Storm Season Is Here! Here’s How You Can Prepare Your Trees

March winds, April showers, bring forth … thunderstorms, wind, and heavy rain in the Southeast throughout the summer that can be potentially damaging to your trees!

Luckily there are several things you can do in advance of storm season to help shore up your saplings and tend to all the trunks in your yard.

Be Vigilant About the Basics
General care throughout the year will help keep your trees strong and healthy — the best way to help them survive severe weather.

Trees usually get the water they need from natural rainfall. But as the University of Georgia Extension reminds us, “Periodic droughts can be devastating. Going weeks without moisture can create problems for trees, especially those with small soil moisture reservoirs (i.e., limited root zones).” If your lawn looks puny during a time of dryness, most likely your trees will need a healthy drink, too. We have more specific watering advice for you here.

Mulching is another way to help the soil around your trees retain not only moisture, but also important nutrients. Whether composed of wood chips, shredded leaves, and/or pine straw, make sure your mulch is spread to the edges of a tree’s drip canopy, but never — as Georgia Gardening expert Walter Reeves cautions — piled up high around a tree’s trunk.

Another benefit of mulch is that it can help prevent the growth of weeds and other small ground plants or saplings that might compete with your tree for moisture and other nutrients. If you decide not to mulch around your trees, make sure to keep the area around the base clear by pulling up weeds regularly.

The Importance of Trimming & Pruning
Proper trimming and pruning removes unwanted dead, decaying, or dying branches. A regular trim can also reduce any potential hazards such as low-hanging branches, or damaged limbs that could fall during a storm. For smaller and easy to reach branches, you may be able to do the work yourself, but we recommend hiring an expert for anything beyond that.

Similar to trimming, pruning gets rid of parts of the tree that may be dead or damaged,
but proper pruning can also keep a tree healthy by:
● Controlling or directing new growth
● Preventing the spread of disease
● Correcting weak or narrow crotches in the tree
● Improving air circulation and allowing light to shine through

If you’re unsure about your trees’ overall health, or what trimming might be necessary, we recommend you have them inspected by an arborist or other tree professional.

To Brace and Cable (or Not): A Careful Question
A specialized process used only to protect mature trees, cabling and bracing should always be prescribed and installed by an expert, as improper installation can lead to tree destruction. The process involves installing cables, metal rods, or both, in order to hold branches together or upright, to keep the crown together, or to prevent tree splitting. The University of Georgia Extension recommends that cabling or bracing should be seen and utilized only as a final attempt to save a tree.

If Damage Does Occur
Even after the best precautions, storm damage can and may still happen. The Georgia Arborist Association provides some advice on how to handle damaged trees, and we at Premier Tree Solutions are also at the ready to keep your trees — and your home and family — safe.

If you have any questions about the potential risk for any storm damage to your trees, we have three Certified Arborists on staff, and would be happy for you to reach out to us online or give us a call at 404.252.6448.

Trees That Actually Make Great House Plants

While few of us are able to live in a treehouse, so long as you have the height and space, your home can be a great place for a variety of trees. According to a 2020 Healthline article, there’s even science-backed evidence that growing trees indoors could be good for your health!

So we wanted to pull together some recommendations that go above and beyond the standard ferns, palms, and bamboo you might see — offering you a veritable forest of interesting choices.

Rubber Tree
Perhaps one of the more commonly recommended trees on our list, exotic rubber trees are actually native to the rain forests of the Amazon region of South America. They can grow to over 100 feet tall in the wild, but you can raise them to the height that suits you and your environment best. A careful balance of light and water may be necessary, but experts at The Spruce assert, “When it comes to caring for a rubber plant, your job is pretty straight-forward.”

Triangle Ficus
Ficus Triangularis Variegata is both beautiful and, according to Gardening It, relatively easy to tend! The thick, triangular leaves set this ficus apart. Under the right conditions it may grow to provide up to six feet of lush loveliness. Likes include humidity and plenty of light. Dislikes: too much bright, direct light, and extreme temperature changes.

Panama Orange
As evidenced in the 1987 Citrus Propagation Manual, propagating citrus can require careful specifics when it comes to soil chemistry and weather climate. This means growing citrus directly from seed could potentially try your patience. But fear not — Calamondin Orange plants bought and cultivated from reputable growers produced from cuttings can result in 2-4’ tall trees that add some nice color (and fragrance) to your home. You’ll need to regulate moisture and temperature year-round, provide some pruning in the spring, and even execute hand-pollinating if you want to see flowers and fruit, but by following some of the careful care guidelines recommended by sources like Guide to Houseplants, your labors will produce fruits with a sweet-tart flavor combination between a kumquat and a tangerine. Panama Orange will add zest to your life that we think is worthwhile!

Weeping Fig
Not only is the weeping fig good-looking, a NASA Clean Air Study also revealed it may help purify the air in your home! Pet owners take careful note, however, that its leaves may be toxic to dogs and cats. If you decide to take on this distinctive tree, House Plants Expert advises choosing one spot that receives both sun and shade, and sticking to it. Otherwise, it may be “weeping” leaves left and right.

Guiana Chestnut
For our final recommendation, we’re gonna “show you the money” with the Pachira Aquatica, also known as Guiana Chestnut, or “Money tree.” This “virtually-unkillable” tree needs sufficient light, plus warmth and humidity, but Balcony Garden Web points out that it tends to stop growing in the winter due to colder temperatures. We definitely think it will make a good investment!

Questions about your trees, either inside or out? Reach out to us online or give us a call at 404.252.6448.


Get to know Georgia’s beautiful array of trees and how you can take care of your own! Each month, we feature some of the most popular trees in the state. This month, we are showcasing the Callaway Crabapple. Learn all about the Callaway Crabapple!


Go Nuts for Fruit Trees (You’ll Find Them Very A-peeling)

Trees aren’t just bark-clad beauties. 

The benefits of trees range from shading your home from the sun and protecting your privacy to providing the needed infrastructure for a tree swing.

Some trees are extra special, because these trees also feed us with the fruits of their arboreal labors.

Be a Peach and Pear Down Your Fruit Tree Choices

Atlanta Metro winters are unkind to citrus trees, and the weather says a hard no to avocados. Cherry trees are popular for their spring blossoms, however many popular species and cultivars are short-lived in the metro Atlanta environment.

The good news? Several fruit trees do quite well on the Georgia Piedmont.

Asian Pear (Pyrus pyrifolia). Asian pear trees thrive throughout the state and are delicious eating too. Please don’t plant a Bradford pear tree though. An ornamental import, it is cross-pollinating with and weakening hardier species. Ask us to tell you more about it if you’re ready for a rant.

Peach (Prunus persica). Show some State of Georgia fruit pride with a peach tree or three. Originally native to northwest China, peach trees thrive in Georgia. You’ll make magical summer memories biting into ripe peaches on hot summer days.

Apple (Malus domestica). Many of the better known North American varieties don’t do well in southern Georgia, but here in Metro Atlanta they grow just fine. The UGA Extension recommends varieties such as Ginger Gold, Gala, and Granny Smith.

American Persimmon (Diospyros virginiana). Branch out to some of the less common fruits, such as the American persimmon with its bright orange-red fruits. (You’ll need at least two, one male and one female, if you want them to fruit.)

Almond (Prunus dulcis). Show off at your next trivia night when you’re the one who knows that almonds are not nuts. They’re actually fruits closely related to the peach, and they grow well in similar conditions. 

Go Nuts for Nut Trees

Speaking of nuts though, if you’re looking for trees that provide healthy treats, don’t stop at fruit trees. Nut trees are the original high-protein choice.

Pick a pecan (Carya illinoinensis). Georgia may promote itself as the Peach State and benefit from the peach emoji’s popularity, but agricultural numbers tell a different story.

Measured by crop value, we really ought to be the Pecan State. The numbers aren’t even close.

According to an article in Growing America, “Pecans now account for nearly half of the value of Georgia’s fruit and nut crop, while peaches are only 6.8 percent.”

Pecan trees do well throughout most of Georgia, with the exception of the North Georgia mountains. The UGA Extension suggests several excellent cultivars for home and backyard orchards, from Elliot and Excel to Gloria Grande and Gafford. They also offer some excellent advice on initial care of new pecan tree plantings. 

Choose a chestnut (Castanea spp.). The story of the American chestnut’s (Castanea dentata) demise is one of the great tragedies in North American ecology. There is still some hope of reintroducing it, genetically engineered to be resistant to the blight that wiped it out.

Until then, the Chinese chestnut (Castanea mollissima) does well in most of Georgia, producing delicious nuts that you can roast on an open fire. (You can roast them in your oven too.)

Black walnut for the win (Juglans nigra). Black walnut trees are prized most for the beautiful hardwood lumber they provide, but they also produce tasty nuts. Their husks and hard shells are tough to crack, but the meat inside is worth the work.

Going nuts trying to decide what fruit or nut trees to plant? We love talking about trees and would be happy to help you choose or beautify and prune your existing trees for maximum curb appeal. Reach out to us online or give us a call at 404.252.6448.

Money Does Grow on Trees! (If You Plan to Sell Your Home)

Whoever said money doesn’t grow on trees never learned about the value of curb appeal. And trees are very appealing to those gawkers at the curb!

OK, yes, we may obsess a little more than most about the beauty of trees, but several studies back us up.

A study in Portland by the Pacific Northwest Research Station of the U.S. Forest Service (PDF) found that a tree in front of a house added an average $7,130 to the sale price. And houses with trees along their streets sold nearly two days faster.

Trees even helped out the neighbors of the families who planted them! Homes within a 100-foot radius of a tree saw their sale prices go up too. (Trees are the neighborly thing to do.)

In a separate study, economist Kathleen Wolf at the University of Washington concluded that “larger trees in yards and as street trees can add from 3% to 15% to home values.”

The Arbor Day Foundation also lists many additional benefits to planting and caring for trees around your home.

Maturity Matters

As with many things in life, maturity is worth a lot.

Even if you’re not planning to sell your home anytime soon, trees are a smart investment in your home’s value. When well chosen and placed on your property, trees will literally grow in value every year.

You’ll be able to enjoy your trees for as long as you live in your home, then fetch a higher price when you’re ready to sell. (The next family to enjoy your home’s shade, privacy, fruits, and colors will be grateful.)

As the old saying goes, “The best time to plant a tree is twenty years ago. The second best time is now.”

Grow Some Green with These Trees

Some trees do more for your home’s sale value than others.

Dense conifers provide privacy. Deciduous trees offer vibrant autumn colors. Flowering trees explode in bright blossoms. Fruiting trees drip with summer sweetness.

Looks do matter when you’re planting trees to enhance curb appeal. Just as you would with interior design choices, give thought to which trees potential buyers might prefer.

You’re also better off choosing trees that thrive in metro Atlanta, as recommended by Trees Atlanta. They’ll require less care and maintenance, and they’ll grow more robustly too.

Some of the eye-catching trees we like best for enhancing curb appeal in Georgia include… 

Eastern Redbud (Cercis canadensis) for its bright red buds in early spring.

Flowering Dogwood (Cornus florida), a classic beauty of the South.

Southern Magnolia (Magnolia grandiflora), and several other species of magnolia too. Their oversized blossoms and lemony scent make a dramatic statement.

Eastern Redcedar (Juniperus virginiana), a gorgeous, drought resistant conifer.

Crape Myrtle (Lagerstroemia spp.), another Southern classic that provides summer nectar for bees. (They’ll thank you by keeping your plants pollinated.)

Scarlet Oak (Quercus coccinea), which gets its name from the vibrant red autumn leaves that often stay on the tree deep into winter.

Baldy Cyprus (Taxodium distichum), an eye-catching cyprus with its feathery textures, it does well in urban environments.

Fruit trees can also add a sweet treat for the eyes and taste buds too! Check out our recent post for suggestions on which fruit trees will be most a-peeling. (We’ll show ourselves out now.)

What trees will grow well and look beautiful around your home? We’d love to help you decide! Reach out to us online or give us a call at 404.252.6448.

Do You Live in the City? Here Are Trees That Do Well in Urban Areas

Do you live in a city but still want to add a tree in your property? Choose from this list our experts curated! These species are tried and true when it comes to living in places with high stress, lots of pollution, and sometimes less than ideal conditions regarding sunlight and soil.

Great Trees for Urban Settings

Have any questions about which trees do well in urban areas? Feel free to reach out to us online or give us a call at 404.252.6448.

How Often Should I Water My Trees?

You likely know when to water your indoor plants and how often your outdoor garden should be replenished. But have you thought about how often to water your trees? Though they take up the most space and do so much for your outdoor area, sometimes it’s easy to forget to take care of your trees after you plant them.

Remember, they desperately need water to thrive and continue to do good things for your yard just like any other plant. We asked our experts how often you should be watering your trees.

The Best Tip: Consistency

You want your tree’s soil to consistently stay moist. In order to do that, you have to keep watering. Don’t let your tree dry out but also don’t let it drown in water. Keep up the good work to ensure your tree’s soil stays at the right moisture level.

Consider Your Tree’s Specific Information!

How big is your tree? What type of soil is it planted in? What species is it? Knowing all of this information is pertinent to figuring out when to water it. For example, a newly planted large oak tree needs much more water than an established Japanese Maple.

Once you know all of this information, check your soil. The soil needs to be moist, or slightly damp, but not dripping wet or soggy. Use your finger if the soil is soft enough or dig down two inches with a tool to check on the soil there. If it’s dry, then your tree needs water.

What’s the Best Time of Day to Water Your Trees?

This depends on the season. If it’s a warmer day, water your trees in the morning or in the evening before the sun evaporates whatever you provide. If it’s a colder day, it’s best to water during the afternoon when the soil isn’t frozen.

How Should I Water My Tree?

While spraying the soil around your tree with a water hose will certainly work, it’s best to use a slower approach so you can ensure all of the tree’s roots have a chance at water. Drip lines are a favorite method of ours for that reason!

Have any questions about how often you should be watering your tree? Feel free to reach out to us online or give us a call at 404.252.6448.


Get to know Georgia’s beautiful array of trees and how you can take care of your own! Each month, we feature some of the most popular trees in the state. This month, we are showcasing the Possumhaw. Learn all about the Possumhaw below!

Possumhaw information


Get to know Georgia’s beautiful array of trees and how you can take care of your own! Each month, we feature some of the most popular trees in the state. This month, we are showcasing the Grancy-Greybeard (Chionanthus virginicus). Learn all about the Grancy-Greybeard below!

Grancy Greybeard tree of the month.

Timing is Everything: When To Plant a New Tree

If you’re hoping to add new trees to your property, there are many considerations to keep in mind. 

You’ve likely started thinking about what type of tree to select and where it should be planted on your property. But did you know you should also be thoughtful about WHEN you plant your new tree?

Our experts dive into this important topic below.

When Should I Plant a New Tree?

  • WHEN YOU’RE IN A DORMANT SEASON. The dormant season is the best time to plant a new tree. This means either during the spring before blossoms begin to bloom or the fall right after leaves have dropped.
  • WHEN THERE IS CLEAR WEATHER. Keep an eye on the weather in the days and weeks leading up to planting your new tree. Heavy rains on a freshly planted tree can make it harder for the roots to establish. Aim for a day and week where there is not much rain in the forecast.
  • WHEN THE WEATHER IS MILD. You should also keep temperature in mind! If it’s at or near freezing, it will not only be difficult to dig, but you also run the risk of the tree being damaged when exposed to the extreme cold. The same is true with blistering hot summer days in which the soil can dry out too quickly for the tree to take water. 

Have any questions about when to plant a new tree? Feel free to reach out to us by clicking here or by giving us a call at 404-252-6448.