What is Stump Grinding and Why You Might Need It

Trees fall. It happens all the time. Whether it’s an accident caused by a bad storm or an intentional choice made to upgrade the aesthetics of your yard. Either way, you’re usually left with a stump that needs to be addressed.

That’s where stump grinding comes in! This tool makes it easy to remove unwanted and unpleasant stumps from your yard, so you can reclaim that space for other plants or landscaping plans.

The experts at Premier Tree Solutions are explaining what stump grinding is and why you might need to use it below! 

What is Stump Grinding? 

A stump grinder tool, also called a stump cutter, is a self-propelled machine used to remove tree stumps. To do so, it has a rotating, high-speed cutting disk that chops away at the wood. The carbide teeth on the blade cuts the wood into small chips. 

The machines come in a variety of sizes, from as big as a lawn mower or as large as a truck, to cover all your stump removal needs. 

When Would You Need to Use Stump Grinding? 

If a tree has recently fallen or if you’ve cut a tree from its roots, then you’ve got an unwanted stump on your hands. As soon as the rest of the tree is removed, the stump will begin an extremely slow decaying process. It could be years before the stump will easily break apart to be removed. 

While you may be tempted to let nature do the hard work, leaving a stump to rot has many downsides. The biggest of those being:

  • The rotting wood can often attract many pests, including carpenter ants and termites. If the stump is close to your house, those bugs could end up transferring to your house and damaging it. 
  • Unless you like the look of rotting wood, stumps standing out in the middle of your yard aren’t appealing. If you have services like HOA, they might also require you to remove the stump. Or you risk a fine. 
  • Planning to plant a new tree near the stump? The roots of this tree will have a harder time spreading out if the stump is blocking them, stunting the growth of your new plant

How Premier Tree Solutions Can Help

Have a stump ruining your yard? Our experts are here to help! We’re proud to offer to the Atlanta area stump grinding and removal services. If you’re interested in utilizing our expertise, feel free to reach out to us by clicking here or by giving us a call at 404-252-6448. 


Get to know Georgia’s beautiful array of trees and how you can take care of your own! Each month, we feature some of the most popular trees in the state. This month, we are showcasing the Japanese Maple (Acer Palmatum). Learn all about the Japanese Maple below!

Infographic for Japanese Maple Tree

Make Up Your Mind! What Changing Weather Can Do To Your Trees

Fluctuating weather is a common occurrence in Georgia. One day it might feel like spring is right on the horizon, other days a chilly freeze comes back making you snuggle up on the couch. You might even notice how some trees start to blossom too early, say around February, when the warm weather comes out to tease them and their biological systems. But, when frost comes back to bite, what will happen to those gorgeous trees with flowers ready to bloom?

The experts at Premier Tree Solutions are taking a look at how changing weather can do to your trees. 

When Are Sudden Weather Changes Most Common?

Before we dive into the effects changing temperatures can have on our trees, let’s first take a look at when these weather patterns are most common. The answer to that is winter. So on top of having to worry about strong winds and bitter temperatures, you also have to worry about when spring comes in a bit too early, only to leave just as quickly as it comes. 

In fact, most often than not, the biggest threat of danger to our trees is the fluctuating weather. When the temperature drops suddenly, trees and plants can really suffer since they won’t have the proper time to prepare for cold weather. The amount of stress this piles onto our trees causes some damage, which we’re about to discuss now. 

What Changing Weather Can Do to Your Trees

Distorting Leaves 

If leaves have already begun to appear thanks to false warmer weather, they may end up being distorted by the time all of the cold temperatures finally leave. The frost causes the new leaves to burn, have holes, and look smaller or with less concrete shapes than they might usually have. 

The good news is that most of the time trees will grow out of the distortion and normal looking leaves will appear again with time. 

Frost Cracks

Most commonly found in the sides of trees that face the sun and therefore face the biggest jumps in temperature, these are long cracks in the trunks that appear thanks to changing temperatures. Why does this happen? When the weather suddenly drops, it causes the outer layer of the trunk to contract quicker than the layers deeper in the tree do. That’s why a crack may appear. 


Similar to what was described above, sunscald is where bark is exposed to intense sun during changing temperatures reddens, toughens, and then eventually cracks. Most commonly this happens to trees that have little foliage to protect their trunk from strong sun, such as when trees blossom too early and then those flowers die due to a sudden drop in cold weather. 


Most commonly seen on evergreens, winterburn looks like scorched and brown leaf tips. When these trees are exposed to warm sun and dropped temperatures in the night, their leaves dry out. This happens more frequently when the water in their roots aren’t able to reach the leaves, such as if they freeze over due to the fluctuating temperatures. 

Have any more questions about how changing weather can affect your trees? Premier Tree Solutions has been providing quality, professional tree services to the metro Atlanta and surrounding areas for more than ten years. Click here to contact us or give us a call at 404-252-6448. 

Bye-Bye Bugs: Pest-Resistant Trees

If you’ve lost a plant or a tree to pests, then you know just how frustrating microscopic bugs can be. They may be tiny, but they are mighty, especially when they eat through your beloved landscaping in no time at all. While trees are adapting and evolving to create new mechanisms to fight away the pests that bother them, often bugs change even faster, thwarting the tree’s attempts. 

Luckily, there are many types of plants, shrubs, and trees that already have naturally built armor to fend off pests. On top of that, scientists and botanists are working to breed new types of trees with genes that fend off these fiends.  

So, if you don’t want your heart broken by pesky bugs, keep reading below to learn your options for pest-resistant trees. 

Types of Pest-Resistant Trees

Bald Cypress

Known for being resistant to most tree problems, from pests to droughts, this tree has feather-like leaves that are green during the spring and summer but turn orange during the fall. They typically grow in southern swamps, though they do well in any environment, and can be more than 70 feet tall. 

Chinese Fringe Tree

Hoping to find a smaller tree that is also pest resistant? Look no further! Not only does this tree grow extremely fast to its max at about 25 feet, but it also is gorgeous and has white flowers during the spring that smell amazing. 

Chinese Pistache

This tree is fantastic if you have an area with full sun. They are on the smaller side, but can still grow anywhere from 25 to 35 feet tall. If they are placed in the shade, the shape of the tree tends to get misshapen. The good news is that they are pest resistant and have gorgeous orange fall leaves. 

Eastern Red Cedar

An extremely popular tree often found from Canada to the Gulf of Mexico, this pine tree is known for its many practical uses, such as building fences, to its tall stature, sometimes growing over 60 feet tall. These beauties are usually free of any serious pest and disease problems, though they aren’t totally immune. 


A tree with fossils that date all the way back to 270 million years ago, the Ginkgo is one of the most popular deciduous trees out there. Not only does this tree have interesting leaves shaped like a fan, but they turn a gorgeous yellow color in the fall. A single tree can live to be 3,000 years and it also happens to be very pest resistant! 


Famous in the south, the magnolia is a deciduous tree with large, green leaves that blossoms gorgeous white or pink flowers in the spring. If you know you want this kind of pest-resistant tree for your yard, there are many different variants to pick from and even size differences to consider. It’s up to you! 

Rubber Tree

No, this isn’t a tree made of rubber. However, inside the leaves is milky white latex, once used to make rubber. This makes the plant harder for pests to chew on. Also a popular house plant, these trees can start off as small plants that fit in the corner of your living room but grow to be about 50 feet tall. They also come in many gorgeous variants, such as the ruby with shades of dark red on the leaves. 

These are just a small portion of the many available pest-resistant trees. Have any more questions about these kinds of trees and which would be best for your yard? Premier Tree Solutions has been providing quality, professional tree services to the metro Atlanta and surrounding areas for more than ten years. Click here to contact us or give us a call at 404-252-6448. 


Get to know Georgia’s beautiful array of trees and how you can take care of your own! Each month, we feature some of the most popular trees in the state. This month, we are showcasing the Hawthorn Tree (Genus Crataegus). Learn all about the Hawthorn Tree below!

Hawthorn Tree of the Month Infographic.

Tree-T Yourself: How to Take Care of Your Yard This Spring

Spring is in the air down in Georgia! The birds are chirping, the sun is shining when the rain isn’t pouring, and everywhere you look green is sprouting up. It’s the absolute perfect time to get outside and take care of your yard and all its plants’ inhabitants.

Not sure where to start? We’re covering how to take care of your yard this spring and how Premier Tree Solutions can help.

How to Get Your Yard Ready for Spring

Know you need to do some sprucing of your yard this spring season? Here are the steps you should take.

Just as a reminder, if you are overwhelmed with any steps of this process, know that Premier Tree Solutions is here to help. Whether you need assistance with picking the right plants for your property or help removing dead trees from your yard, the metro-Atlanta experts in yard care will be there for you every step of the spring journey.

It’s the Perfect Time to Spruce Up Your Yard

Getting ready to put your house on the market? Or feeling inspired and want to do a total overhaul of the yard you have right now? The spring season is the perfect time to do it! Not only is this the time of year when plants, grass, and trees grow the fastest, it’s also the time when all of these things are on sale in your local stores.

Plant New Vegetation

That’s why spring is the absolute perfect time to get new plants. Not only will you have a ton of variety to pick from in your local store, but they will be healthier, happier, and ready to grow and flourish where you plan to put them.

Get Ready for Lots of Growth

As we mentioned above, spring is the time for new growth. But especially after winter storms, snow and pouring rain from the change in weather, your plants and trees will be exploding come warmer temperatures. It will look gorgeous, but it will also probably mean you need to be prepared for pruning and trimming more than usual.

Take Away What Was Lost During Winter

Did some trees or plants not make it during the cold season? Then it’s time to take care of those. Whether you need to pull out weeds, unroot rotting plants, or throw away potted flowers, don’t hesitate. Letting dead things sit on your property invites bacteria and pests in.

Give Some Extra Love to What Survived During Winter

In the same vein of thought, don’t forget to help boost what managed to survive over the winter. That means:

Premier Tree Solutions has been providing quality, professional tree services to the metro Atlanta and surrounding areas for more than ten years. If you need any help with any of your spring tree services needs, including pruning or removal of trees, click here to contact us or give us a call at 404-252-6448.

Stop Tree-son on Your Yard: Why Your Vegetation Needs to Be Cleared

If you look aside your window and see that your land has been over green with green as far as the eye can see, you might be thinking about signing yourself up for some land clearing soon. Whether it’s ivy, overgrown shrubs, or just Mother Nature taking back over the land, sometimes you need a helping hand to clear out that vegetation.

That’s where Premier Tree steps in! Aside from just appearance’s sake, there are several beneficial reasons you need to get to shaping and cutting. We’re discussing reasons why your vegetation needs to be cleared and how Premier Tree Solutions can help below!

Time to Do Some Land Clearing? Why Your Vegetation Needs to be Cleared

  • Improves your land’s appearance. Of course, one of the biggest benefits of land clearing is making your property look nicer. This is especially true if you are hoping to sell your house anytime soon. Not many people like the look of overgrown plants, trash, and dying vegetation.
  • Stops the spread of disease. If you have land covered in overgrown vegetation, then you also have disease and vermin running wild. If you think about all the cover and nutrients that wild plant life offers for things like rats, mice, or other pests, then it makes sense that they would thrive on your property. However, rotting trees and vegetation is where bacteria and disease grow fast. If you have plenty of those on your land, then you’re inviting others, or yourself, to get sick.
  • Makes your home safer. Imagine trying to walk through a yard that is overgrown. There are all kinds of tripping hazards, like roots poking out of the ground or rotting tree stumps waiting for you to step on them and twist your ankle. Having that much-overgrown vegetation also increases your risk of fire. Though you can control how often you walk through it, you can’t control curious individuals who might wander their way onto your land and hurt themselves. Keep yourself and others safe.
  • Gives you land that is usable. Want to grow some gorgeous flowers? What about some trees that can help make you some profit? You can’t do that if your land is overgrown with vegetation that will rob much-needed water, sunlight, and soil nutrients from your plants.
  • Promotes healthier soil. Having large amounts of vegetation on your property you can’t control lessens the health of your soil. Clearing anything you don’t want prevents your soil from eroding and also keeps it healthy and jam-packed with nutrients for your wanted plants.

It might be overwhelming to look at your overgrown land and know that you need to start clearing it. That’s where the experts at Premier Tree Solutions can step in.

Premier Tree Solutions has been providing quality, professional tree services to the metro Atlanta and surrounding areas for more than ten years. If you need any help with any of your tree services needs, including removing overgrown vegetation from your property, click here to contact us or give us a call at 404-252-6448.


Get to know Georgia’s beautiful array of trees and how you can take care of your own! Each month, we feature some of the most popular trees in the state. This month, we are showcasing the Sassafras tree (Sassafras albidum). Learn all about the Sassafras below!

Sassafras Tree of the Month infographic.





Premier Tree is your local source for professional tree services in the metro Atlanta area. We provide tree removal, trimming, pruning, stump grinding, and more. Check out all of the services we offer, and contact us today for a free consultation!

What’s the Deal with the Driftwood on Georgia Beaches? Learn Their Story

When thinking of Georgia’s Jekyll Island, you may picture the famous large pieces of driftwood that often wash up on those shores. These massive pieces of nature and art not only have a story, but they also have a purpose.

If you’ve ever been curious about what driftwood is, keep reading below.

What is Driftwood?

As you might have been able to guess, driftwood is pieces of trees or even whole trees that end up in a body of water, such as a river or an ocean. But how could it possibly get there in the first place?

Where Does it  Come From?

Think about all of the islands that are out in the ocean decorated with trees, or all of the rivers shaded by green canopies. All driftwood takes is one branch, or sometimes a whole tree, to collapse into the waiting water.

Just like there are many types of trees, there’s also different kinds of driftwood. Most commonly, you’ll only see small parts, like a branch or a part of a root. But, sometimes, a whole tree stays intact while it travels through the ocean, creating those famous pieces of driftwood that wash up on Jekyll Island’s shores.

Why Does it Look Like That?

If you travel slowly through a body of water, you might also look like a piece of driftwood. That’s because the current, water type, and other inhabitants create the gray and corroded famous appearance of driftwood. Fast-moving water can strip the tree of its bark, salt can wash away the color, and smaller animals or insects can drill small or gaping holes into the tree to make their home.

Each piece of driftwood tells a story about its journey, which you can often see hints of if you look close enough.

How Does Driftwood Help the Environment?

Pieces of driftwood can often be used for many different purposes. Whether it be for building boats, crafts, decorating houses, forming habitats for other animals, regulating water flow, or providing a home for plants to flourish, this seemingly insignificant piece of wood does so much for our environment.

So, next time you visit Jekyll island or come across a tree making its way down a river, take a closer look to see just how much it’s benefiting the area.

Premier Tree Solutions has been providing quality, professional tree services to the metro Atlanta and surrounding areas for more than ten years. If you need any help with any of your tree services needs, including questions about certain types of trees, click here to contact us or give us a call at 404-252-6448.

Wanting to Earn Some Extra Income? Top Profitable Trees to Grow on Your Property

You don’t have to be a full-scale farmer to be able to make a profit from plants. In fact, lots of people all across America have started to plant gardens filled with herbs or bushes that will produce plentiful fruits and veggies. But what about trees? Though these gardening counterparts might be bigger than others you can add to your property, that means double the produce and more profit.

Don’t be discouraged by their size and maintenance, here are some of the top profitable trees to grow on your property, whether you want to sell the trees themselves or sell their produce.

Top Profitable Trees to Grow on Your Property

  1. Dogwood: Not only is this flowering tree beautiful, but they are easy to grow. You could either sell these trees as babies in pots or wait until they are full-grown to sell the flowers.
  2. Willow: If you’re hoping to sell a multi-use tree, consider the Willow. Not only could you sell them as trees for someone to put on their property, but you can also sell their flexible bark for crafting.
  3. Elm: Though these trees can grow to be huge, many people love them for their looks and the shade they provide. Consider growing these trees in pots as juvenile trees to those who plan to add some to their property.
  4. Japanese Maple: Have less room on your property to use for tree growing? Consider the Japanese Maple. They take up significantly less room than an Elm or Willow would.  Many people love their blooms and their look.
  5. Bonsai: These trending plants are all the rage for hobbyists gardeners and plant fans everywhere. Plus, they’re smaller which means more room to grow.
  6. Almond: If you have the room to grow many trees and keep them on your property, consider the almond tree. They are beautiful, create very popular produce, and can really bring in that extra money for you.
  7. Avocado: We all know how much avocados are the rage right now. Growing a produce tree that gives you an expensive product that everyone loves is a smart business decision.
  8. Flowering Cherry: Another great produce tree is the flowering cherry. Whether you want to sell them as babies or whether you want to grow them to their full potential to sell the cherries, these trees are fantastic, and stunning, options to consider.
  9. Christmas Trees: If you have the room to plant many trees, consider setting up a Christmas tree farm! Everyone loves a good Christmas tree, and you will really rack in extra money right when you need it the most: the holidays.

Premier Tree Solutions has been providing quality, professional tree services to the metro Atlanta and surrounding areas for more than ten years. If you need any help with any of your tree services needs, including help choosing from the top profitable trees to grow on your property, click here to contact us or give us a call at 404-252-6448.