) nothing or b) much reduced fruit, that’s a sign. Call in a tree pro to diagnose the issue immediately.

Abnormal Fungus Growth

A little fungus can be normal, but overnight uprisings of mushrooms around the base of the tree or up its sides usually indicates rot, decay, or otherwise unhealthy conditions.

Dieback, Wilt, or Collapse

This is one of the clearest signs of tree unhappiness, says the United Nations. It can stem from insufficient water supply, too much water, disease, or dieback from old age.

Lesions or Cankers

Problems on the surface of the tree are a clear indicator that all is not well in tree world. “Cankers vary from those with sunken centers to others with raised edges and some with more general swellings,” says the UN, adding that spots, blotches, scabs, pits, holes, and other blemishes are all bad signs as well. This may result from disease, animal feeding, or pest activity – and needs a specialist’s review.

Need Help? Call a Pro

Premier Tree Solutions is a growing tree removal business based in Atlanta, Georgia. We specialize in a number of areas, including tree trimming and pruning, tree and stump removal, storm damage, and cleanup, branch clearing, and debris removal. And… we have three Certified Arborists on staff!

Give us a call at 404.252.6448 for an unhappy tree consult today, and we’ll make a plan to get your babies in ship shape fast. Emergency? Call 404.569.8897 instead, and we’ll be there in a jiffy.

Let It Blow, Let It Blow: 4 Ways to Prep Your Trees for Strong Winds

Trees, like people, are sensitive to extreme weather. While these firmly rooted landscape specimens can certainly withstand more gale force than you can, they don’t like to be battered about by strong winds – and can eventually suffer severe damage without protection.

If you live in areas where tornado/hurricane warnings are common, you’re probably wondering what you can do to better prepare your trees for the madness. Also important, which things can you do yourself, and which do you need to call in a pro for? Let’s talk about that today.

  1. Prune Judiciously in Spring and Fall

First and foremost, prune. It’s tempting to “leave well enough alone” when a tree is doing fine, but weak branches are hard to spot visually. You need a pro up there examining them and removing anything unstable. That way, when a storm comes through, only the strongest branches must withstand it.

Depending on the tree, summer may also be a good time to prune. Typically, when it’s cold and resources are reduced, you should avoid pruning in winter.

  1. Remove Older Trees

Although it may seem harsh, some trees simply aren’t storm-safe. If you have a tree on your property that drops limbs frequently because it’s old and brittle, it probably needs to go. Consider getting rid of it before the storm hits.

  1. Create a Windscreen

Although we usually think of windscreens as for the benefit of other types of plants, trees can screen trees as well. If you want to protect your yard, it pays to play a long game and set up strong trees around the perimeter.

  1. Be Especially Careful with Trees Close to Buildings

Damage during storms frequently comes at the hands (or would that be twigs) of dropped limbs. Examine each tree near a home carefully and remove anything that looks even slightly suspicious if it is overhanging a structure. That’s another task that requires a pro.

Looking for that pro today? Call in Premier Tree Solutions for help. We specialize in helping tree owners feel secure and keeping their landscapes safe. In addition to preventing trees from wind and floods and other natural disasters, we also do branch thinning and pruning, storm cleanup, tree removal, stump grinding, and more. We invite you to call 404.252.6448 for a consultation today, or in an emergency, 404.569.8897.

Let us help you today!


Get to know Georgia’s beautiful array of trees and how you can take care of your own! Each month, we feature some of the most popular trees in the state. For September, we are showcasing the Yaupon Holly. Learn all about the Yaupon Holly below!

Yaupon Holly Tree

Watery Wisdom: How to Protect Your Trees from Flooding

Everyone loves a nice summer shower. It lifts the spirits. It brings temperatures down. It’s good for the trees.

… right?

Well, the truth is, not always. Some trees can sicken if they’re exposed to too much rain and flooding, especially over a long period of time. It’s smart to take steps before and during the rainy season to make sure your trees get the TLC they need to stay safe from floods.

Flooding and Oxygen Deprivation Go Hand in Hand

Many people don’t understand how flooding affects trees because they assume that water is simply “good for” any plant. The truth is, though, plants and trees rely on oxygen just like you or me. Enough standing water and trees actually drown, unable to take up oxygen because they’re simply too saturated.

Another misconception is that trees draw their nutrients, water, and oxygen from down deep, and while that’s true to an extent, they get the majority of their oxygen from the first 6 inches of soil. When that’s covered with water, they physically cannot breathe. No Bueno.

Signs and Symptoms of Flooding

Most trees will tolerate a certain amount of flooding for short periods of time. You don’t need to worry until you see the following signs:

  • Yellowing or browning of leaves or needles out of season
  • Dropping of leaves or needles
  • Wilting
  • Splitting or cracking
  • General failure to thrive

Prevention Is the Best Cure

While you can hastily amend soils in preparation for stormy weather, the best idea is to keep trees out of a jam by planting only flood-tolerant trees in areas that frequently see standing water.

If you don’t want to move a well-established tree, you can also use a bioswale to direct water away from it, toward draining in another part of the yard. You can also reroute downspouts away from trees and plant water-retaining plants above them as a buffer.

Get Help from a Certified Arborist

Bottom line? Help from a certified arborist is guaranteed to keep your trees in tip-top shape. Your arborist can help you prevent disease, respond to catastrophes and keep trees safe over the long haul.

So, are you worried this hot and heavy season will affect your trees for the worse? Call Premier Tree Solutions to help you care for your backyard beauties they way they deserve. We specialize in a number of areas, including tree removal and trimming, pruning and storm damage care, branch clearing, debris removal, and stump grinding.

Need help with anything tree-related? Call today!

5 Things You Don’t Know About Oak Trees, But Should

Oak-y dokey! Ready to learn all about one of nature’s most awe-inspiring arboreal accomplishments, the mighty oak?

If you’ve always been quercus(curious, obviously) about this grandest of trees, we’ve got you covered here. The fantastic Quercus genus is full of beautiful specimens, thriving all over the world, giving shade and bright color, and never failing to bring a stately touch to landscapes of all types.

Let’s get started.

1. Oaks Are HUGE

Oaks can reach as high as 70 feet or more, with crowns spreading more than 130 from end to end. That’s amazing on a rolling field, but can be dangerous when you plant one ten feet from the house. Take note of final size before putting in that sampling.

2. Oak Trees Will Live Almost Anywhere

It’s true! Very few environments can deter an oak tree … at least, if you live in the contiguous United States. They’ll happily take root anywhere across the continent except for Alaska, and even grow in Hawaii. Whatever your USDA plant hardiness zone, there’s an oak for you, so check it out.

3. Fall Color for All

Oak trees display almost every type of fall color, from pale yellow to orange to deep scarlet to caramel browns. Whatever your yard’s color scheme in autumn, an oak will do. During spring and summer, oak leaves are typically a deep green, and the bare winter branches make a true statement in winter, especially for long-established specimens.

4. Acorns Are Choosy!

Oaks may produce as many as 2,000 acorns every year, but only 1 in 10,000 acorns will turn into a full-grown oak tree.

5. Oak Trees Come in More Than 600 Varieties

The oak genus is one of the most prolific and variable on Earth, with more than 600 species in existence (that we know of). Species may either be deciduous or evergreen.

The bottom line? Oaks are a mainstay of the backyard and garden. Whether you’re looking for bright color, sweeping shade or a sturdy limb from which to hang a tree swing, Quercus has you covered.

Looking for help with your oaks or other trees? Give Premier Tree Solutions a call. We can help you with tree trimming and pruning, branch removal, storm cleanup, stump grinding, debris removal and more. Whatever you need, we can help, so don’t hesitate to call today.


Get to know Georgia’s beautiful array of trees and how you can take care of your own! Each month, we feature some of the most popular trees in the state. For August, we are showcasing the Sweetbay tree. Learn all about Sweebay trees below!

The Value of Tree Care: By the Numbers

Daily life is hectic. In the midst of all of your personal and professional responsibilities, how on Earth are you supposed to fit in tree care? Is it really necessary?

The answer to that is a solid yes. The truth is, tree care is far more valuable than you might think. Let’s take a look at the numbers together.

1. Increasing Property Value

According to data from the Council of Tree and Landscape Appraisers, each tree on your property is worth up to $10,000 in property value. Many home shoppers are looking for sweeping shade, mature landscaping and privacy – services trees provide.

Proper tree care can keep your arboreal additions alive and thriving over the long haul. Whether you’re hoping to sell your house soon or want to retain its value over the next three decades, helping those trees is critical.

2. Preventing Unforeseen Expenses

Sometimes storms or other acts of nature damage trees, and there’s nothing you can do about that. However, we humans are often the cause of tree destruction, from failing to prune properly, to topping trees, to allowing suckers to proliferate. It’d be better for you (and your trees) in the long run to develop a habit of regularly scheduling tree care and check-ups from professionals, instead of having to pay for a way bigger job needed due to tree neglect.

3. Avoiding Tree Replacement Costs

When something does happen to your trees, you have to deal with more than the loss of property value and the expense of dealing with the damage or removal of that tree. You also have to replace it.

Unfortunately, that’s quite an expensive proposition. Online trees can go for as much as $100 for a 6-foot peach, and $50 for a 3-foot one. That’s far from mature, too, and your local nursery will almost certainly charge even higher rates. Wouldn’t you prefer to avoid the need?

How’s that for a reason to give your trees a little more TLC? If you’re looking for help in that department, Premier Tree Solutions is here for you. We specialize in tree removal, tree trimming, tree pruning, storm damage, storm cleanup, stump grinding, branch clearing, and debris removal. Whatever you need, we’re here to help.