Best Trees for Year-Round Shade and Privacy

It’s a conundrum many homeowners have encountered: the tree that offered plenty of privacy or shade in the warm weather suddenly leaves gaping holes when bare-branched and skeletal. The cooler months come around, and your property is on full display where it was once cloaked by thick foliage. If this situation sounds familiar, we have the solution for you: a list of the best trees for privacy and shade, no matter the season.

Best Trees for Privacy in Georgia Year-Round


There’s a reason the arborvitae has earned a reputation for being the best tree for privacy. With their neat, conical shape and rapid growth, these evergreens make for the perfect hedges. Leave enough space between each as you plant them, since they can spread ten to 15 feet wide. One species we love is the Green Giant, which lives up to its name with a mature height of up to 40 feet.

Japanese Cedar

Known for its fragrant wood, the Japanese cedar is an excellent privacy screen. Most will grow 30 to 40 feet tall with a spread of 15 to 20 feet, but especially well-maintained trees could become even larger. Tight quarters could leave these trees susceptible to leaf blight, so aim for ample air circulation by spacing them out adequately.

Spiny Greek Juniper

With dense, spiky foliage, the spiny Greek juniper forms a fantastic natural barrier. Reaching 15 feet at maturity, it’s shorter than some other privacy trees, making it manageable for most homeowners to prune on their own.

Leyland Cypress

Another species ideal for forming hedges, leyland cypress trees can reach heights of 60 to 70 feet with a width of up to 15 feet. Fast-growing and large, you’ll want to leave these trees well enough away from any property lines, as they can quickly encroach on nearby structures. Space them at least ten feet apart, even if you’re creating a hedge.

Year-Long Sources of Shade

Many areas of Georgia see high temperatures year-round, so it makes sense if you’re craving shade well beyond the spring and summer. Keep your property cool through every season with these perennial shade-throwers.

Weeping Willows

Breathtaking and immediately recognizable, willows are deciduous trees with small, flexible branches that descend the trees’ length, creating a waterfall effect. While they can deliver year-round shade from their soaring heights, be mindful of placement: their root system spreads far and wide, so plant them far away from utility lines and other underground structures.

Southern Magnolia

The Southern Magnolia can grow up to 80 feet tall, offering year-round shade. While it will drop some old leaves during spring and summer, its large canopy will continue to provide cooling effects. The magnolia’s large, leathery leaves are accented by the creamy-white flowers, which typically bloom in the same seasons.

Southern Live Oak

With majestic limbs and heights of up to 50 feet, the southern live oak is unique in the fact that it retains its leaves through the winter, unlike most other oaks. Its canopy can span up to 100 feet wide, so expect lots of shade on warm afternoons no matter the season. The official state tree of Georgia, the southern live oak has an extensive root system that calls for ample space.

To grow to their fullest potential, many of the trees on this list need strategic trimming to ensure healthy branches have a chance to thrive. For professional pruning and trimming services performed by experienced tree specialists, turn to Premier Tree Solutions. Schedule an appointment by calling 404.252.6448, or contact us online.


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Can You Recover Your Trees from Heat Stress?

Can You Recover Your Trees from Heat Stress?

If your trees are native to your region, they’re innately equipped to handle normal weather patterns. But with 2023 having been the hottest year on record, and 2024 seeing further record-breaking temperatures, the heat waves we’re experiencing are exceeding normal ranges by a long shot. Consequently, heat stress may become a growing problem for our precious plant life.

But can your trees be revived after the temperature climbs sky-high? Let’s find out.

Signs of Heat Stress in Trees

Whether due to extreme heat, periods of drought, or a combination of the two, at-risk trees may present signs of heat stress in the summer months. One telltale sign to watch for is leaf damage: you may notice dead or wilting leaves long before they’re due to drop. The same goes for off-season fruit drop or premature blooms. These symptoms could mean your tree is going into a self-protective dormancy mode, which can also be marked by slowed growth.

Here’s the good news: even trees that appear scorched to a crisp may have a chance at making it.

Recovery Tips to Beat Heat Stress in Trees

New trees planted within the last few years face the highest risk of dying off after a heat wave. But if the signs of damage have already appeared, it’s still worth trying to revive them. Try these tips to bring your trees back from the brink.

Skip the Sprinkler

Many homeowners make the mistake of delivering water to their trees via sprinklers. While they work well for plenty of other plants, the spray falls short when it comes to trees. Instead, aim for a deep soaking directly at your tree’s roots, where the water can penetrate the soil before it evaporates. The goal is to hydrate without flooding your tree’s base, which can lead to other issues like fungi growth. To further prevent this problem, you’ll also want to leave plenty of time between watering sessions. In most cases, weekly watering will suffice.

Another option is to install a drip line to hydrate your trees. Ideal for smaller trees, shrubs, and ornamentals, these irrigation systems can deliver water directly to the plants’ roots on a regular basis.

Of course, you’ll want to hold off on using the hose if there are watering restrictions in place due to droughts. In that case, you might consider using “graywater” to hydrate your vulnerable trees in a pinch. Common sources are water left over from baths or washing dishes, and if you have a dehumidifier in your basement, the extra water it collects can be put to good use in your lawn. Just know that the added bacteria in previously used water could attract pests, so rely on this method for emergencies only.

Reassess Your Mulch

We typically recommend mulching in the spring and fall to protect your trees’ roots against extreme weather in the seasons ahead. But if you didn’t get a chance to mulch this spring (or if a good portion of the mulch you laid has already eroded), you can still protect your trees’ roots now. For the best results, apply a three-inch thick layer around your tree’s base, leaving a small gap immediately around the bark. This will lock in moisture and help the soil stay cool.

Leave the Dead Leaves

Decaying leaves can be an eyesore, but resist the urge to prune any damaged patches. This creates wounds on your tree, which isn’t ideal when it’s already stressed from the heat. Plus, it could stimulate new growth, which will only die off if the heat wave persists.

Watch for Future Damage

As your tree heals, watch for signs of damage including increased pest activity, fungi, and disease. Should these signs appear, contact us for an evaluation to see if your tree is salvageable.

Schedule an Assessment With Premier Tree Solutions

If you’re uncertain whether one of your trees has died off after recent heat waves, allow our arborists to perform an assessment. From reviving vulnerable trees to removing at-risk branches, we’ll help keep your landscape on track through any weather. Call (404) 252-6448 or contact us online for an appointment.


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The Best Trees for Hammocks and Swings

A gentle breeze and a shady spot on a warm summer afternoon… The only thing left to round out this backyard bliss is the relaxing back-and-forth sway of a hammock or swing. If you’re ready to recreate this retreat in your own outdoor space, tree selection will be a key element for success. While many trees can bear the extra weight of a swing or hammock safely, there are certain qualities to look for when selecting the right trunks and branches.

Here’s our roundup of what makes the best trees for hammocks, tire swings, and other suspended seats.

Sturdy Species: The Best Trees for Swings & Hammocks

First and foremost, a mature, healthy tree is a must for anything that swings. Not only could a newer tree fail to provide adequate support, but the strain could hinder its long-term growth. You’ll therefore want to select a sturdy, well-established tree with horizontal branches that meet the trunk in a U-shape. This setup will serve as a stable system for attaching swings and hammocks.

Most hardwood species will fit the bill. Here are a few varieties in particular to consider:


Towering up to 100 feet tall, oak trees have strong, elevated branches that are well-suited for swings. Many species are resilient against a variety of weather patterns and can thrive in diverse soil conditions. If you’re planting a sapling for future swing support, we’re partial to the southern live oak, the official state tree of Georgia.


Known for their vivid displays of fall foliage, the majestic maple can grow upwards of 90 feet at its tallest. Steer clear of smaller, ornamental varieties when choosing a swinging spot, since their branches won’t offer enough strength or stability.


A mature American Beech tree can climb over 100 feet and will produce strong, horizontal branches perfect for soaring and swaying alike. Their beechnuts also attract a host of wildlife, so you may wind up sharing your space with critters like squirrels and birds, too.

The best trees for hammocks will also bear these features, but the added challenge is that you’ll need two within close proximity, but not so close that they could harm each other. A pair of sturdy trunks roughly 10 to 15 feet apart will provide stable points for fastening your hammock’s suspension system. Situate the ropes at a 30-degree angle on each side: this tends to be the sweet spot for creating just enough tension.

Additional Swing Spot Considerations

In addition to selecting the right tree type, there are a few final qualities to look for when setting up your swing. For one, choose a clear patch in your yard with a soft landing zone. This is especially important for tire and seat swings, but hazards can happen in hammocks, too. Avoid boulders, jagged surfaces, steep hills, and other potential hazards for the safest experience.

Lastly, inspect your tree for signs of damage before suspending your swing. Cracks, splits, pests, rot, and hollow sections are a few red flags to avoid.

Schedule a Tree Check-Up With Premier Tree Solutions

Sometimes, signs of a tree problem can be sneaky. If you’d like a checkup for any of the trees on your property, message Premier Tree Solutions for a free evaluation. Our experts can assess the structural integrity of your mature trees to see which are safest for swinging — and which, if any, could pose a hazard. You can also reach us by calling (404) 252-6448.

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The Best Celebrity Backyards of 2024

From flashy cars to designer clothing, the wealth of celebrities grants them access to luxuries most of us will only ever dream of having. But even if multimillion-dollar mansions aren’t within our means, we can still emulate stars’ outdoor living spaces by choosing accessible alternatives to create our own lush landscapes.

Here, we’ve rounded up some of the best celebrity backyards to fuel your inspiration for this year’s outdoor projects.

Four of the Best Celebrity Backyards in 2024

Billy Joel’s Long Island Luxury

While you may not have space for a helipad, a four-bedroom guest house, and both an indoor and outdoor pool, you can still take notes from musician Billy Joel’s pristine property when designing your landscape. The singer’s Long Island mansion sits atop a well-manicured lawn with gently curving pathways and mature trees.

The home has been on the market for quite some time, so he’ll likely be “movin’ out” soon and leaving behind a swoon-worthy gazebo covered in climbing greens. Recreate the look in your own yard by planting flowering vines like clematis or honeysuckle at the base of a wooden awning or lattice panel, and gently securing their ascent by looping vine and posts together with twine where needed.

Mila Kunis & Ashton Kutcher’s Tranquil Retreat

Situated on six acres in L.A., the home of the actors from “That 70s Show” features a barbecue pavilion, pool, and stone pathways. Built with natural materials, the outdoor structures blend seamlessly into the scenic backyard, which is flanked by neat rows of hedges. Borrow their style in your own backyard by shaping walkways with large, natural stones and planting shrubs like arborvitaes for privacy screens. In springtime, you can also bring appropriately-pruned blooming branches indoors!

Oprah’s Outstanding Oasis

Talk show host, television producer, actress, and author… Oprah Winfrey’s incredible career has spanned over five decades, earning her a 70-acre estate in Montecito named “The Promised Land.” With tiered gardens, stone pathways, and lush foliage throughout, each detail of the property has clearly been cultivated with the utmost care.

We’re fans of the koi pond and its sloped, scenic surroundings in particular. These water features call for proper oxygen flow and filtration, but are fairly simple to maintain when built correctly. Consider starting small: some home improvement stores offer complete pond kits to take the guesswork out of construction. But consult with a tree specialist before installation, to ensure no tree root systems will be damaged in the process, or crowd your koi!

Laurence Fishburne’s Posh Patio

If your outdoor living space just isn’t coming to life the way you’d hoped, rest assured that even the celebrities need help sometimes. Actor Laurence Fishburne recently called in the aid of HGTV stars Drew and Jonathan Scott (better known as “The Property Brothers”) to revamp his L.A. backyard. The pair transformed a sad-looking span of concrete into a sleek, resort-style retreat. Overhaul your own outdoor area by repairing concrete as needed and adding seating, awnings, and umbrellas where you need shade to liven up unused spaces.

If your yard is like Fishburne’s and lacks mature trees, you can still incorporate greenery. Position vertical planters with hanging plants along outdoor walls or fencing, and place potted trees in strategic spots. Create an inviting evening ambiance by taking notes from the Scott brothers and placing outdoor string lights along the spaces you wish to highlight.

Request an Estimate Today With Premier Tree Solutions

You don’t have to be a celebrity (or have the budget of one) to enjoy a well-maintained landscape that serves your needs and turns neighbors’ heads. Whether you’re clearing land to install a pond or patio, or planning a project that requires planting expertise, Premier Tree Solutions has all of your tree needs covered. Request an estimate for your next endeavor by calling (404) 252-6448 or by sending us a message online.

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