How Trees Protect Wildlife

Aside from providing shade and greenery on warm days, trees are constantly busy at work benefitting our ecosystem and environment, in part by converting carbon dioxide to oxygen, and removing pollutants from the air we all breathe. 

But trees aren’t only beneficial to humans — they’re also vitally important to wildlife. No matter their place in the ecosystem, there is a multitude of species that depend on trees for survival. Here we’ll get to the root of why, and explain how. 

Trees Keep Animals Cool

There are many examples of how people enjoy and appreciate a tree’s cooling shade. But animals also have to use trees to stay cool, particularly as the temperatures in their environment rise. 

Combined in a forest environment, trees’ leaves and branches create an insulating canopy and protect the ground below from excessive heat by absorbing and reflecting solar radiation. This keeps animals safe from extreme hot or cold temperatures. Koalas (and possibly other tree-dwelling animals) also directly use trees to keep their body temperatures lower

Trees may also be a means by which some species can better adapt to the increasing temperatures of climate change. According to a 2018 study published in Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, mountainous forests may allow tree-climbing animals “to bypass temperature constraints imposed by geography by virtue of where they live, which could lead to broader distributions and greater resilience to climatic change and variability as compared with ground-dwelling species.”

Wildlife’s Bountiful Buffet

As humans, we depend on a wide variety of food from trees like apples, oranges, bananas, coconuts, avocados, and pears. Birds, squirrels, deer, and many other wildlife also enjoy the plentiful nuts, fruits, and berries provided by trees. But trees provide other kinds of food for wildlife that we might not even consider, including twigs, leaves, and even bark

Even after a tree’s lifetime, they continue to be an important part of the food chain. Decaying logs provide food for decomposers, such as worms, snails, millipedes and fungi who, in turn, provide food for larger animals like birds. The process of decomposition also provides essential nutrients to the soil, which fosters growth for more trees — and more food for wildlife.

Home Sweet Home

Many mammals, including spider monkeys, flying lemurs, squirrels, sloths, orangutans, and raccoons are lifelong tree-dwellers or depend on trees for shelter. Several birds also build their nests high up to stay safe from predators, protect their unhatched eggs, and take care of their offspring before they are ready to fly. Cavity nesters, such as woodpeckers and bluebirds like to form nests in holes that they find or make inside trees themselves — even those that have fallen or are dead. Trees are also sources of food and shelter for several insects, reptiles, and amphibians — including and especially Georgia’s state amphibian: the green tree frog.

The caring relationship between wildlife and trees goes both ways, however. As trees provide animals with food and shelter, wildlife also helps trees survive by spreading seeds, pollinating flowers, and keeping tree-destroying pests in check!

You can help your own trees thrive with Premier Tree Solutions. Honor all that your tree does for the environment and wildlife by calling 404.252.6448 or reaching out to us for quality care and a free assessment.

Be a Georgia Tree Know It All – Canadian Hemlock

Get to know Georgia’s beautiful array of trees and how you can take care of your own! Each month, we feature some of the most popular trees in the state, including the Devilwood tree, Butternut, and Two-Winged Silverbell tree. This month, we’re showcasing the Canadian Hemlock (Tsuga Canadensis). This is a tree the Arbor Day Foundation describes as “handsome and graceful,” and we couldn’t agree more!


This evergreen is a good addition to your landscape in groups or to provide privacy when planted two feet apart to form a hedge. Also known as the Eastern Hemlock, this medium sized tree was traditionally used by Native Americans to brew a tea high in vitamin C, then first cultivated by European gardeners around 1736. It typically grows between 40 to 70 feet at a rate of 12-24 inches per year. Mature trees reach an average spread of 25 to 35 feet, but these evergreens vary in height — the tallest reaching 100 feet!

Canadian Hemlocks can be trimmed and shaped to any formation or height, but naturally grow in a pyramid-like Christmas tree shape. The forest green needles are soft and feathery, and the small brown seed cones are 1/2 to 1 inch long, hanging like ornaments from the boughs. The trees serve as a perfect habitat for deer, songbirds, and species of warblers who use them for nesting.

Growing Conditions

The Canadian Hemlock survives in various conditions, growing well in hardiness Zones 3-8 (Atlanta, GA is in Zone 7). This tree is relatively robust, but it’s intolerant to pollution, so plant it away from any street traffic.

In general, this stately tree prefers moist, well-drained acidic soil, but will tolerate alkaline sod. It is not resilient in drought conditions, wind, or soggy soil, however; so be sure to protect it from flooding, heavy wind, and provide extra watering in dry seasons.

Once established, seedlings will overshadow invasive pioneer species and become dominant.

Tree Care

It’s best to place these stately trees in a site with a mix of shade and sun exposure. A healthy tree needs at least six to eight hours of direct sunlight every day.

Thanks to its robust structure, however, the tree requires little to no pruning. With the right amount of sunlight, properly drained soil and protection from pests, its durability allows it to live up to 300 years and in some cases could even live up to 800 years.

Signs of Distress

Sun scorch is possible when temperatures climb above 95 degrees Fahrenheit, or if your tree suffers too much harsh sun exposure. Winter burn is also possible after strong, bitterly cold winds or ice storms.

When it comes to intruder infestations, spider mites can be a major potential threat. Look for bleached-out or discolored needles, and treat with horticultural oil or insecticidal soap. A tree expert can help with these destructive mites, as well as bagworms, needle blight, and hemlock scale — all which may impact your Canadian Hemlock.

In overly wet environments, root rot can also be a common problem. Slowed growth is a major symptom, as well as discolored needles and branch dieback. Once infected, many evergreens die from this condition, but a tree specialist may advise on antifungal treatment or soil transplants. To prevent root rot, be careful not to overwater, and provide ample drainage when planting.

Contact Us

To give your Canadian Hemlock (or any of your other trees) the life they deserve, call Premier Tree Solutions at 404.252.6448 or visit our website to schedule regular maintenance.

A Year-Long Guide to Taking Care of Your Trees

Once again, it’s time for your New Year’s Tree Solutions, for 2022 and beyond! This year-long guide provides a general list of tree care chores to keep your trees healthy and regal. For more specific information on certain species, visit our Georgia Tree Know-It All series, to give unique types the individualized attention and care they deserve.

As you get into a routine with your trees, this list of seasonal maintenance duties will come in handy.


Tree pruning should be completed from November through March when tree growth is dormant. Proper tree pruning involves several different methods:

  • Cleaning requires you to cut off branches that are dead, dying, or ready to fall off the tree.
  • Thinning involves cutting some branches back to the trunk.
  • Reduction decreases the tree’s height or weight.
  • Structural pruning is a combination of the other three methods.

In the case of extreme cold snaps, you may also want to protect younger saplings with burlap or flannel coverings — so be sure to have a supply ready.


Mulch during the spring season to protect your tree and plant roots from the sun and drought. Do so by May or June with layers that are 3 to 4 inches thick.

Other spring efforts involve creating new homes for insects, birds, and bats among your trees. Birdhouses, bat boxes, beetle banks, and flower gardens all create attractive habitats for natural pest-eaters.

If you choose not to mulch or haven’t blocked out time for it, remember to thoroughly weed around your tree roots. This keeps other plants from stealing your tree’s nutrients.


When there’s ample rain- and snowfall, watering isn’t necessary for trees most of the year. But droughts can be a major detriment to your tree’s health. During these dry periods, both your lawn and trees need a reliable supply of water. For prime moisture conservation on warm days, water in the early morning or after twilight.

Drip lines are an effective, slow approach to watering. But, a good old-fashioned water hose or bucket can also do the job. Keep in mind that different trees can have different moisture needs, so make sure to research each one before hauling out your equipment.


Mulch again on a dry day in October or November to protect your trees from the cold chill of winter winds, snow, and ice. Adding the right fertilizer to your tree’s soil during this time can also boost root health and provide nutrients for the spring.

Keep in mind that early fall is a great time to plant more trees, as it gives roots a chance to stabilize before they go dormant and prepare for a burst of spring activity. If you’re considering a new addition, now is the time to make it!

Premier Tree Solutions specializes in tree removal and pruning, branch clearing, debris removal, storm damage response and cleanup, stump grinding, and more. We are your partner in keeping your trees healthy and safe in every season of the year. Give us a call at 404.252.6448 to schedule a service or 404.569.8897 for an emergency.

How to Give a Present to Your Trees This Year

Just as every child wishes for a special present during the holidays, every tree has its own unique needs. If you can gift them with these five things, they will feel like they’ve gone on a re-tree-t for the holidays!

Fertilize Correctly

A growing tree needs food to thrive, just like people do. But use the correct type and amount, applied in the right way. Baby trees, for example, do not need fertilizer, as the harsh chemicals could kill them. A healthy, mature tree planted in rich soil might not need heavy fertilizing, either. Rather, add nutrients based on your tree’s environmental needs and progressive growth, with an emphasis on nitrogen.Trees showing abnormal leaf size or color, or a lag in growth rate, may be telling you they could use an extra boost in this department. 

The best time of the year to apply fertilizer is late August through September, when temperatures are neither too hot nor too cold. If you miss late summer fertilizing, the second-best time for this feeding is in early spring. You can also help your trees out by fertilizing when there is drought or signs of water stress.                                            

Shield Them From the Wind

Many trees (especially evergreens) are beloved for their effective ability to shield people and structures from the wind. But some trees need a bit of a windshield themselves! Grow your trees in sites that are guarded from gusty winds in winter, or where they have protection from another, bulkier tree. 

Give Them Adequate Water

Every plant needs thorough watering to survive, but especially trees. Before watering, test your soil with a trowel, finger, or soil probe to determine if it is dry. Water-deprived soil is difficult to penetrate, while moist soil is easy to turn. When necessary, water your trees deeply once a week, by leaving a garden hose slowly running around the tree’s drip line. If operating at medium pressure, your hose can produce 10 gallons of water in five minutes. 

Provide Proper Planting Space

Tree-planting novices aiming only for aesthetics might be tempted to plant trees too close together or too close to homes. In these cases, trees aren’t given the room they need to spread their branches. Note that planting a tree which typically grows to a 20 to 30-foot spread only 10 feet from your house will position it a little too close for comfort, so research how big your tree type might grow. Then give it that amount with some room to spare.   

Stay in your Region/Location

The USDA Plant Hardiness Zone Guide provides gardening enthusiasts and farmers with a quick reference that helps them know which crops and plants will grow best in their area. It takes into consideration key factors such as minimum temperatures, average soil pH, and climate moisture levels. Paying attention to these environmental elements, and the needs of your trees will help both you and your trees thrive. 

For a gift that keeps on giving, contact Premier Tree Solutions to show your trees that you care! We offer quality tree services from removal and pruning, to storm damage and cleanup. Call us at 404.252.6448 or book an appointment online to find out how we can help.

Be a Georgia Tree Know It All: Japanese Cryptomeria

Each month, we feature some of the most popular trees in the state, including the American Yellowwood, American Holly, and Honey Locust.

For our final tree of 2021, we are showcasing the Japanese Cryptomeria, commonly known as the Japanese Cedar — a splendid tree that is well-suited for the Southeast.


This tree makes quite a dramatic appearance, thanks in part to its reddish-brown bark that peels in long, attractive strips year-round. The blue-green needles are glossy and short, with a foxtail arrangement that in winter turns to a bronze color.

Young Japanese Cedars have a Christmas tree shape. The trunk is straight and tapered, reaching a diameter of three feet. Its branches are wide-spreading, drooping with branchlets that can extend all the way to the ground. 

When well cared for, a Japanese Cedar grows an average of 50 to 80 feet tall, and 20 to 30 feet in width. Some trees can reach heights up to 100 to 125 feet, but they won’t shoot up overnight. Japanese Cedars have a slow to medium growth rate, achieving an average of 20 feet in 20 years.

This handsome tree is well used as a windscreen, border, or a statement grouping on large tracts of land. It is a perfect lawn specimen in a small yard, due to its narrow canopy.

Numerous available cultivars also provide gardeners a range of varieties, including:

  • Yoshino – A fast-growing tree with green winter foliage. It reaches 30 to 40 feet tall and might have more leaf blight resistance than other variants.
  • Elegans – Dense and bushy, this one grows about 15 to 25 feet tall. 
  • Globosa Nana – Mounded and compact, this small specimen reaches three to four feet tall and three feet wide. Its needles are dark green.

Growing Conditions

The Japanese Cedar thrives on acidic, moist, and well-drained soil. It can adapt to dry climates but will need irrigation under drought conditions. These trees can tolerate partial shade, but they prefer full sun. Your planting site should provide good air circulation, but also adequate protection from high winds.

The tree is capable of growing in USDA zones 6 through 9a, but it is not very hardy in dry, cooler climates. (North Georgia is in Zone 7.) Warm to hot summers that supply plenty of moisture —coupled with cool winters— will suit this lovely tree best. 

Tree Care

Thanks to its adaptability to the climate and beautiful form, this is an outstanding tree for Southern gardens. Just take note of drought potential in your area, and supply steady watering all year. 

In early spring, fertilize with one pound of a slow-release 8-8-8 fertilizer for every inch of trunk diameter. Broadcast the fertilizer under the tree canopy just past the drip line.

Pruning is generally not required for the Japanese Cedar unless you must remove shoot dieback. Unlike many evergreens, this one fills in well after it’s properly trimmed.

Signs of Distress

Mites can infest foliage, leaving mottled needles that turn yellow and then bronze. Severe infestations can end in twig or branch dieback. Foliage burn is also a potential problem in the winter, when evergreens lose water more quickly than it is replaced. In these cases, the best cure is to prune dead branches and await regrowth.  

If the tree remains too damp, it can also suffer from leaf mold and leaf spots. To avoid this possibility, plant these trees where they have an occasional breeze.

In its native home of Japan, this majestic tree has lived for as many as 650 years. To keep your own specimen maintained for this kind of longevity, contact us online or call (404) 252-6448.

5 Reasons to be Thankful for Trees

Thanksgiving is just around the corner, and people are taking stock of what they are thankful for. Are trees on your list? Trees are everywhere in our daily lives and can be easy to look past, but we can help show you how in-tree-guing they can be! If you’re stumped regarding gratitudes, we’ve got 5 reasons why we should be thankful for trees.

1. They Help the Environment 

With the atmosphere being continuously polluted with CO2 and fossil fuels, we need trees to help clean it up! Trees use photosynthesis to grow, by taking in sunlight and CO2 and turning it back into vital oxygen. By the time a tree reaches 10 years of age, according to the Urban Forestry Report, “They release enough oxygen back into the atmosphere to support two human beings.” 

Air pollution is also a culprit of some health effects like respiratory and cardiovascular disease, which trees can help lessen. A tree’s roots also help clean up water pollution, as the roots soak up some of the toxins in water, clearing it of some contaminants. 

2. They Give Animals a Home

Trees help the ecosystem by giving all kinds of animals a home. They give a place for squirrels and birds to keep their nests, along with bats, insects, mice and raccoons. Animals can take a break from the sun by using a tree’s shade, can shelter in trees as a safe place to reproduce and raise their young, and mature trees provide nuts and fruit for food! 

3. They Improve Mental Health 

We often focus on the physical benefits that trees have to offer, but also they help improve mental health. The presence of trees encourages people to spend time outdoors, which can help them relax.  People living in urban areas tend to be more stressed out, but even limited exposure to trees and nature can improve mental health

4. They Benefit the Economy

Trees contribute to the economy when they are cut down and used in different products, like building materials or paper goods. However, trees can also stand tall and proud while still providing economic benefits. 

You have probably stepped into a tree’s shade to block the sun and get some relief from the heat, but their shade also helps cool your house as a whole. If trees are placed on the west and south sides of your home, they can help you save on air conditioning costs

Tree-lined neighborhoods and well-landscaped homes are also more welcoming to potential buyers. Trees can increase curb appeal and the value of the home by 10%. Businesses also thrive in tree-filled areas, as people are drawn to shop and enjoy the nice foliage. 

5. They are Beautiful and Help the Community 

We can’t forget how wonderful trees are to look at! From their still beauty against the snow, their springtime buds and flowers, to their luscious summer green and changing autumn leaves, they are aesthetically pleasing all year round. Trees also can help their community by absorbing sound, making things a little quieter. And trees have a positive effect on a community-wide level, by lowering aggression and criminal activity, and encouraging people to drive slower — making the community safer. 

There are many more reasons that we at Premier Tree Solutions are thankful for trees! We offer quality tree solutions and are here to answer any and all of your tree-related questions. Call us at 404.252.6448 or book an appointment online for our expert assistance.

Be a Georgia Tree Know It All: Paperbark Maple

Get to know Georgia’s beautiful array of trees and how you can take care of your own! Each month, we feature some of the most popular trees in the state, including the Black Cherry, American Yellowwood, and Sassafras tree

This month, we are showcasing the Paperbark Maple (Acer griseum) — perhaps the South’s most beautiful maple! 


Home gardeners can count on the Paperbark Maple. With its height between 20 and 30 feet tall, it is sure to be a stately ornamental tree, as its canopy spreads anywhere from 15 to 25 feet. The green flowers are subdued, but its magnificent fall color can include orange, bronze, purple, or russet red. 

Two prized attributes are its unique trifoliate leaves, and a dense growth habit. But one of its finest ornamental features is its peeling, cinnamon-brown bark, which stands out with particular brilliance should you experience some winter snow. The Chicago Botanic Garden assures this is “a superb small maple with wonderful bark.”

Paperbark Maple is both a multi-trunked and low-branched specimen. Its showy, oval-shaped brown fruit grows between 1 – 3 inches, but does not attract wildlife. Overall, this lovely tree will  not create a litter problem for your yard!  It is commonly used as a dramatic specimen for landscaping, with the suggestion to light it from below at night.

Growing Conditions

The Paperbark Maple thrives within a mix of full sun and partial shade. It tolerates multiple soils so long as they are well-drained, including those that involve a mix of clay, sand, or loam, and pH levels ranging from acidic to slightly alkaline. It is moderately drought tolerant. While the tree is hardy, propagation can be difficult and expensive, as many of the seeds are sterile. 

Partial shade is the best choice for growing Paperbark Maple in the South, according to the University of Florida Extension. The tree can be grown in zones 4-8 (Atlanta and North Georgia are in zone 7) and it blooms from March through May.

Tree Care

These trees should be pruned after the blooms are spent in late winter to early spring. Monitor for pests, diseases, and other problems regularly, protect the trunk against extreme winter freezing, and from damage by mowing and other maintenance during warmer seasons. But in general, the Paperbark Maple shares similar issues with pests and diseases that can afflict other maple varieties, such as Verticillium Wilt, Crown Gall, and Anthracnose.

Signs of Distress

Extended drought and poor soil can be a stressor for the Paperbark Maple, especially in the South.  It must be given ample irrigation in a dry summer, to prevent leaves from scorching. Leaf scorch is a general classification for numerous problems that can befall maple trees, but tell-tale signs include light brown or tan dead spaces along leaf edges and between veins. Verticillium wilt is another common problem in maples and is sometimes referred to as “maple wilt.” While caring for the Paperbark Maple, also stay on the lookout for powdery mildew and lichen.

Whether your trees are stately specimens or ornamental shade trees, we want to keep them healthy for years to come. When you need quality pruning and trimming service for your Paperbark Maple and other trees, contact us online or call us at 404.252.6448.

Be a Georgia Tree Know-It-All: Lacebark Elm

Get to know Georgia’s beautiful array of trees and how you can take care of your own! We feature some of the most popular trees in the state, with past features including the Possumhaw, Yellow Buckeye, and Southern Magnolia.

We’re showcasing a versatile tree with roots that can be traced back to 18th Century China — the lacebark elm!


While the lacebark is now a popular landscape feature in many parts of the U.S., it wasn’t always found on our shores. In 1794, the tree was introduced from China, which is how it got its nickname, the “Chinese elm.”

According to the Arbor Day Foundation, this elm variety is considered both a shade and ornamental tree. It can reach heights of 40 to 50 feet at maturity, and its crown may spread 35 to 45 feet.

The tree’s shiny green leaves produce a display of autumn splendor when they turn to shades of yellow and purple in the fall. Its bark is also known for its unique appearance, boasting an alluring mottled pattern with tones of gray, green, brown, and orange when it exfoliates in the winter.

Growing Conditions

Lacebark elms thrive in full sun, growing best in areas with at least six hours of direct light. Though they can survive in partial shade without harm, their leaves are most vibrant with full sun exposure.

The tree can withstand a variety of soil conditions, including dry, moist, and alkaline soil. Though not well suited for heavily saturated soil, it can be adaptable in terms of soil acidity. The lacebark elm can also withstand a certain degree of drought.

The Southern Group of State Foresters notes that lacebark elms can grow in hardiness zones 5B through 10A (Atlanta and North Georgia are in zone 7), and is evergreen at the southernmost areas of its growth range.

Tree Care

Lacebark elms require little maintenance. Structural pruning to prevent weather-related breakage can keep the tree healthy in most climates. While the tree has low wind resistance, pruning young trees can help develop good branch structure to prevent weather-related damage.

Fortunately, these lovely trees also have a high resistance to Dutch elm disease, a deadly fungal disease carried by airborne bark beetles, as well as strong resistance to elm leaf beetles. With its hardy characteristics, Organic Gardening & Living talk show host Howard Garrett asserts the lacebark elm is “extremely easy to grow.”

Signs of Distress

Although they’re resistant to most conditions that may befall other elm species, some lacebark elms are susceptible to elm yellows. Named after the symptom it produces – a rapid yellowing of the leaves – this phytoplasma is spread by leafhoppers and spittlebugs. The notable discoloration may start with just one branch, but eventually it will move to the entire tree and turn the trunk tissue dark brown. Unfortunately, the only way to manage a lacebark elm that’s become infected is to remove it.

Another issue this elm faces is cotton root rot. Characterized by leaves that wilt in the spring or summer, this soil-borne fungus often affects the uppermost leaves first. Unfortunately once these signs are showing, typically the root system has already begun to decay. While a fully infected lacebark elm must be removed, heavy pruning could help to save a tree in the earliest stages of cotton root rot.

Whether you’re experiencing issues with a lacebark elm (or another tree on your property) — or simply need help with routine pruning, turn to Premier Tree Solutions. Contact us online or by calling (404) 252-6448.

Trick or Tree-ats: Fun Ways to Decorate Your Yard for Halloween

Halloween decorations have come a long way in recent years, prompting many homeowners to transform their properties to celebrate the autumn holiday. More than half of U.S. consumers partake in the festivities, each spending nearly $100 on decorations, candy, and other essentials annually. 

If you’re planning to decorate your yard this year, here are a few ideas to consider.

Creatively Creepy

For some, Halloween is all about thrills and chills. Give your yard a spooky edge with these creepy decorations.

The Modern Graveyard

Headstones are a staple for the haunted house look. Take it up a notch by adding hands and feet emerging from the ground. While you can find pre-made limbs at most party or home improvement stores, you could also construct your own out of pool noodles.

The Resident Skeleton

Skeletons propped on porches or seated on benches are classic. For a fun twist, prop it up so it’s riding a bicycle, filling the bird bath, or planting in the garden.

Giant Spiders

Spray paint foam balls and attach tubing to create a giant spider. Place it in your shrubs, along with decorative spiderwebs (placed loosely over branches). Just be sure to bring your eight-legged friend inside on windy days.


Kid-Friendly Fun

Whether you have kids of your own, or just want to let the smallest trick-or-treaters know they’re welcome, here’s how to get the littlest Halloween lovers excited.

Spooky Eyes

Turn your small trees or plants into friendly ghouls with large googly eyes. Paint black dots on white paper plates, and gently affix them to branches using twine. To keep your foliage safe, make sure your knots aren’t too tight and don’t cause any branches to bend awkwardly.

Pirate’s Map

Lead tykes to treasure by creating black “footprints” on your walkway using washable chalk. Cut an “X” to mark the spot from an inexpensive black doormat, and on Halloween night, fill a child-size treasure chest with the booty. (You may even don your own pirate costume to join in the fun!) 

Friendly Ghosts & Bats

Whether you purchase ahead, or your child makes them on their own, ghosts and bats are always a fun sight on Halloween night. Use fishing line or twine to hang them from branches, but be sure to only suspend lightweight decorations to avoid damaging your trees’ branches or bark.

Country Classic

If you prefer more of a farmhouse feel without the creepy factor, here are some ideas for you.


Bring the friendliness (and brilliance) of Oz’s Scarecrow to your home by creating one from hay found at a landscape or hardware store, some old clothes and pillows, and a hand-drawn face on a flour sack or pillowcase. Involve your neighbors in the creativity, and you might find yourself with a whole cornfield’s worth! 

Landscape Lanterns

Light the way for little witches and goblins by placing lanterns on your walkway. Fill the bottom of a small paper bag with sand, tie festive ribbons to the tops, decorate them with stickers or drawings, and use battery-powered “candles” with orange flames inside to illuminate October nights — not just Halloween! 

Plentiful Pumpkins

For a rustic touch, you can’t go wrong with pumpkins and other decorative gourds. Consider stacking them in different sizes and colors near your front door, or create a pumpkin waterfall cascading down your steps.

Whether or not you choose to decorate, Premier Tree Solutions can treat your lawn with professional tree care, pruning and removal year-round. To schedule a service, contact us online or call (404) 252-6448.

When Do I Need a Tree Removal Permit? And Who Handles That?

If you’re a first-time homeowner, live in a historic neighborhood, or just haven’t dealt with tree removal before, you may be wondering what legal responsibilities you have during the process. The experts at Premier Tree Services are here to break it down!

City of Atlanta 

Within the city of Atlanta, permits are required by the Tree Conservation Commission, a citizen board appointed by the Mayor and City Council Members. The mission of this board is to “assist in the protection, maintenance, and regeneration of the trees and other forest resources of Atlanta.” 

Operating under the Atlanta Tree Ordinance, the Tree Conservation Commission’s site for removal permits lists requirements for the following: 

Public Property

You need a permit to remove, destroy, or injure any tree on city-owned property, regardless of size. 

Private Property

You need a permit to remove, destroy, or injure any tree of 6 inches or greater diameter-at-breast-height (DBH) on private property. There are no exceptions, either by species or present condition. 

Dead and Dying Trees

You need a permit to remove dead and dying trees from private property. These permits can be obtained free of charge by contacting the Arborist Division.” 

The application for removal is available here. If you are unsure whether your tree (or your property) qualifies, we can help you through the permitting process. Though we won’t be able to guarantee your permit will be approved by the city, we can provide inspection, consultation, and advice. 

Outside of Atlanta 

If you’re considering tree removal outside Atlanta, we recommend you check in with your city or county government offices to determine whether or not a permit is necessary, and how requirements may differ from those for Atlanta. 

  • In Roswell, GA, for example, an application is required for trees larger than 3” in diameter. 
  • The City of Decatur also has a Tree Canopy Conservation Ordinance, under which “property owners in residential zoning districts are allowed to remove up to 3 healthy, protected trees during an 18 month period.” A permit still must be filed with the City, to help track removal and consider potential replanting.
  • Private single-property homeowners of Marietta, GA, are not required to have a permit for tree removal, though the City’s Code of Ordinances spells out several restrictions for commercial and multifamily properties. 
  • Forsyth County just recently revised its Tree Protection and Replacement Ordinance, though they do not require a permit if residential property owners are interested in removing a tree. 
  • Norcross, GA’s Code of Ordinances meanwhile clearly states that “No person, corporation or association shall remove or destroy any tree either on public or private property with a DBH of six inches or greater without having first obtained a tree removal permit from the Community Development Department.” 

There are several other areas we serve that may have different tree removal permit requirements. If you’re in a location not listed here (or are simply still scratching your head over how, when, where, and why you might need a permit), call us at 404.252.6448 or reach out to us online for inspection and advice.