Get to know Georgia’s beautiful array of trees and how you can take care of your own! Each month, we feature some of the most popular trees in the state. For June, we are showcasing the Black Locust Tree. Learn all about Black Locust trees below!

Pests and Bugs to Look Out for This Year

Residing in Atlanta, Georgia, means you get to experience very lovely summertime weather. Although it can get a bit hot here, the weather tends to stay at a pretty comfortable temperature, especially during the early morning and nighttime hours. As far as your landscaping and gardening go, though, there are several pests and insects that you will want to keep an eye out for. Keeping these pests under control is vital to the health of your garden and landscaping. Let’s take a quick look at the top five summer pests in Atlanta and what you can do to keep them under control.

Japanese Beetles

These pests are highly prevalent in Atlanta during the summertime. There are more than 300 various types of shrubs and trees that these insects like to feed on, and if not properly controlled, they have the ability to cause your landscaping to turn brown. Even worse is that your trees and shrubs may die.

Pine Borer Beetles

Another type of beetle that tends to invade its way into your lawn and garden is the pine borer beetle. These pests like to feed on the trees that produce cones. They tunnel under the bark of the trees and cause extreme harm to the cambium, which is especially vital to the healthy growth of the plants. If you don’t keep these pests under control, they will produce so much damage that your trees and shrubs will die.

Scale Insects

When you spot scale insects, they are most likely going to look like small blobs. They like to hide on the undersides of leaves near the veins. In some cases, you will find them hiding in leaf joints. As they feed on the plant, they produce a sticky substance; this substance eventually brings about the development of sooty mold. If you notice your plants are experiencing a distorted growth pattern, there is a good chance they are being overwhelmed by scale insects.

Ambrosia Beetles

If you have any trees or shrubs in your yard that aren’t healthy, they are likely going to be a huge attraction for Ambrosia Beetles. These nasty little insects also like to cling to trees that have recently been cut. The worst part about these beetles is that once they infest your garden and landscaping, they then like to move on and turn your fresh lumber decking into one of their homes. As the lumber dries, these insects will cause tiny pinhole defects to develop.

What Can You Do?

The best way to prevent and handle any type of insect and pest infestation is to contact an experienced pest control specialist. This type of professional will be able to assess your yard’s exact needs and create a treatment plan that provides the most effectiveness in keeping these pesky little pests and insects far away.

Premier Tree Solutions is here to help. We serve the Atlanta area with the quality, dedicated tree care you need. Whether you want to protect your trees from pests or need help cleaning up after a storm, we’re the people to help. Get in touch and contact us here if you have any questions!


Get to know Georgia’s beautiful array of trees and how you can take care of your own! Each month, we feature some of the most popular trees in the state. For May, we are showcasing the Sourwood Tree. Learn all about Sourwood trees below!

4 Simple Steps to Summer-Proof Your Yard Stat

Temperatures are rising in the South, which is known for its scorching-hot summers. If you want to maintain a lovely and appealing yard all through the hot months, you have to change up your gardening tactics to account for the increasing temperatures. Especially if you’re putting your home on the market, it’s crucial you ensure a lovely, healthy yard all summer long.

Luckily, it’s not that difficult. From mowing the right way to fertilizing and watering to getting those brush piles out of there (finally!), summer-proofing your yard doesn’t take a ton of extra work. Here are four simple steps to add to your to do list today.

1. Mow Your Lawn Slowly

You, like most people, probably ignored your lawn all winter – and that’s fine. However, now that summer is here, it’s time to take care of that grass. You have to do it safely, though. Mowing your grass down to a half inch when it’s 2 inches tall will cause ripping and tearing, which in turn will create patchiness. Instead, mow your lawn at one-week intervals, taking it down only a half inch every time.

2. Fertilize Now

During hot summer months such as June, July and August, it can be dangerous to apply fertilizer. Fertilizer itself has a tendency to burn, so in addition to the sun’s scorching rays, you can do significant damage to lawns and other plants. Instead, take a soil test right now to find out what you need, then add the missing ingredients on a cool day.

3. Remove Debris

Brush piles, random compost heaps, and other debris collection may not seem like such a big deal, but they can cause significant problems if you don’t take care of them before summer. Lots of pests hatch out this time of year, and brush piles provide the perfect cover for them. Plus, these can also grow mold during hot wet months, which can lead to unhealthy conditions.

4. Water Smart All Summer

Many people neglect watering requirements, then go out and drench their yards when it gets really hot. This is the wrong approach. Instead, give your trees and shrubs a deep and thorough drenching to depths of about a foot whenever soil dries out. Here’s a handy guide to watering trees in hot climates.

Still don’t feel like you have your yard under control? Here are four more steps you can take, courtesy of the fine folks here at Premier Tree Solutions. We also offer limb removal, stump removal, brush clearing, storm cleanup, and more. Just give us a call at (404) 252-6448 or contact us hereand let us know what you need today.

Emergency? Call (404) 569-8897 for immediate assistance. We’re here for you!

Premier Tree Solutions Named One of the Best Tree Service Professionals in Cumming

Premier Tree Solutions was recently featured on and was named as one of the 2018 Best Tree Service Professionals in Cumming! The list’s goal is to connect people with the best local experts. Each tree service professional was scored on more than 25 variables across five categories, including: reputation, credibility, experience, availability, and professionalism.

Learn more and read about the full listing here.

Tree Services


Get to know Georgia’s beautiful array of trees and how you can take care of your own! Each month, we feature some of the most popular trees in the state. For April, we are showcasing the Honey Locust. Learn all about Honey Locust trees below!

Are You Ready for Your Closeup? Preparing Your Yard to Go on the Market

It’s time to put your house up for sale. You have so many feelings: anxiety, excitement, dreams for the next house, dread at the mounting to do list, a strong desire to pizza/Netflix the day away and just forget it all.

Don’t do that. Or heck, go ahead and do that. When you’re done, though, it’s time to figure out what to do about the yard. People judge your home from the moment they step out of their car with their realtor to hand. If they don’t like what they see, they may just get right back in. At best, they’ll give a polite but cursory tour and head on to greener pastures (ahem, literally).

So how do you lower your literal “bounce rate”? Here are a few tips to put into action today.

  1. Clean, Clean, Clean: Before you do anything else, get rid of toys, broken pots, old swing sets, rusting cars and anything else that’s cluttering up the space. You don’t even want to see that; why would they?
  2. Remove Any Unsightly Plants: First and foremost, dig up dying shrubs or withered vines. Ditch sad attempts to regrow grass in shady areas. Take down that almost-but-not-quite-dead willow, and don’t look back. You’ll be amazed how much better this makes your yard look immediately.
  3. Give Everything a Haircut: Yes, we do mean everything. Look around your yard. Trees, shrubs, grass, perennials … it will all look better as soon as it gets a nice trim. Pruning and shearing keeps plants bright and healthy, and brings order to your environment. Start there.
  4. Assess Bare Patches: You will be left with some empty spots on your property. Ask yourself whether or not they should stay empty. Do you want to fill those spaces, and with what? A simple layer of bark chips is nice enough for some spaces, while for others you might want to put in some ground cover. Note that you’ll need 3-6 months for it to spread and naturalize, though, so if you need a quick fix, opt for a media like tanbark instead.

Need a little help? Well, that’s okay. Call in Premier Tree Solutions. We can give your yard the makeover it needs to get ready for showtime. Don’t hesitate to pick up the phone for pruning, trimming, tree removal, stump removal, and more. We’re here, we have clippers and saws, and we’re ready. Give us a ping today!

Don’t Let Thor Get the Best of You: Here’s How to Protect Your Trees from Storms

Want to keep the god of thunder and lightning from giving you trouble this season? Summer is the time of storms, and that’s not so good for your beloved birches, beeches, and buckeyes (and, you know, other species). Here are the dangers you face from good ol’ Thor, and what to do about them.

Avoid Falling Limbs: Trim Trees Regularly

One of the most common problems in stormy weather is dropped limbs. While you can’t always avoid this, especially with hurricane- or tornado-force winds, you can make it much less likely with dedicated and timely pruning.

Look for dead or dying limbs and get those out. Prune off branches that have weak crotches (limbs that form a wider angle than around 45 degrees or so). Remove extra branches to conform to the tree’s natural shape and offer more light and resources to remaining limbs.

Avoid Injuries Due to Stress: Water Well

Trees whose systems are already stressed are more likely to suffer damage in high winds. Their root systems may be shallower or less extensive, resulting in a greater readiness to tip or rip out of the ground completely. They may also be drier and crack or break more easily. Avoid brittle trees and weak roots with conscientious watering all summer.

Avoid Flooding: Maintain Yard Drainage

There’s no easier way to kill a tree than by drowning it. Subjecting roots to submersion for days or weeks after a storm can substantially reduce tree health, even if they live. Avoid this by funneling stormwater away from trees, perhaps with a bioswale or rain garden.

Avoid Lightning Strikes: Install Lightning Protection

We’ll just say this upfront: Lightning protection systems are expensive. However, if you have a heritage tree or a sentimental specimen on your property, it may be worth the investment. These systems don’t draw strikes; they reduce the charges between ground and sky to reduce the chances of strikes at all.

No matter what you need to protect your trusty trees, we’re here to help. Premier Tree Solutions serves Atlanta with the quality, dedicated tree care you need. Whether you want to protect trees before a storm or clean up after one, we’re the people to help. Get in touch and contact us here if you have any questions!


Get to know Georgia’s beautiful array of trees and how you can take care of your own! Each month, we feature some of the most popular trees in the state. For February, we are showcasing the Flowering Dogwood. Learn all about Flowering Dogwood trees below!

4 Tips to Get Your Yard Under Control

Ever have that feeling like a chore will own you for the rest of time? Like you’ve put it off for so long that the monkey on your back is probably permanently attached? No, we’re not talking about going to the dentist. (Although, definitely go to the dentist.) We’re talking about your yard. If it’s out of control and you don’t know what to do, here are four steps to take immediately.

  1. Clear Some Space 

Before you do anything else, you need to create a little visual space in your yard by decluttering the landscape. Until you do that, it’s hard to even to see what you’re dealing with. Steps include:

  • Call a donation service to get rid of cars, appliances, or other outmoded technology
  • Pick up and donate or toss old pots, toys, disused plastic chairs, etc.
  • Clear away brush and undergrowth

Once you take these simple steps, you might be amazed how much more clearly you can think.

  1. Trim Grass

Again, this relatively simple (if not easy) step will do wonders for your visual serenity. Get the mower running and trim the grass. Don’t trim it all the way down to nothing, though, because that can damage it. Instead, make several passes over a few-week span, going shorter each time. This gives the grass time to regroup and adjust.

  1. Pull Weeds

Getting weeds out of the picture is the next step. At first, the mere appearance of bare soil will be delightful. Next, you’ll realize … hey! I can plant things there!

  1. Call in the Pros for Tree Care

Now that you’ve cleaned up the property pretty well, it’s time to take care of your branching beauties. Trees with dead, withered, or rotting boughs can pose a serious danger to people and possessions – as well as the tree itself. Even if you don’t have dangerous deadwood, pruning is still critical. Chances are good, if you haven’t deal with the yard for a while, your trees will need a full inspection.
That’s where Premier Tree Solutions comes in. We will give your yard a thorough once over, recommending the right moves for all trees and shrubs. We can also offer help with clearing away brush and debris, removing and grinding stumps, and more. If you’re ready to take back ownership of your garden, call today or contact us here.