Stump of tree that fell over

Five Warning Signs Your Tree is About to Fall

If a tree falls on your property but you didn’t see it coming, does it still spell disaster? Of course — but the good news is that there are almost always signs ahead of time. At-risk trees have several ways of telling us there’s a problem. The key is to watch for the following warning signs so tree removal can be a planned, proactive event.

Is My Tree About to Fall? Five Signs to Watch For

1. A Significant Lean

Trees should be mostly vertical, although a slight lean isn’t usually cause for alarm. Some species are just more bendy than others. The Cook pine, for instance, has an average lean of 8.05 degrees towards the equator — the species is always pining for more sunlight! But Cook pines are native to the South Pacific, so your native Georgia tree is likely leaning for a different reason.

The further a tree leans, the more strain it puts on its root system. Any lean greater than 10 degrees poses a risk of toppling. Wondering if your tree is leaning too far? No need for a protractor; most smartphones have an app that can measure angles!

2. Visible Roots

It’s great to be proud of your roots, but we prefer when trees don’t show them off. Exposed roots can’t anchor a tree as effectively as buried ones can. Beyond that, they pose a trip hazard and make lawn maintenance a nuisance. If you have a tree that’s raising the roots, allow our tree care specialists to step in with an assessment.

3. Cracks or Splits

Deep cracks and splits along a tree’s trunk are telltale signs of serious damage. From disease to rot and old age, there are many reasons for these visible changes. In most cases, they indicate the tree has reached the end of its lifespan and will need to be removed. If the damage is concentrated on one limb, you’ll need to eradicate that section, at the very least.

4. Fungi & Pests

Trees support life in many ways, from providing oxygen-rich air to offering shelter for small species. But as soon as fungi or insects begin to take over, a tree probably won’t survive much longer. Mushrooms, for one, usually indicate decay. Even if the entire tree isn’t dead, a sudden patch of fungi could suggest rot that may spread.

Pests are likewise concerning. From boring beetles that destroy tree tissue to ants that go marching in hollow tunnels, an infestation is always worth investigating. Unsure whether your tree is suffering either? A free assessment from our team can identify the culprit.

5. Dropped Limbs

Dead branches are a clear sign that a tree isn’t faring well. A tree that’s dying or damaged will often shed leaves on its outermost branches to conserve nutrients. When a limb falls off entirely, it may be time for your tree’s removal. A heavy branch can cause serious property damage in itself — it’s not hard to imagine what an entire trunk might do!

Concerned Your Tree About to Fall? Call Premier Tree Solutions Today

Having to get a tree removed can be disappointing, but it’s far better to act now and save your property — and your tree —from serious damage. If you have any of the signs above or other unusual tree developments, consult our experts during an assessment. We’re happy to help you save a healthy tree, but we’re also committed to keeping your home and its surroundings safe. Schedule an appointment with our team by calling 404.252.6448, or request a consultation here.