Pollen-Resistant Trees for Pollen Allergy Management

Achoo! Springtime is here, bringing beautiful blooms and fresh leaf canopies. But while seeing green can be an instant mood booster, the season can also send your sinuses into a tailspin. The likely culprit? Pollen.

If you’re among the lucky 24 million people in the U.S. with seasonal allergic rhinitis, pollen can trigger all kinds of fun symptoms, from sneezing to itchy eyes, congestion, and post-nasal drip. Although it may be impossible to avoid the allergen altogether, there are ways to reduce your exposure.

Tree Pollen: The Leading Cause of Springtime Allergies

Know that notorious yellow film lining the hood of your car during springtime? Yes, that’s the pollen we’re talking about. But to understand its role in tree health — and how it affects our own — let’s circle back to science class for a moment. This powdery collection of microspores is the substance seed plants use to reproduce. When caught in the wind or carried by insects, pollen makes its way to other plants to generate seeds (and apparently, gets everywhere else in the process).

Pollen comes from several sources: trees, grass, and weeds. Tree pollen is the first to arrive each year; in some states, it appears as early as December or January. Then, grass pollen takes over in the spring and early summer, followed by weed pollen later in the year. (No, you’re not imagining your year-round allergy symptoms.)

If you notice a spike in symptoms during the spring, however, your trees are likely to blame. Birch, elm, cedar, oak, pine, poplar, and walnut are among the most notorious offenders. Of course, these species are beautiful and beneficial in their own ways, so removing them because of a pollen allergy is probably a permanent solution to a temporary problem. In just a few weeks, it will be grass triggering your allergies instead! What you can do, however, is select low-pollen trees for your property moving forward.

What Are the Best Trees for Allergies?

Back to our science lesson: most trees produce seeds only when the pollen produced from male flowers reaches female flowers. But some species are dioecious, meaning they have only all-male or all-female flowers. Since the female flowers won’t produce pollen, female varieties will essentially be hypoallergenic trees.

You might need to special-order them from a nursery, but non-pollen-producing female trees can be found within the following species:

  • Cedar
  • Juniper
  • Mulberry
  • White ash
  • Swamp tupelo
  • Aspen
  • Boxelder

While hypoallergenic trees may be an attractive option, they may not be the best fit for your property. Being pollen-free doesn’t necessarily mean they’ll be low-maintenance, and you’ll also have to consider geographic factors like soil type and hardiness zone.

To expand your options, an alternative would be to consider a monoecious tree. These species have both male and female flowers, meaning the pollen doesn’t have to travel far to reach female flowers. The pollen is therefore thicker and heavier — and less likely to get picked up with a breeze.

Some examples of these low-pollen trees include:

  • Magnolia
  • Dogwood
  • Spruce
  • Fir
  • Ornamental pear tree
  • Fir
  • Crabapple
  • Flowering cherry and plum
  • Eastern redbud

Need A Pollen-Heavy Tree Maintained? Call Premier Tree Solutions

Allergy symptoms are just one problem your trees can cause. Without proper maintenance, fallen limbs and trunks can be much more of a headache. No matter which species you have on your property, be sure to schedule professional pruning to keep your yard safe through springtime and beyond. Send us a message to schedule an appointment with our tree experts online, or call (404) 252-6448.

Five Warning Signs Your Tree is About to Fall

If a tree falls on your property but you didn’t see it coming, does it still spell disaster? Of course — but the good news is that there are almost always signs ahead of time. At-risk trees have several ways of telling us there’s a problem. The key is to watch for the following warning signs so tree removal can be a planned, proactive event.

Is My Tree About to Fall? Five Signs to Watch For

1. A Significant Lean

Trees should be mostly vertical, although a slight lean isn’t usually cause for alarm. Some species are just more bendy than others. The Cook pine, for instance, has an average lean of 8.05 degrees towards the equator — the species is always pining for more sunlight! But Cook pines are native to the South Pacific, so your native Georgia tree is likely leaning for a different reason.

The further a tree leans, the more strain it puts on its root system. Any lean greater than 10 degrees poses a risk of toppling. Wondering if your tree is leaning too far? No need for a protractor; most smartphones have an app that can measure angles!

2. Visible Roots

It’s great to be proud of your roots, but we prefer when trees don’t show them off. Exposed roots can’t anchor a tree as effectively as buried ones can. Beyond that, they pose a trip hazard and make lawn maintenance a nuisance. If you have a tree that’s raising the roots, allow our tree care specialists to step in with an assessment.

3. Cracks or Splits

Deep cracks and splits along a tree’s trunk are telltale signs of serious damage. From disease to rot and old age, there are many reasons for these visible changes. In most cases, they indicate the tree has reached the end of its lifespan and will need to be removed. If the damage is concentrated on one limb, you’ll need to eradicate that section, at the very least.

4. Fungi & Pests

Trees support life in many ways, from providing oxygen-rich air to offering shelter for small species. But as soon as fungi or insects begin to take over, a tree probably won’t survive much longer. Mushrooms, for one, usually indicate decay. Even if the entire tree isn’t dead, a sudden patch of fungi could suggest rot that may spread.

Pests are likewise concerning. From boring beetles that destroy tree tissue to ants that go marching in hollow tunnels, an infestation is always worth investigating. Unsure whether your tree is suffering either? A free assessment from our team can identify the culprit.

5. Dropped Limbs

Dead branches are a clear sign that a tree isn’t faring well. A tree that’s dying or damaged will often shed leaves on its outermost branches to conserve nutrients. When a limb falls off entirely, it may be time for your tree’s removal. A heavy branch can cause serious property damage in itself — it’s not hard to imagine what an entire trunk might do!

Concerned Your Tree About to Fall? Call Premier Tree Solutions Today

Having to get a tree removed can be disappointing, but it’s far better to act now and save your property — and your tree —from serious damage. If you have any of the signs above or other unusual tree developments, consult our experts during an assessment. We’re happy to help you save a healthy tree, but we’re also committed to keeping your home and its surroundings safe. Schedule an appointment with our team by calling 404.252.6448, or request a consultation here.

When Do Leaves Grow Back After Winter?

Falling leaves are a welcome sight when accompanied by crisp autumn air. But months of staring at bare branches can start to feel a little dreary… and at a certain point, we might find ourselves wanting those leaves back. As winter recedes and warmer weather approaches, we can’t help but wonder: When will the leaves return?

If you’ve busted out your binoculars looking for the first sign of buds, we have good news. The wait will soon be over — here’s when you can expect to see green again.

What prompts leaves to come back?

There are two signals trees need to “wake up” for springtime. The first is a pattern of warmer days after a stretch of cooler temperatures. The next is changes in light duration: like us, trees notice as the days grow longer and brighter. Leaves need sunlight to survive, after all! This happens due to a term you may recall from science class – photosynthesis –  the process by which plants convert sunlight into energy.

So when will my leaves grow back?

As with most things tree-related, your region plays a role in how trees behave, and that includes spring leaf regrowth. Known as “leaf-out dates,” each region has its own time frame, which corresponds with its unique weather patterns. For instance, in the Midwest, the chance of a frost persists until later in spring, so trees won’t sprout new leaves until mid-April. The Northeast is especially likely to see a late-season freeze, so some areas may not see leaves until late April or even early May. Dates can vary significantly in the West: mountainous Colorado may have a later leaf-out than moderate regions of California, for instance.

Here in the South, we’re spoiled by the fact that our mild temperatures often mean native trees don’t have to stay dormant for long. Don’t be surprised if your trees start sprouting leaves as early as mid-March!

But what if my tree’s leaves aren’t coming back in spring?

Aside from temperature and light exposure, there are a few other factors that can influence leaf-out dates. For one, the severity of winter can impact when leaves regrow: a season that’s cooler and longer than usual will make trees a bit more hesitant to bud. The National Phenology Network provides an annual breakdown of the current season compared to springs past — you can consult their maps for a more precise forecast of leaf and bloom dates.

With that in mind, some trees are simply late bloomers – and that’s okay! Their beautiful displays will be worth the wait. If you have any of these species in your yard:

  • Ash
  • Mulberry
  • Sassafras
  • Oak
  • Elm
  • Walnut

Don’t panic if they’re lacking leaves when other species are in full bloom. Instead, look for buds at the ends of their branches (grab those binoculars), which means leaf growth won’t be far behind. And resist the urge to compare them to birch, willow, cherry, or maple trees: these early bloomers just can’t wait to show off each spring.

But what if spring is fully underway and your leaves still aren’t making an appearance? In that case, there could be an underlying issue with your tree. Anthracnose, a fungal disease, is one common culprit. It rarely causes permanent damage, and trimming affected areas may help to encourage leaf development.

Another issue could be overcrowding. Sometimes, trees planted too close together have insufficient space to thrive at maturity. Tree pruning can optimize branch distribution so each canopy gets the nutrients it needs to fare well.

If your leaves are slow to grow this year or you have any other tree concerns, allow our experts to weigh in. During a free assessment, our tree care specialists will determine if your tree has damage that needs to be addressed. To schedule an appointment, call 404.252.6448.

How to Choose the Best Trees for Your Yard

If you have open space and you’re looking to enhance your property, we’d argue that there’s no better way to do so than by planting new trees. Yet, with roughly 73,000 known species to choose from, deciding on the right tree can be a little daunting. Here, we help you narrow down your options to find the right one in just a few steps.

Stay in the Zone

First and foremost, you’ll want to consider which tree species can not only survive in your location, but will actually thrive. Your USDA Plant Hardiness Zone is a great place to start. This will help you pinpoint which species are best-suited to reach their potential based on factors like weather patterns and soil in your region.

Georgia has four zones, along with specific tree species that perform best in each:

  • 7b: Green Giant arborvitae, Murray cypress, and white dogwoods
  • 8 (a and b): Pine trees, juniper trees, sassafras, weeping willows, and dogwoods
  • 9a: American sycamore, silver maple, sassafras, and peach trees

Know Your Native Species

After narrowing things down based on your zone, you can go a step further by considering native tree species. A tree that’s native to your area will already have everything it needs to do well in its environment. Native species also tend to produce more fruit, flowers, or overall healthy growth. For Georgia, popular native varieties include magnolias, red maples, cherry trees, dogwoods, Southern magnolias, and American hollies.

Think About Placement

With your shortened list, you can now start weighing where and what you’ll be planting. For starters, steer clear of any obstructions, like utility lines, sidewalks, driveways, and nearby structures. Remember: root systems can spread as wide as a tree’s canopy!

Next, think about what you’re hoping to achieve in your selected planting zone. Here are some common goals when considering the best trees for yards in residential areas.

  • Privacy: Arborvitaes, pine, and spruce trees are conifers known for their ability to provide privacy. Creating a screen-like effect, they’re well-suited for sectioning off clearings between two yards. Just be sure to keep your trees well away from any property lines — neighbor disputes are not the goal here!
  • Shade: Situating trees near the southwest corner of your house will offer the most shade on summer days. You’ll want to select a species that produces an ample canopy as it matures. Oaks and maples are known for throwing shade (in a good way).
  • Aesthetics: If your only goal is to beautify your property, there are dozens of varieties to choose from. Ornamental trees produce stunning blooms in the spring and eye-catching autumn leaves. The flowering dogwood is a standout option, with spring blossoms, bountiful summer leaves, and red fall foliage.

Consider Upkeep

A final but important consideration for your tree selection is maintenance, and what you can realistically keep up with. Most species will require some tree pruning to encourage healthy growth and shaping as they mature, while others may call for more frequent tree trimming and attention. While there’s no argument that willow trees are gorgeous, for instance, they need a lot of water to grow, and their aggressive root system can spell trouble for landscapers. Fruit-bearing trees may also require more pruning, since they can draw quite a crowd of pests when left unattended. In general, arborvitaes, Japanese maples, and American hollies are solid choices for hassle-free trees.

Choose the Best Trees for Your Yard With Premier Tree Solutions

Whether you’re looking for professional advice for planting new trees, or the ones you already have need some maintenance, Premier Tree Solutions can help. Set up an appointment with our team by calling (404) 252-6448, or request a consultation online.

Tree Care Checklist: How to Maintain Your Trees in Winter

Trees and winter weather can pair well together, making for a postcard-perfect backdrop on your own front lawn. But while icicles and snow-covered branches may look pretty, the season can bring trouble for your trees, too. To keep your trees healthy through this winter and beyond, here are some winter tree care basics to bear in mind.

How Can Winter Damage Trees?

Trees can experience several types of winter-related trauma, but the extent of the damage depends on their species, location and conditions, and the timing of weather extremes. While low temperatures can cause damage on their own, more often tree damage is caused by temperature fluctuation, not the frost itself. Unfortunately, as weather patterns become increasingly unpredictable, our trees are becoming more vulnerable to trauma caused by quick sequences of hot- and-cold extremes.

For one, rapidly plummeting temperatures can cause frost cracks. The freeze/thaw cycle can also lead to sunscald, which occurs when a plant freezes at night and is then exposed to warm air and sunlight during the day. Frost alone can also damage certain tree and shrub species that are unable to withstand winter freezes. Finally, dry winter conditions can hinder tree health due to reduced moisture levels in the soil.

Here’s a bit of good news: In most cases, snow isn’t damaging to your trees. In fact, it can be a natural insulator that protects them against the stress of freeze/thaw cycles. But heavy snow accumulation  — and ice — can still snap vulnerable branches.

Physical Signs of Tree Stress: A Checklist

If you’re concerned about winter trauma affecting your trees, here’s a checklist of warning signs to watch for.

Vertical Cracks

Look for vertical cracks in the trunk on the side of the tree facing the sun (the south or southwest side). This is a telltale sign of sunscald or frost cracks, caused by rapid temperature changes.

Bark Discoloration

In addition to visible cracks, sunscald can result in bark discoloration. Avocado, citrus, and fig trees are among the species most susceptible to this condition.

Browning Tips or Needles

The needles or tips of trees can brown in a phenomenon known as winterburn. Often, it’s caused by a combination of winter weather factors, including loss of water, high winds, and rapid temperature drops.

How to Address Winter Tree Damage

The best approach to take when it comes to winter tree damage is a preventive one. This means enlisting the help of our winter tree services before bad weather approaches. We’ll professionally prune your trees in the winter months, when growth is dormant so the risk of tree injury is minimal. This will also help to offset the stress of varying temperatures. Plus, by removing any at-risk branches at this time, we’ll help prevent property damage during or after a winter storm.

Aside from scheduling winter tree services, you can protect your trees against harsh winter conditions by mulching around their bases. Mulch is a great insulator that can help protect their roots while also retaining moisture. But if you have any young trees, fragile shrubs, or species that are vulnerable to frost (like citrus), consider going a step further by laying a breathable fabric over top to protect them against freezing conditions.

Schedule Tree Maintenance With Premier Tree Solutions

If you’ve already noticed signs of winter tree damage, our experts can help there, too. With a team of certified arborists, we excel not only in tree removal, but also tree care and maintenance. Schedule your winter tree services by calling 404.252.6448, or send us a message here.

Our Arborists’ Top 5 Winter Yard Care Tips

After months of maintenance, winter gives homeowners a well-deserved break from most yard care tasks. But treating your lawn to a little more TLC now can pay off come springtime. You won’t need to be quite as attentive this time of year as during growing seasons, but here are some simple steps you can take now for a healthier landscape in the future.

1. Clean It Up

If you haven’t already done so, do an early winter cleanup to clear away any lingering yard debris. Large branches, logs, and dead plants can invite insects and disease which could damage your trees and gardens. Leftover debris could also prevent your grass from getting the sunlight it needs to thrive. It doesn’t have to be complicated: just clear away leaves and branches and continue to do so as they fall through the winter.

2. Prune Like the Pros

Winter is prime time for pruning. Many trees and shrubs are dormant, meaning you won’t interfere with new growth if you trim them back now. In fact, pruning now can actually encourage better growth next season. Bare branches also have better visibility, making it easier to ensure you’re cutting properly.

For small trees and shrubs, feel free to try your hand at DIY pruning. Just make sure you have the proper equipment and you’re following the right schedule: oaks should be pruned in December or January, while deciduous species are better-suited for late-winter pruning. For larger trees, call in the experts. We have the equipment and know-how for safe branch removal.

3. Tread Lightly

Cooler winter weather may have you spending more time indoors, but when you do venture out, be mindful of where you’re walking. Warm-season grasses like Bermuda grass and zoysia are dormant in the winter and won’t recover from damage as easily as they do during growing seasons. Treading frequently across your lawn could stunt springtime growth, so to give your grass a much-needed rest by limiting foot traffic. And when it comes to mowing, follow this simple adage: Mow while it grows. When grass is dormant, keep the blades away!

4. Nourish Your Landscape

Even though your grass, trees, and shrubs may not be actively producing this season, nourishing them now can promote heartier growth in the spring. Fertilizing in the late fall is recommended, but skip it if you’ve already had a frost, as vulnerable plants may struggle trying to take up the added nutrients.

Another way to nourish your plants is to mulch around your trees and gardens. Mulch locks in nutrients and moisture while also deterring winter weeds. Plus, having a few inches of added insulation can protect root systems against freezing temps — especially important for saplings and other young plants.

5. Protect Vulnerable Plants

Speaking of susceptible plants, now is the time to keep new trees or shrubs and other at-risk foliage protected against cold snaps. Beyond mulching, you can wrap plants prone to frost damage in burlap for a layer of protection. While most established species in northern hardiness zones will fare just fine through a frost, homeowners in southern climates will want to protect their more fragile foliage. Cover succulents, hibiscus, tree ferns, citrus, and bougainvillea loosely with fabric to promote airflow. Remove the burlap promptly after the frost warning has passed to prevent overheating.

Schedule a Tree Service With Premier Tree Solutions

If you have any trees that need professional pruning, now is the best time of year to schedule a service. Rely on Premier Tree Solutions for our expertise in branch removal and tree shaping to promote a healthy landscape year-round. To request a free assessment, contact us here or by calling 404.252.6448.

The Importance of Vegetation Clearing

If you have acres of land, it might make sense to keep some portions of your property wooded. But for most moderately sized lots, clearing away vegetation is the best way to care for your landscape. Here’s what vegetation clearing can do for you.

Keep Pests at Bay

Thick patches of overgrown weeds and shrubs, plus dead trees, stumps, and logs all make for the perfect pest hideaway. From gypsy moths to wood borers, these unwanted insects can spread across your property and target your healthy trees next. Destructive rodents like voles and rats are also more likely to inhabit overgrown areas, but clearing away vegetation can prevent them from taking up residence in your yard.

Prevent Disease

Overgrown vegetation often retains moisture, creating a breeding ground for fungi and other microbes that can harm your lawn. By clearing away excess foliage, you’ll increase air circulation, allowing plants to dry thoroughly. Vegetation clearing also eliminates any unwanted foliage that may already be infected with disease, to preserve the healthy trees and shrubs around the area.

Maintain a Safe Property

A well-manicured yard is safer for several reasons. For one, it provides fewer places in which to stay concealed, helping to deter would-be trespassers. For another, it’s easier to navigate. Whether your little neighbor’s ball rolls into your yard, or you’re retrieving a wayward pet, having full accessibility throughout your property can promote safety for everyone.

Give Plants Resources to Thrive

Every living thing on your lawn needs resources like moisture, nutrients from the soil, and sunlight. The more vegetation you have, the fewer resources are left for the rest of your lawn. For hardy trees, blooming shrubs and flower gardens, and a lush lawn, eliminate unwanted vegetation so there are more resources for the plants you do want to thrive.

Provide More Functional Space

Many homeowners feel they could benefit from having a larger yard, but without moving to a new house, that’s rarely a possibility. If you have overgrown vegetation, however, you’re in a unique position to add more functional space to your yard. Whether you’ve always envisioned having a bigger backyard barbecue space or you’re thinking of testing out your green thumb with a garden, there are endless possibilities for transforming wooded areas so they add more value to your home.

Enhance the Aesthetic

Even if you don’t foresee a new outdoor feature going in where your vegetation once was, clearing it out can still deliver value from a visual standpoint. Overgrowth tends to be messy and unkempt, whereas open space can make your yard appear neater—and larger. If privacy is a concern, hedges like arborvitaes can still serve as a natural barrier while looking tidy. And should you ever consider putting your home on the market, this boosted curb appeal can be an attractive feature that helps your property get noticed.

Schedule Land Clearing With Premier Tree Solutions

From routine pruning to larger land clearing projects, Premier Tree Solutions can handle all of your tree care needs. Our tree specialists have the tools and techniques to make quick work of land clearing while maintaining the safety and integrity of your surrounding property. To request a free assessment, send us a digital message or call 404.252.6448.

Dangers of Cutting Down a Tree Yourself

Like many home projects, the idea of DIY tree removal can be alluring. From cost savings to immediate gratification, the potential payoffs may seem worthwhile. But if you’ve ever watched cartoons, you know that the main character doesn’t tend to fare well after yelling “timber.” And frankly, there’s nothing comical about the following risks of felling a tree on your own.


Certified arborists have equipment like complex rope systems and climbing gear, an assortment of saws, and hydraulic systems to work with. They’re also protected by helmets, harnesses, and other safety equipment. Without these essentials (plus ample training and experience), tree removal becomes exponentially more dangerous.

Even if you’re comfortable working on ladders and using chainsaws, you probably don’t use the two together, and they make for a deadly combo. You’ll be working against your center of gravity — an awkward challenge even for people with superb balance. It’s also far too easy to miscalculate the details of tree chopping. From the size of the branch to the angle of the fall, these factors shouldn’t be left to guesswork. Arborists perform thorough assessments of a tree’s species, position, and health to make informed decisions with every cut.

Property Damage

If the risk of hurting yourself isn’t a deterrent, consider the potential risks to property. Trees cut down near property lines could even lead to lawsuits from (understandably) irate neighbors. Large limbs and trunks can take down fences, damage roofs, and leave sheds in shambles. They can also take out power lines and damage other utility structures.

Whether you have a sprawling yard with ample space, or you’re tucked in neatly among neighboring homes, arborists know how to perform tree removal without damaging surrounding property. We’re experts in urban tree care, and we also have cutting-edge tools like JAWS that allow us to remove entire trees without having to climb them. The result: a safer, more efficient way to take down even the trickiest of trees.


Do you need a permit to remove a tree? If so, when, and who should handle it? The answer will vary based on factors like your location and the size of your tree. But if you’re located in or around Atlanta, chances are you will need to acquire a permit from your local government office before pursuing tree removal. Failure to do so could result in fines of up to $1,000 per tree, so this is a step you won’t want to skip. If you’re working with a local arborist, they should be familiar with the process and can explain what to expect.

And while we’re on the subject of costs, keep in mind that you’ll be on the hook for any damage caused by a tree you chopped yourself, as homeowners’ insurance is unlikely to reimburse you. That’s another reason to work with a trusted tree removal company: an insured company will have a policy to cover costs in the unlikely event any damage occurs.

Still wondering if professional tree removal is right for you? Allow our arborists to come out for an assessment. We can discuss options and help you find the best solution for your tree care needs. Contact us here or by calling 404-252-6448.

Reasons Why Your Trees May Not Be Looking Their Best

Trees are meant to add aesthetic value to your property. When they start to become more of an eyesore than an enhancement, however, it’s time to do some investigating. What could be making your trees look unhealthy? Our certified arborists can provide an accurate diagnosis, but here are some possible causes to consider first.

What Are the Signs of Poor Tree Health?

Leaves are a strong indicator of tree health. If they’re missing or distorted, it can point to a bigger problem. The absence of fruit or flowers is likewise concerning.

Of course, there are obvious signs a tree isn’t faring well. Dropped limbs, noticeable rot, large cracks or splits, and a severe lean are all evidence that a tree probably can’t be salvaged. In these cases, removal is the safest option for your home and property.

There are other ways to determine whether a tree needs help, but you may need to look a little closer. For instance, examine for mushrooms at the base of the tree or growing up its sides at least once a year. Since fungi love decay, this is a telltale sign of rot. Lesions, cankers, and other abnormalities on the bark can also be indicative of problems like pests or disease.

Possible Reasons Your Trees Aren’t Looking So Good

Now that you know what to look for, here are some other possible reasons behind poor tree health.


Insects like pine borer beetles can wreak havoc on your trees and shrubs. While these particular pests like to feed on trees that produce cones, other pests like Ambrosia Beetles prefer freshly trimmed branches. Wilted or discolored leaves, nests or webs, and the presence of small insects are all signs of an infestation. Since each species calls for a unique approach, you’ll want to call in the experts for pest problems.


Like humans and animals, your trees can be affected by disease. Viruses, bacteria, and fungi can all enter your tree’s system and cause illness. In addition to the signs described above, some other symptoms of disease include peeling or missing bark and misshapen blooms. One fungus in particular, Armillaria, can kill trees quickly by attacking their roots. It’s drawn to dead trees and stumps, which is why prompt tree and stump removal are vital to keeping your living trees healthy.

Weather Damage

Most trees are resilient enough to withstand major storms. But even the healthiest limbs and trunks may not survive direct lightning strikes. Some such incidents will only leave a scar, but don’t be surprised if your tree shows signs of poor health several months later. Even if there’s little to no visible damage, lightning can fry a tree’s root system, leading to catastrophic damage and eventual decay.

Lightning isn’t Mother Nature’s only weapon: dry spells can leave trees looking lackluster, while extreme droughts and deep freezes can take out saplings and other vulnerable trees. Mulching around your tree’s base is an easy way to protect it by locking in moisture and warmth for protection during seasonal changes.


We ourselves tend to not look our best when we’re feeling stressed, so we shouldn’t expect anything different from our trees. Factors like improper installation, insufficient watering, and incorrect pruning can all harm trees. They’ll eventually begin to show signs of stress, from slowed or stunted growth to dead leaves and branches.

With so many possible causes for sad trees, the best way to know for sure what’s affecting them is to enlist professional help. Give us a call at 404-252-6448 or contact us by sending us a direct message.

Premier Tree Solutions Uses JAWS at Governor’s Mansion to Decorate for the Holidays!

It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas at the Governor’s Mansion! On Monday, November 20, the Premier Tree Solutions crew helped spread some holiday cheer by putting up the Christmas tree at the Governor’s Mansion.

They used JAWS, the TreeMek to help get the job done. Premier Tree Solutions is the first company in Georgia to own and use JAWS. It is a safer solution for your property and a safer solution for us with no climbing or ropes needed.

Contact Premier Tree Solutions today at 404-252-6448 to learn more about the JAWS and how it is changing the way tree work is done in Atlanta. You can also contact us to schedule a free assessment.