There are lots of outside elements affecting our trees. Increased forest fires, continuing human population growth, the spread of new diseases, and other environmental disasters are all negatively impacting our forest numbers and tree health. But, the good news is that there are numerous fantastic nonprofits created to help continue our forests and keep trees around for a long time.
In order to spread hope and awareness on tree education, we’re going over some of our favorite nonprofits working to save trees. To start off, we’ll discuss some locally based ones that are dedicated to conserving and educating others about the trees in the Georgia area. The last few will be much larger nonprofits that work beyond our state and across the world.
To learn more about nonprofits working to save trees, keep reading below.
“Founded in 1985, Trees Atlanta works tirelessly to address Atlanta’s tree loss, protect its forests, and create new green space. Empowered by its wonderful community of volunteers, Trees Atlanta serves the metro Atlanta area, and has grown to become one of Atlanta’s most widely known and supported non-profit organizations. Our mission statement: Trees Atlanta is a nationally recognized non-profit citizens’ group that protects and improves Atlanta’s urban forest by planting, conserving, and educating.”
“The Georgia Tree Council was established in 1988 as the Georgia Urban Forest Council by a group of visionary citizens who saw the need to address urban forestry issues in the state of Georgia. We partner with the Georgia Forestry Commission on many educational programs, as well as Five Year Plans for Georgia’s Urban Forestry Community. Georgia Tree Council gives members and supporters opportunities for networking in their fields and for gaining leadership skills in addressing the challenges in their own urban forests. All of Georgia Tree Council’s educational programs offer continuing education units and opportunities for professional development. We also strive to help other nonprofits and volunteer tree boards in their efforts to improve their community forests.”
“The Savannah Tree Foundation is a 34-year-old not-for-profit urban and community forestry organization dedicated to preserving, protecting and planting canopy trees in Savannah and Chatham County, Georgia.”
“TreePeople is an environmental nonprofit organization whose mission is to inspire, engage and support people to take personal responsibility for the urban environment, making it safe, healthy, fun and sustainable and to share our process as a model for the world.”
“We inspire people to plant, nurture, and celebrate trees. This is the mission statement of the Arbor Day Foundation, a 501(c)3 nonprofit conservation and education organization.
Founded in 1972, the centennial of the first Arbor Day observance in the 19th century, the Foundation has grown to become the largest nonprofit membership organization dedicated to planting trees, with over one million members, supporters, and valued partners.”
Premier Tree Solutions has been providing quality, professional tree services to the metro Atlanta and surrounding areas for more than ten years. If you need any help with any of your tree services needs, including pruning or removal, click here to contact us or give us a call at 404-252-6448.