Only YOU Can Prevent Christmas Tree Fires This Holiday Season

You may have seen similarly tragic headlines on the news before, especially around the holiday season: Christmas tree fire burns down home just before the holidays. In fact, between the years 2013-2017, there was an average of 160 Christmas tree-related home fires started each year.

If you get a Christmas tree every year and would like to keep your house from going up in flames this holiday season, keep reading below to learn how to prevent Christmas tree fires.

Do This to Prevent Christmas Tree Fires

  • Pick the best, healthiest tree you possible can. If you need advice on how to do just that, click here to read our blog with the best tips and tricks.
  • Avoid, at all costs, lit candles for decorations on the tree.
  • Keep the tree away from all heat sources by at least three feet. This includes fireplaces, candles, and heaters.
  • Make sure that the tree has water at all times. A dried-out tree will burn much quicker than a hydrated one.
  • Don’t hold onto your tree longer than necessary. Get rid of this fire hazard as soon as Christmas is over.
  • The lights should not be turned on if you are not there or not in the room. On top of this, make sure to use proper lights that are tested and produced by trusted companies.
  • Have a fake tree? Make sure yours is fire retardant so that it doesn’t help to spread any fires in your home.

Premier Tree Solutions has been providing quality, professional tree services to the metro Atlanta and surrounding areas for more than ten years. If you would like our help with any of our services, including tree removal or stump grinding, click here to schedule an appointment with us or give us a call at 404-252-6448.

All I Want Fir Christmas: How to Pick Out the Best Christmas Tree

It’s that time again! In case you couldn’t tell from the uptick in TV commercials, glistening lights outside, and people press-pressuring you for gift ideas, the holiday season is here. If you celebrate Christmas and don’t go for the plastic variety of this classic decoration, then it’s time for you to pick out your Christmas tree.

To help make the process easier for you this year, we’ve compiled the best tips and tricks for how to pick out the best Christmas tree that will keep you jolly all season long.

How to Pick the Best Tree of Them All


Don’t be overwhelmed when you walk onto the Christmas farm. Be ready for the trees you’ll face and have the confidence to know you’ll walk out with the perfect tree for your home.

  • Before you even go to the farm, check online reviews for the place. Are there a lot of reviews of trees dying very quickly? Or do you know someone who had a fantastic positive experience from one farm? Start your picking journey off right by choosing a farm others found their perfect tree at.
  • Also, measure. Don’t just measure the space you’ll put your tree to make sure you know what size you need, but also measure the size of your tree stand so you know you won’t have to do too much trunk trimming. Over trimming will ruin its ability to stay alive. Measure both of these twice, for good measure.
  • Check out the branches. Grab any one of them and use your thumb and forefinger to pull the branch towards yourself gently. If a lot of those needles fall off with that small pressure, move on to a different option.
  • Grab a few needles off the branches. Crush them in your hand and see if you can get a strong odor from them. If so, it’s fresh and might be a great pick. If not, the tree is past its time.
  • One last test you can do at the tree farm is to bounce the tree itself. Pick it up a few inches off of the ground, you may need help for this, and then drop it. Let the tree bounce and see where the pine needles fall from. If the needles fall from closer to the trunk, this is normal. But if the needles fall from the end of the branches, then the tree is not a good pick.

You’ve Picked The Tree…Now What?

Take care of the beautiful pine standing in your home! Follow our guidelines here to keep your tree smelling fresh and looking gorgeous during the entire holiday season.

Premier Tree Solutions has been providing quality, professional tree services to the metro Atlanta and surrounding areas for more than ten years. If you would like our help with any of our services, including tree removal or stump grinding, click here to schedule an appointment with us or give us a call at 404-252-6448.


Learn about the Eastern Hemlock, Georgia’s Endangered Tree

In 2002, a secret killer was set loose in Georgia. It traveled all the way from Asia to run rampant on Georgia’s wonderful tree, the Eastern Hemlock. The killer? A tiny insect called the hemlock woolly adelgid. This tiny insect is killing trees quickly without much control, turning the situation into a crisis. Since the bug first landed on our soil, it has wreaked havoc in 19 Georgia counties, covering the entire native hemlock range in Georgia.

To help fight against the endangerment of this tree, we’re discussing the Eastern Hemlock and the bug that is attacking it.

What is the Eastern Hemlock?

The Eastern Hemlock is a tree that lives in a wide area in North America. It starts in the southern tip of Canada and travels all the way to the northern part of Georgia and Alabama. These trees are a beautiful variation of pine, can live to be 500 years old, and prefer higher elevations with lots of moisture.

Currently, it is endangered thanks to the hemlock woolly adelgid.

This tree affects so many parts of our natural lives, including migratory birds, fish, and mammals. They create habits for our favorite wild creatures, they impact the population of certain species, and they keep our soil cool with shade.

Since they’ve become endangered, consequences have reached far and wide. Dead hemlock trees create fire hazards, leave species of animals homeless, and impact our waterways. Scientists agree that if this tree is lost, it would be irreplaceable and would cause much damage to our state.

How to Fight Against the Hemlock Woolly Adelgid

Unfortunately, this insect is almost impossible to get rid of in Georgia’s environment. Thanks to the fact that they don’t have many natural predators here, the best plan of action is the management of their population and preventing them from affecting as many trees as possible.

A three-step plan is required to do just that involving cultural, chemical, and biological actions. Cultural requires best practices for taking care of the tree in order to prevent the insect from spreading, such as mulching during droughts or not placing bird feeders near the trees. Chemical means using treatments that kill the insects but don’t harm other parts of the environment. Finally, the last step of the plan, biological, includes working with living organisms that can help fight against the insects. This means helping to find natural predators and then raising their population numbers.

If you live in the north Georgia area, consider volunteering with a non-profit organization based in Dahlonega that dedicates it’s time to saving the Eastern Hemlock. You can read about Save Georgia’s Hemlocks here.

If you have any questions about how to preserve the health of your local landscape, contact the experts at Premier Tree Solutions by clicking here or call us at 404-252-6448.


Get to know Georgia’s beautiful array of trees and how you can take care of your own! Each month, we feature some of the most popular trees in the state. This month, we are showcasing the Eastern hemlock (Tsuga canadensis (L.) Carr.). Learn all about the Eastern hemlock below!




















































Premier Tree is your local source for professional tree services in the metro Atlanta area. We provide tree removal, trimming, pruning, stump grinding, and more. Check out all of the services we offer, and contact us today for a free consultation!

Rake It Off: Why You Need to Rake Regularly

When autumn is upon us, that means it’s time for beautiful leaves to fall and decorate the ground. The bright yellows, reds, and oranges are fun to look at, but they are less fun to rake up if they’re littering your yard.

You may be tempted to stop and think through whether or not you need to actually rake up the leaves. The leaves are so pretty to look at, so how much harm could it possibly do to leave the leaves where they fall?

As it turns out, plenty of damage. Keep reading below to learn from the experts at Premier Tree Solutions about why you need to rake regularly during the fall.

Fallen Leaves Can Harm Your Grass


Not taking care of fallen leaves can and will harm your yard. Though they may be pretty, leaving leaves long enough on your yard without scooping them up will create a layer of decomposing leaves over your grass.

This layer will be thick and heavy, causing your grass to be unable to breathe and grow properly. The leaves will block the necessary nutrients that keep your grass alive during the winter. In addition, they will prevent new grass from growing during the springtime. They can even encourage pests and diseases to run amuck.

Of course, raking your leaves overall makes your grass and yard look nice and tidy. This is a requirement for some neighbors and organizations, depending on where you live.

Best Raking Techniques

If you’re wondering what the best way to rake leaves off of your yard is, here are some tips to consider:

  • Use the best technology you can! Whether it be a leaf blower or a nice rake, grab what you like the best and clean up your yard with it. You don’t want to make the process harder by using something that doesn’t work well enough, like an old rusted rake you forgot about in your garage.
  • Done raking? Make sure to use a tarp so you can officially get all of those leaves out of there. Otherwise, they’ll just sit in piles in your yard.
  • Don’t worry so much about getting rid of every single leaf. That can be near impossible during the height of the fall season. A few leaves won’t cause damage, unlike a whole layer leaves.
  • It’s a good idea to plan two mows during this season. One at the start of the season, when the leaves are just beginning to fall. Second at the end of the fall season, when you’ve finished a majority of your raking. This will get rid of any leaves that are hanging out without making you go through the painstaking process of raking them all up. Plus, the mulch they create will help to fertilize your yard.
  • Make sure to rake when the leaves aren’t wet. Raking up wet leaves is both harder to rake and also harder to transport away.
  • Raking on a windy day isn’t the best idea either unless you want to watch your hard work blow away.
  • Wear closed-toed shoes, long-sleeved shirts, jeans, gloves, and a mask if you are allergic to leaves when raking. These items will protect you from any possible injuries.

If you have any more questions about caring for your yard, feel free to reach out to the experts at Premier Tree either by clicking here or calling us at 404.252.6448.

What’s a Tree Ordinance?

Tree ordinances are used to protect and manage the trees in a local community. First created by William Penn during the colonial era to defend trees being cut down, the number of tree ordinances have grown exceptionally in the passing years. These laws, or exceptions to the laws, are created to handle issues such as trimming public trees, cutting down trees to build a new location, disputes between neighbors dealing with trees, and more.

While not many people may have to deal with a tree ordinance, it’s still important to learn what they are, why they exist, and what they help with. To learn more about tree ordinances, keep reading below.

The Major Types of Tree Ordinances

There are two major types of tree ordinances. Read what those are below.

Arboriculture-Focused Ordinances

These ordinances involve aesthetic and environmental issues. Examples include regulating the planting, removal, and general maintenance of trees in parks and other public areas, trees blocking views in the city, and protection of certain trees. But there are countless other ways an arboriculture-focused ordinance could be created.

Timber Harvest Ordinances

These ordinances are created to regulate tree harvesting from companies that want to take trees down for profits. There are so many of these and so many regulations to look out for that this kind of ordinance has its own subgroup.

Other Types of Ordinances

Aside from the two main types described above, there are multiple kinds of other tree ordinances that cover a wide range of specific topics. Examples of these include ordinances that help to replace trees that are cut down for construction and development and helping to solve issues with trees blocking sunlight from certain locations.

Georgia’s Tree Ordinances

The Georgia Forestry Commission, whose mission is to protect and conserve Georgia’s forest, created a tree ordinance development guidebook for those in our communities that wanted to learn more about tree ordinances. You can use this resource to uncover additional information about the environmental, social, and economic benefits of tree ordinances, specifically in Georgia. It is important to note that there are multiple counties that have varying tree ordinances. Respective county website should be reviewed to determine requirements for applying for tree removal permits to avoid fines.

Click here to read the guidebook.

If you have any more questions about tree ordinances, feel free to contact the experts at Premier Tree either by clicking here or by calling us at 404.252.6448.


Get to know Georgia’s beautiful array of trees and how you can take care of your own! Each month, we feature some of the most popular trees in the state. This month, we are showcasing the Persimmon (Diospyros virginiana L.). Learn all about the Persimmon below!




















































Premier Tree is your local source for professional tree services in the metro Atlanta area. We provide tree removal, trimming, pruning, stump grinding, and more. Check out all of the services we offer, and contact us today for a free consultation!

Say No to the Bradford Pear Tree

Chances are you’ve seen a Bradford Pear Tree before. These trees are known for their beautiful white flowers, but they’re also known for their unappealing smell when they’re blooming. They’re also especially common in the South.

However, in addition to having foul-smelling flowers, this tree has several dangerous and damaging qualities. If you have a Bradford Pear Tree in your yard or are considering getting one, keep reading below to learn why this tree isn’t the best option to pick.

They Grow Like Kudzu

When cross-breeding happens between the Bradford Pear Tree and other common pear trees, a Chinese Callery pear is created. Unfortunately, cross-breeding is an extremely common and easy thing for these trees to do, even sterile ones.

These pears have thick thorns that can cause issues for most gardening and landscaping equipment, and also produced thug-like thickets that prevent native plants to grow and produce fruit in the same area. Because of this, these pears became a lot like kudzu when they are made, impossible to get rid of while choking out other native plants.

Weak Branch Structure

The Bradford Pear Tree always outgrows its frame. This means that its branch support structure is extremely weak. If a storm doesn’t tear down the tree before it turns twenty, its own branches will destroy the tree at this young age.

This also means that the branches are extremely likely to fall, without any warning. This is very dangerous for anything under the tree, such as humans, pets, or other foliage.

History of the Tree

Bradford Pear Trees have become such an issue across the United States, that many locations are taking a stand against the tree. In fact, places like South Carolina are warning against the tree and Kentucky even offers a free alternative tree for every Bradford Pear Tree cut down.

But how did the Bradford Pear Tree become such an issue in the first place? Here’s a breakdown of its history:

  • The tree was first introduced to the environment in the 1960s by the United States Department of Agriculture. When it was created, it was to be used as an ornamental landscape tree.
  • They quickly became very popular with landscapers because they were so inexpensive, easy to transport, took to any type of soil, were pest and disease-free, and also grew very fast.
  • The trees were designed to remain very small and were encouraged because of their beautiful spring flowers and their stunning fall foliage.
  • However, it quickly became evident that these trees would create way more problems than the beauty they harvested.

The Future of the Bradford Pear Tree

The Bradford Pear Tree is quickly on its way out. The troubles the tree causes simply aren’t worth its beauty. The good news is that there are several beautiful trees you can plant instead, such as the apricot tree, crape myrtles, fringe tree, serviceberry, dogwood, and tupelo trees.

If you have any more questions about making smart tree choices, give the experts at Premier Tree Solutions a call at 404.252.6448 or click here to contact us.

Take a Bite Out of Tree Removal with JAWS!

If you have a tree in your yard or at your business that needs to be removed, you’re probably aware of how big a pain it can be to go through that process. It’s expensive and a dangerous task to complete, but you need to remove the tree either for safety or cosmetic reasons.

That’s why Premier Tree Solutions is proud to be the first company in Georgia to have access to the latest piece of innovative, tree-removing equipment. Called JAWS for short, this equipment is a Palfinger PK40002 Knuckle Boom Crane with a Mecanil SG280 Grapple Saw from Palfleet. All of that technical jargon means that this piece of equipment is beneficial for both property owners and the workers taking away the tree.

Keep reading below to learn more about this equipment Premier Tree Solutions is proud to use!

The Benefits of JAWS Tree Removal

There are countless reasons why this equipment is the best of the best when it comes to safety and efficiency with tree-removal. Here are the top benefits:

  • We won’t have to climb any trees or use complicated rope systems. All we need is this piece of equipment to get the job done. That means it’s safer for us, you, and your property.
  • The setup and breakdown of the equipment take very little time. That means you will barely know that we’re there.
  • This equipment also significantly reduces the cleanup process of tree removal. That means less time of us being in your space.
  • It saves money on both your cost and our cost since the equipment is so easy to use and gets the job done quickly.
  • It’s better for the environment, as it makes the tree removal process much easier and kinder to the ground we remove the tree from.

If you are interested in using the JAWS removal equipment, Premier Tree Solutions would be happy to assess your tree and yard to see if the equipment can reach. We must assess every job for its capability, but the good news is that this assessment is free of charge to you.

Give the experts at Premier Tree Solutions a call at 404.252.6448 or click here to contact us to schedule your assessment.


Get to know Georgia’s beautiful array of trees and how you can take care of your own! Each month, we feature some of the most popular trees in the state. This month, we are showcasing the Eastern cottonwood (Populus deltoides). Learn all about the Eastern cottonwood below!





















































Premier Tree is your local source for professional tree services in the metro Atlanta area. We provide tree removal, trimming, pruning, stump grinding, and more. Check out all of the services we offer, and contact us today for a free consultation!