Are You Ready for Your Closeup? Preparing Your Yard to Go on the Market

It’s time to put your house up for sale. You have so many feelings: anxiety, excitement, dreams for the next house, dread at the mounting to do list, a strong desire to pizza/Netflix the day away and just forget it all.

Don’t do that. Or heck, go ahead and do that. When you’re done, though, it’s time to figure out what to do about the yard. People judge your home from the moment they step out of their car with their realtor to hand. If they don’t like what they see, they may just get right back in. At best, they’ll give a polite but cursory tour and head on to greener pastures (ahem, literally).

So how do you lower your literal “bounce rate”? Here are a few tips to put into action today.

  1. Clean, Clean, Clean: Before you do anything else, get rid of toys, broken pots, old swing sets, rusting cars and anything else that’s cluttering up the space. You don’t even want to see that; why would they?
  2. Remove Any Unsightly Plants: First and foremost, dig up dying shrubs or withered vines. Ditch sad attempts to regrow grass in shady areas. Take down that almost-but-not-quite-dead willow, and don’t look back. You’ll be amazed how much better this makes your yard look immediately.
  3. Give Everything a Haircut: Yes, we do mean everything. Look around your yard. Trees, shrubs, grass, perennials … it will all look better as soon as it gets a nice trim. Pruning and shearing keeps plants bright and healthy, and brings order to your environment. Start there.
  4. Assess Bare Patches: You will be left with some empty spots on your property. Ask yourself whether or not they should stay empty. Do you want to fill those spaces, and with what? A simple layer of bark chips is nice enough for some spaces, while for others you might want to put in some ground cover. Note that you’ll need 3-6 months for it to spread and naturalize, though, so if you need a quick fix, opt for a media like tanbark instead.

Need a little help? Well, that’s okay. Call in Premier Tree Solutions. We can give your yard the makeover it needs to get ready for showtime. Don’t hesitate to pick up the phone for pruning, trimming, tree removal, stump removal, and more. We’re here, we have clippers and saws, and we’re ready. Give us a ping today!

Don’t Let Thor Get the Best of You: Here’s How to Protect Your Trees from Storms

Want to keep the god of thunder and lightning from giving you trouble this season? Summer is the time of storms, and that’s not so good for your beloved birches, beeches, and buckeyes (and, you know, other species). Here are the dangers you face from good ol’ Thor, and what to do about them.

Avoid Falling Limbs: Trim Trees Regularly

One of the most common problems in stormy weather is dropped limbs. While you can’t always avoid this, especially with hurricane- or tornado-force winds, you can make it much less likely with dedicated and timely pruning.

Look for dead or dying limbs and get those out. Prune off branches that have weak crotches (limbs that form a wider angle than around 45 degrees or so). Remove extra branches to conform to the tree’s natural shape and offer more light and resources to remaining limbs.

Avoid Injuries Due to Stress: Water Well

Trees whose systems are already stressed are more likely to suffer damage in high winds. Their root systems may be shallower or less extensive, resulting in a greater readiness to tip or rip out of the ground completely. They may also be drier and crack or break more easily. Avoid brittle trees and weak roots with conscientious watering all summer.

Avoid Flooding: Maintain Yard Drainage

There’s no easier way to kill a tree than by drowning it. Subjecting roots to submersion for days or weeks after a storm can substantially reduce tree health, even if they live. Avoid this by funneling stormwater away from trees, perhaps with a bioswale or rain garden.

Avoid Lightning Strikes: Install Lightning Protection

We’ll just say this upfront: Lightning protection systems are expensive. However, if you have a heritage tree or a sentimental specimen on your property, it may be worth the investment. These systems don’t draw strikes; they reduce the charges between ground and sky to reduce the chances of strikes at all.

No matter what you need to protect your trusty trees, we’re here to help. Premier Tree Solutions serves Atlanta with the quality, dedicated tree care you need. Whether you want to protect trees before a storm or clean up after one, we’re the people to help. Get in touch and contact us here if you have any questions!


Get to know Georgia’s beautiful array of trees and how you can take care of your own! Each month, we feature some of the most popular trees in the state. For February, we are showcasing the Flowering Dogwood. Learn all about Flowering Dogwood trees below!

4 Tips to Get Your Yard Under Control

Ever have that feeling like a chore will own you for the rest of time? Like you’ve put it off for so long that the monkey on your back is probably permanently attached? No, we’re not talking about going to the dentist. (Although, definitely go to the dentist.) We’re talking about your yard. If it’s out of control and you don’t know what to do, here are four steps to take immediately.

  1. Clear Some Space 

Before you do anything else, you need to create a little visual space in your yard by decluttering the landscape. Until you do that, it’s hard to even to see what you’re dealing with. Steps include:

  • Call a donation service to get rid of cars, appliances, or other outmoded technology
  • Pick up and donate or toss old pots, toys, disused plastic chairs, etc.
  • Clear away brush and undergrowth

Once you take these simple steps, you might be amazed how much more clearly you can think.

  1. Trim Grass

Again, this relatively simple (if not easy) step will do wonders for your visual serenity. Get the mower running and trim the grass. Don’t trim it all the way down to nothing, though, because that can damage it. Instead, make several passes over a few-week span, going shorter each time. This gives the grass time to regroup and adjust.

  1. Pull Weeds

Getting weeds out of the picture is the next step. At first, the mere appearance of bare soil will be delightful. Next, you’ll realize … hey! I can plant things there!

  1. Call in the Pros for Tree Care

Now that you’ve cleaned up the property pretty well, it’s time to take care of your branching beauties. Trees with dead, withered, or rotting boughs can pose a serious danger to people and possessions – as well as the tree itself. Even if you don’t have dangerous deadwood, pruning is still critical. Chances are good, if you haven’t deal with the yard for a while, your trees will need a full inspection.
That’s where Premier Tree Solutions comes in. We will give your yard a thorough once over, recommending the right moves for all trees and shrubs. We can also offer help with clearing away brush and debris, removing and grinding stumps, and more. If you’re ready to take back ownership of your garden, call today or contact us here.

Long Live Cherry Blossoms!

Blossoming cherries, Prunus serrulata, stun in gardens throughout the temperate zone every springtime. Bursting into a stunning show of pale to dark pink blooms, the trees – also known as Japanese Cherries or Oriental Cherries – are a beloved of parks, government buildings, and private residences across the world.

So naturally, we’re in love with them too. I mean, we are all about the trees. Here are three of our favorite facts to celebrate the floral explosion this spring.

  1. The First “Real” Blossoming Cherry Arrived in 1912

The first “real” cherry blossom tree – with those huge pink blooms that stun as winter makes its exit – actually didn’t get here until 1912 (after a diseased first attempt in 1910), explains the National Cherry Blossom Festival. The 3,000 trees in that batch, planted in DC, symbolized the friendship between the United States and Japan.

That’s not to say there aren’t native versions, because there are, including the black cherry, rum cherry, and chokecherry. However, while these trees are superficially related to the vibrant blossoming versions we know today, they wouldn’t be recognized as such if you weren’t looking for them.

  1. The Blossoming Cherry Is a Versatile Plant

Although its flowers look incredibly delicate, the blossoming cherry is actually a pretty hardy plant. Not only do its buds break while the cold weather still rules the land, but it can grow in a variety of settings. It tolerates partial shade, though flowers better in full sun, and can handle medium moisture, so you don’t have to worry about drainage like you do with some other trees.

In the Atlanta area, temperatures are almost never cold enough to harm a cherry tree, though occasionally it may flower before a frost and the blossoms will suffer.

  1. Blooms Are Unpredictable!

It’s impossible to predict too far in advance when the trees will bud and bloom. That’s why the National Park Service offers a Bloom Watch for its DC trees, so if you’re planning to visit the capitol’s cherry landmark, you can try to target your trip better. If the blooms will occur in your own backyard, well then, all you need to do is look forward to a nice surprise!

Love blossoming cherry trees as much as we do? Then you’re sure to want to keep them healthy. Don’t wait to clear out that dead branch or clean up those suckers popping up at the bases of your trees. With the right TLC, you can keep them blooming for decades.

Get in touch with family-owned and -operated Premier Tree Solutions and set up an appointment for tree care and maintenance throughout your yard, and enjoy a beautiful, blossom-scented springtime! If you’d like to learn more about us and how we can help you, please get in touch and contact us here.


Get to know Georgia’s beautiful array of trees and how you can take care of your own! Each month, we feature some of the most popular trees in the state. For February, we are showcasing the Dahoon Tree. Learn all about Dahoon Trees below!

Dahoon Tree

Tree Trimming Time: 6 Signs You Need to Stop Procrastinating and Start Pruning

We think of trees as lovely additions to a yard’s verdant green space, and usually, they are. Sometimes, however, they become decidedly unlovely, or downright dangerous. Even if they don’t go marching off to war like Tolkien’s Ents, they can still cause serious damage if you fail to keep them in line.

Tactic Numero Uno? Pruning. Here are six signs you need to pull out those shears and get trimmin’ today.

  1. Deadwood

Deadwood – parts of the tree that are gray or brown, and have stopped growing altogether – can fall out of the tree at any moment. This is extremely dangerous for people and property, so it’s critical you prune it out right away.

  1. Cracks, Splits, Breaks

Cracks, splits, breaks, and other wounds are also signs that the tree may be compromised, making it more likely to drop branches. Again, prune immediately.

  1. Roving Branches

Sometimes roving branches just grow in the wrong direction and get in the way. This might be simply annoying, or it can be hazardous, especially if branches are growing into telephone wires, near fuse boxes, etc.

  1. Unappealing Shape

All trees have a natural shape, and pruning helps them maintain it best. This isn’t always intuitive, but online pruning guides can help you get a visual image of the proper methods of pruning trees, or you can ask an expert.

  1. Multiple Leaders

A leader is the trees vertical, topmost branch that runs up along the line of the trunk. Each tree should only have one. If it has more, you must remove the other(s), or else the tree will compete with itself. This makes it less healthy and less beautiful.

  1. Area Overgrowth

Sometimes a tree just gets too big for its spot. Many times people plant trees based on what they look like as saplings or juveniles and don’t take into account what will happen when they reach full growth. In that case, you may need to move the tree or remove it all together.

Of course, it’s often not possible to move a tree yourself – or even to trim them safely. If you need help, call Premier Tree Solutions, your amiable Atlanta arbor assistant. We offer tree trimming, pruning and removal, as well as storm cleanup, branch clearing, stump grinding, and more. If you’d like to learn more about us and how we can help you, please get in touch and contact us here.

5 Techniques to Improve Your Planting Prowess

You may have 99 problems … but proper tree planting technique shouldn’t be one of them. In this article, let’s walk through the five critical skills for planting a tree. Follow these tips and before you know it, your sapling will become the gorgeous tree it deserves to be. Here’s the scoop.

  1. Dig the Hole Wider Than You Think It Needs to Be

Most trees come with bare roots or wrapped in burlap, but either way, their roots are typically trimmed into a little ball. This can lend the false impression that trees only need a small planting hole. Untrue. Their roots need to be able to spread, and digging a wide hole full of loose dirt will give them the room they need.

  1. Plant the Tree at the Right Height

If the tree has dirt around its roots, remove the dirt from the trunk until you can see where the roots begin. This is called the “trunk flare,” and should be just visible over the dirt once it’s planted. Dig the hole accordingly.

  1. Straighten the Tree Before Backfilling

Nothing burns like going to all the work of planting a tree, only to check afterward and see it’s crooked. Have someone help you sight the tree and ensure it’s straight before filling in the hole.

  1. Stake if Necessary

Ideally, you shouldn’t have to stake your tree, because overreliance on a staking system can make your tree’s trunk and roots weaker. In some conditions, however, it’s necessary – think windy locations or where vandalism is a concern.

  1. Mulch, Mulch, Mulch!

Never forget to mulch your new tree. A thick layer of organic debris (such as leaf litter or wood chips) will discourage competition from weeds, retain moisture, and keep the ground warm in winter and cool in summer. Apply the mulch in a layer 2-4 inches thick, and leave a ring several inches wide around the base of the tree to avoid trunk rot, pests, and so forth.

If you’re not quite sure you want to take on the project yourself, please feel free to get in touch with us here at Premier Tree Solutions. We’re always happy to offer tree-related advice or to tackle a project with you. In addition to tree care, we also provide storm cleanup, debris removal, and stump grinding. Get ready for a brand-spankin’-new tree … or yard and contact us here.


Get to know Georgia’s beautiful array of trees and how you can take care of your own! Each month, we feature some of the most popular trees in the state. For January, we are showcasing the American Holly. Learn all about American Holly trees below!


Pleased to Meet Yew: Five Winter Trees We Love

The White Christmas has passed (whether or not it was white), but that doesn’t mean all light and beauty is gone from the world. When you plant the right trees, you’ll enjoy color and life even in the depths of winter. Here are five of our favorite choices.

  1. Yew

Of course, we would be amiss if we didn’t first introduce you to our pun-tastic friend, the yew. This conifer is a bright green all winter long, giving your bare yard some winter cheer. Plus, it will sprout anew even when cut back to bare wood, which most evergreens will not. Just make sure you keep livestock away from it, as browsing could kill them – and warn children against eating the toxic seeds.

  1. Camellias

Famous for blooming sporadically between fall and spring, and often re-blooming all winter long, camellias are one of the most beautiful cold-season options. With more than 200 species and around 3,000 hybrids, you have no lack of color options: pink, white, red, purple, salmon, variegated, and more.

  1. Japanese Flowering Apricot

In the same family as cherries and apples, the winter-flowering apricot is a lovely sight to behold against a drab seasonal background. With delicate blossoms of pink, white or rose, this tree will draw you to the window again and again.

  1. Holly

Especially beloved at the holidays, Holly is a lovely plant all through the cold season. Its berries may be red or white, and its sharp and waxy leaves shine a deep green. If you prefer the dappled effect, opt for the Variegated English Holly, with white-edged leaves.

  1. Dogwoods

Famed for their bright red and yellow stems, dogwoods are often at their best when bare. Their spring flowers are also showy, but nothing beats a warm and glowing hue when the winter wind is nipping at your cheeks.

Those aren’t your only options, of course, so for more ideas on winter trees and shrubs, see the Georgia Department of Agriculture’s many lovely suggestions.

Want to learn more about the best trees for your yard, and get help planting some eye-catching new statements for the year to come? Get in touch with Premier Tree Solutions, your Atlanta experts on all things arboreal. In addition to planting, we’d love to help you with trimming, thinning, cleanup and removal, a one-stop-shop for a beautiful yard. All you have to do is give a shout at 404-252-6448 or contact us here.