Caring for the Diva in Your Midst: Italian Cypress 101

Want a taste of the Old World right in your new backyard? Italian cypress trees are lovely to look at, lending the impression of an ancient Roman Senator’s driveway or a king’s grand palace.

Perhaps fittingly, just like senators and kings, Italian cypresses can be divas. (Tree-vas?) But while Cupressus sempervirens– also known as the Mediterranean cypress, Persian cypress, Tuscan cypress, and pencil pine – is famously finicky, you can keep it healthy and happy with the right tree care.

Here’s your basic four-step plan.

1. Plant in Full Sun

Italian cypress does not appreciate shade. Not one dappled lick of it. Instead, plant your cypress in full sun, says Missouri Botanical Garden, which is defined as at least six hours per day. If you’ve already planted a little guy up close to the house or in a similarly shady spot, go ahead and transplant early in the morning on a cloudy day to minimize shock.

2. Provide Light, Loamy Soil

The Italian cypress likes lots of moisture, but of the fast-draining variety. Therefore, the happiest cypresses live in loamy soil with a good amount of sand. If that’s not your natural environment, you can up the drainage by mixing in some compost and a bit of sand.

3. Water a Medium Amount

Despite their origination in regions – Greece, Turkey, Egypt, Syria – the Italian cypress likes a medium amount of water. While it will tolerate some drought, that’s not until it gets established, until which point it needs consistently moist soil. Stick a metal rod into the soil to test; if it sinks easily up to a foot or so, you’re good. If you can’t get it to penetrate, it’s time for water – a deep soaking rather than sprinkling.

4. Prune Intelligently

Pruning is an art form, meant to enhance the health and beauty of the tree, which means you need to finesse the job. Trim off dead or dying branches past the point where the browning starts. Trim healthy branches only to the point where they help you showcase the natural shape of the tree, and never cut the top off.

Not quite sure you can handle the job yourself? Get in touch with Premier Tree Solutions. We handle trimming and pruning, blush clearing, storm cleanup, and more. Give us a call at 404.252.6448 or, in an emergency, at 404.569.8897. We are proud to offer the best possible service to tree-vas everywhere … and their owners.


Get to know Georgia’s beautiful array of trees and how you can take care of your own! Each month, we feature some of the most popular trees in the state. For July, we are showcasing the Umbrella Magnolia tree. Learn all about Umbrella Magnolia trees below!

4 Reasons You Need an Awesome (and Certified) Arborist

Trees are trees, right? How much help could you really need with them?

Tell that to your elderly elm, which needs a little more attention due to its dropped twigs, or your pining pine, which clearly needs a site with less water.

The thing is, trees are finicky about their needs and surroundings – just like trees and animals. If you’re not sure how to treat them, you need help. That’s where a certified arborist comes in. Here are four reasons you need one.

1. Certified Arborists Offer Lots of Resources

Not sure how to water your trees during the summer months or where to site that new oak tree you just picked up from the nursery? Hint: If you’re hoping to see that tree reach a ripe old age so your grandkids can swing from it, you need to plant it in the right place. These are the tips an arborist can bring to the table.

2. They Can Catch Pests in the Early Stages

Creepy-crawlies are a fact of life. Most of us are trained to find serenity whenever we see icky bugs on the surfaces that surround us, including plants and trees. However, just like in your basement, some bugs are harmless but some can cause serious damage. A certified arborist can help you recognize the bugs to watch out for each season and make a plan for dealing with them.

3. Arborists Help Your Trees Weather Storms

Whether (get it?) you’ve recently had a storm or are headed into thundershower season, it pays to know how to keep your trees safe. An arborist will help you prune correctly to ensure strong branches, and they can assist you in cleaning up after storms that cause cracks or broken branches in your trees. Bring it on, Zeus.

Oops, sorry … we meant Thor.

4. They Know a Lot About Urban Tree Care

Much of the information about tree care available online today presupposes that you live in a rural setting, or at least in the suburbs. But lots of people who live in the city care about their trees as well, and an arborist can help you determine how best to keep your branched beauties safe on the busy streets of Atlanta.

Need help? Premier Tree Solutions is a family-run business offering a huge range of arboreal services, including tree removal and trimming, pruning and storm damage repairs and cleanup, stump removal and grinding, debris removal, and more.

Looking to green up that beautiful yard and keep healthy trees alive for years to come? Just give us a call at 404.252.6448, or for an emergency, call 404.569.8897. Don’t wait to speak to your certified arboreal expert today.


Goodbye Root Rot: 4 Approaches to Aid in Your Armillaria Attack

Cute little mushrooms often bring a smile to our faces … fairy rings and magic and all that! Yet before you get lost in fantasy, here’s a sobering reality for you: Those wee mushrooms may be a sign of terrible stress to your trees and shrubs.

That’s because they’re often the most visible sign of Armillaria mellea, a genus of 10 root-devouring fungus species. Collectively, they are known as honey fungi, a name that’s also much sweeter than the reality.

Because Armillaria can feed on dead as well as living wood, it can take out trees very quickly; it has no need to keep them alive to keep “feeding.” Not cool, root rot!

Obviously, you need a plan of attack to ensure root rot doesn’t hurt your trees and shrubs. Here are four steps to take if you see root rot in your neighborhood.

1. Recognize the Signs

Mushrooms aren’t the only sign of root rot, which causes people to miss the presence of armillaria until it’s too late. Initial signs include branch dieback and crown thinning, cankers on exposed roots, more resin than usual coming from the bark, and white or brown rotting on external surfaces. If you cut the roots open, you’ll see clear evidence of rot.

2. Understand the Spread

Armillaria is technically the world’s largest organism because of its ability to spread clonally underground through rhizomes. (Not to be confused with Pando, the largest single organism in existence, and final proof that trees are the coolest. Mic drop.)

Anyway, these impressive rhizomes mean root rot can spread between infected trees that are still alive, but more troublingly, it can also pass from a dead tree to a live one. That means leaving dead trees or stumps in place too long can damage your living trees. It’s important you dig them out, and surrounding areas, right away.

3. Keep Trees Happy

Just like people, trees are more prone to infection when they’re stressed and their immune system can’t rally as effectively. Trees need proper care, such as mulch to protect their roots and fertilization in their first few years. Deal with other diseases quickly, and be sure to prepare them for the stressors of summer.

4. Deal with Water

Standing water makes root rot spread, so make sure you get ready for summer storms by creating swales to catch and funnel rain to appropriate parts of the yard – such as lawns or wildflower areas – and keep it away from tree roots.

If you need more help, especially with the removal of diseased trees or stumps, feel free to call Premier Tree Solutions. Our experts would be happy to help you deal with any infected trees and take good care of your still-healthy babies. Contact us here today or give us a ring at 404-252-6448.


Get to know Georgia’s beautiful array of trees and how you can take care of your own! Each month, we feature some of the most popular trees in the state. For June, we are showcasing the Black Locust Tree. Learn all about Black Locust trees below!

Pests and Bugs to Look Out for This Year

Residing in Atlanta, Georgia, means you get to experience very lovely summertime weather. Although it can get a bit hot here, the weather tends to stay at a pretty comfortable temperature, especially during the early morning and nighttime hours. As far as your landscaping and gardening go, though, there are several pests and insects that you will want to keep an eye out for. Keeping these pests under control is vital to the health of your garden and landscaping. Let’s take a quick look at the top five summer pests in Atlanta and what you can do to keep them under control.

Japanese Beetles

These pests are highly prevalent in Atlanta during the summertime. There are more than 300 various types of shrubs and trees that these insects like to feed on, and if not properly controlled, they have the ability to cause your landscaping to turn brown. Even worse is that your trees and shrubs may die.

Pine Borer Beetles

Another type of beetle that tends to invade its way into your lawn and garden is the pine borer beetle. These pests like to feed on the trees that produce cones. They tunnel under the bark of the trees and cause extreme harm to the cambium, which is especially vital to the healthy growth of the plants. If you don’t keep these pests under control, they will produce so much damage that your trees and shrubs will die.

Scale Insects

When you spot scale insects, they are most likely going to look like small blobs. They like to hide on the undersides of leaves near the veins. In some cases, you will find them hiding in leaf joints. As they feed on the plant, they produce a sticky substance; this substance eventually brings about the development of sooty mold. If you notice your plants are experiencing a distorted growth pattern, there is a good chance they are being overwhelmed by scale insects.

Ambrosia Beetles

If you have any trees or shrubs in your yard that aren’t healthy, they are likely going to be a huge attraction for Ambrosia Beetles. These nasty little insects also like to cling to trees that have recently been cut. The worst part about these beetles is that once they infest your garden and landscaping, they then like to move on and turn your fresh lumber decking into one of their homes. As the lumber dries, these insects will cause tiny pinhole defects to develop.

What Can You Do?

The best way to prevent and handle any type of insect and pest infestation is to contact an experienced pest control specialist. This type of professional will be able to assess your yard’s exact needs and create a treatment plan that provides the most effectiveness in keeping these pesky little pests and insects far away.

Premier Tree Solutions is here to help. We serve the Atlanta area with the quality, dedicated tree care you need. Whether you want to protect your trees from pests or need help cleaning up after a storm, we’re the people to help. Get in touch and contact us here if you have any questions!


Get to know Georgia’s beautiful array of trees and how you can take care of your own! Each month, we feature some of the most popular trees in the state. For May, we are showcasing the Sourwood Tree. Learn all about Sourwood trees below!

4 Simple Steps to Summer-Proof Your Yard Stat

Temperatures are rising in the South, which is known for its scorching-hot summers. If you want to maintain a lovely and appealing yard all through the hot months, you have to change up your gardening tactics to account for the increasing temperatures. Especially if you’re putting your home on the market, it’s crucial you ensure a lovely, healthy yard all summer long.

Luckily, it’s not that difficult. From mowing the right way to fertilizing and watering to getting those brush piles out of there (finally!), summer-proofing your yard doesn’t take a ton of extra work. Here are four simple steps to add to your to do list today.

1. Mow Your Lawn Slowly

You, like most people, probably ignored your lawn all winter – and that’s fine. However, now that summer is here, it’s time to take care of that grass. You have to do it safely, though. Mowing your grass down to a half inch when it’s 2 inches tall will cause ripping and tearing, which in turn will create patchiness. Instead, mow your lawn at one-week intervals, taking it down only a half inch every time.

2. Fertilize Now

During hot summer months such as June, July and August, it can be dangerous to apply fertilizer. Fertilizer itself has a tendency to burn, so in addition to the sun’s scorching rays, you can do significant damage to lawns and other plants. Instead, take a soil test right now to find out what you need, then add the missing ingredients on a cool day.

3. Remove Debris

Brush piles, random compost heaps, and other debris collection may not seem like such a big deal, but they can cause significant problems if you don’t take care of them before summer. Lots of pests hatch out this time of year, and brush piles provide the perfect cover for them. Plus, these can also grow mold during hot wet months, which can lead to unhealthy conditions.

4. Water Smart All Summer

Many people neglect watering requirements, then go out and drench their yards when it gets really hot. This is the wrong approach. Instead, give your trees and shrubs a deep and thorough drenching to depths of about a foot whenever soil dries out. Here’s a handy guide to watering trees in hot climates.

Still don’t feel like you have your yard under control? Here are four more steps you can take, courtesy of the fine folks here at Premier Tree Solutions. We also offer limb removal, stump removal, brush clearing, storm cleanup, and more. Just give us a call at (404) 252-6448 or contact us hereand let us know what you need today.

Emergency? Call (404) 569-8897 for immediate assistance. We’re here for you!

Premier Tree Solutions Named One of the Best Tree Service Professionals in Cumming

Premier Tree Solutions was recently featured on and was named as one of the 2018 Best Tree Service Professionals in Cumming! The list’s goal is to connect people with the best local experts. Each tree service professional was scored on more than 25 variables across five categories, including: reputation, credibility, experience, availability, and professionalism.

Learn more and read about the full listing here.

Tree Services


Get to know Georgia’s beautiful array of trees and how you can take care of your own! Each month, we feature some of the most popular trees in the state. For April, we are showcasing the Honey Locust. Learn all about Honey Locust trees below!