Winter Tree Care

Winter feels like a great time to hunker down and hibernate, especially if you live in an area that sees chilly weather. But braving the outdoors to give a little attention to your landscape can lead to vibrant blooms in the spring and summer. Even if your trees are dormant in the winter, here’s what you can do now to keep them healthy and happy year-round.

Prime Time for Pruning

There are several reasons why cooler winter weather is the best time to prune your trees. For one, bare branches are easier to trim since visibility is better, and tree professionals get an unobstructed view of what needs to be removed. For another, winter is a lull in the growth cycle for most trees, so pruning them now when they’re dormant means you’re unlikely to cause damage to the vulnerable new growth.

And speaking of new growth, wintertime pruning lays the foundation for spring abundance in that department. Pruning facilitates heartier growth for the spring season, because it gives new branches and leaves more sun exposure and space in which to spread.

Unsure when or where to start? Deciduous trees like maples and beeches can benefit from late-winter February pruning, along with fruit trees and evergreens, when the threat of a destructive freeze has largely passed. The best time to prune oaks is December or January.

There are several pruning methods to use, including removing dead or at-risk branches, and thinning that controls your tree’s shape, size, and growth pattern. If you have the know-how and equipment for proper pruning, feel free to tackle small shrubs on your own. But if there’s any uncertainty on your part, or you have larger trees that require heavy-duty equipment, be sure to leave it to the pros. We know precisely how to remove at-risk or dead branches without causing injury to the rest of your tree.

Bundle Up with Burlap

Most established trees can withstand cold fronts. But in southern climates when it comes to young saplings or sensitive plants, a burlap covering may be in order. This material can lock in warmth while still being breathable enough for sufficient air flow. Drape the burlap over your plant all the way to the ground, and secure it with twine. Only leave this covering on for the duration of the cold snap, as keeping it on any longer could cause excessive heat to build up. Some of the plants that need the most protection from a frost include jasmine, citrus, bougainvillea, and hibiscus.

Fertilize Before Frosts

Although you may not see much growth on branches throughout the winter, the roots below are busy expanding. Fertilizing before a frost delivers a hefty dose of nutrients to hungry roots so they can grow stronger throughout the winter.

Insulate with Mulch

We often think of springtime as the ideal season for mulching, but it doesn’t hurt to freshen up your mulch in the fall, too. Doing so can add an extra layer of insulation to your tree’s roots, which can protect them against cold weather. If you tend to experience dry winters, having mulch will also help the roots retain moisture throughout the season.

For expert pruning services to support your trees’ health, rely on Premier Tree Solutions. Our arborists specialize in tree care and removal to keep your property safe and attractive. Call 404-252-6448 to request an estimate, contact us online for an assessment, or reach out immediately at 404-569-8897 for emergency service.

Should You Plant Trees in the Winter?

Planting a tree feels good for the soul, and benefits your landscape and the environment overall. While we’d love to say that it’s never a bad idea to plant one, in reality, there are some parameters when it comes to doing it right.

Whether you’re resolving to spruce up your property for the New Year or cabin fever has you craving greenery, here are some important details you should know about planting trees in the winter.

When’s the Best Time to Plant Trees?

When it comes to planting a new tree, there are many variables that can contribute to its long-term success. From soil composition to choosing the right tree species for your region, getting these details ironed out gives your sapling the best odds of thriving. Among the most important factors of optimal tree planting is the timing.

Across the board, the best time to plant a tree is during its dormant season. This is the time frame when new growth either stops completely or slows considerably. Though that does usually happen in the winter season for many species, we encourage you to pause before you pick up the shovel.

Wintertime Tree Planting: Why Not?

Though it may seem counterintuitive, the dead of winter isn’t the best time to plant trees for several reasons. For one, frozen ground can make it difficult for you to dig to the proper depth. The hole for your tree should be as deep as the root ball is tall, but colder temperatures and lack of moisture may mean you’ll have trouble digging beyond a few inches.

Another important concern is that frosts are risky for young trees. Even if it isn’t going through a growth spurt yet, your small sapling won’t have the strength needed to withstand such temperature extremes.

The Right Season for Saplings

If trees should be planted during their dormant season, but not during extreme cold, that leaves a fairly small window of time for you to do your planting. The good news is that you have two options: most trees can either be planted in the fall, after leaves have dropped but before the ground has gotten too cold, or after the spring thaw but before any buds have emerged.

The very best time will come down to the tree’s species. Conifers like spruces and cypress trees should be planted in early fall, as they need more time to be established before winter weather arrives. Magnolias, cherry varieties, and tulip trees all make for good spring planting.

Whenever you decide to plant your tree, check the forecast for any upcoming temperature extremes. Even one unseasonably hot (or cold) day could damage a young tree. It’s also best if you have some clear days of sunshine ahead. While new trees definitely need moisture, heavy rains can erode the soil and make it challenging for roots to take hold.

For tree expertise through the winter and beyond, allow Premier Tree Solutions to assist you. Our arborists provide a wide range of tree care and removal services, including pruning and trimming. Call 404-252-6448 to schedule a service, or visit our website to schedule a free assessment.

How Trees Prevent Urban Flooding & Runoff

Recent climate changes have made it clear that no community is free from the threat of severe weather. In high-density urban communities, storm damage like flooding can be particularly problematic. While there are many tactics that can be used to address urban flooding and runoff, one important but often overlooked solution is strategic tree placement.

How Do Trees Prevent Flooding and Runoff in Urban Communities?

Trees have compelling advantages for urban environments, including increased shade and noise control. Of course, tree-lined avenues also add beauty and visual interest to communities, helping to restore a natural element that balances out heavily developed areas. Beyond these perks, however, trees can also offer some “re-leaf” during heavy rains.

In natural watersheds, streams and rivers offer a place for runoff water to go, which helps to control flooding. Yet, most urban communities lack these natural features and instead rely on drains, gutters, sewer pipes, and other manmade infrastructure. While these features can redirect storm water to some degree, heavy rains can overwhelm these systems and lead to urban flooding. This is complicated by the fact that concrete and asphalt prohibit the ground from soaking up water.

Trees can be an effective and economical solution for cities looking to control rainfall, as their canopies and root systems can manage runoff in several ways. For one, their leaves capture falling rain, creating a surface area where water can land and then evaporate. In fact, their canopies can intercept as much as 50 to 60% of rainwater (thousands of gallons a year), helping to prevent the flash flooding effect that often takes place in urban communities.

Tree roots also soak up water that enters the ground, keeping soil in place and reducing erosion. Both tree roots and the soil surrounding them have a sponge-like effect, allowing water to slowly seep into permeable surfaces and minimize the demand on storm water drains.

What’s the Best Approach to Using Trees to Control Flooding in Urban Communities?

Using trees for flood prevention does require some careful planning. There are several factors to consider, including:

  • Soil composition
  • USDA hardiness zone
  • Tree species
  • Space limitations
  • Maintenance needs
  • Exposure to pollutants like chemicals and salt
  • Access to shade and sunlight

While finding the perfect trees calls for attention to detail, for urban planners, the payoff may be well worth the initial effort. From amending the soil to strategically choosing the right tree species and placement, navigating these steps properly could yield meaningful results — including up to an 80% greater reduction in surface water runoff compared to asphalt alone. As always, native trees will have the best chances of thriving. The American Sycamore and Eastern Cottonwood are some of the trees in Georgia which can help with drainage. But there are a variety of other species which your local tree expert can help you select.

Of course, prolonged exposure to standing water can also take its toll on trees. Dealing with dead or downed trees isn’t ideal in urban environments either, so while trees may help to prevent flooding, they shouldn’t be planted directly in the heart of flood zones. The right tree placement can make all the difference in helping urban trees thrive.

Tree planting and maintenance don’t have to be complicated, but they can be made easier with some professional help. Whether you have a problem tree or you’re planning a new project, consult Premier Tree Solutions for assistance. Learn more about our services or call 404.252.6448 to get in touch.a

Controlled Burning and Trees

Too many recent news stories have shown us just how devastating forest fires can be. From our neighbors to the north who have seen wildfires spread across millions of acres of Canadian land, to Maui’s heartbreaking loss of life and property, the force of these natural disasters is all too familiar. In an effort to maintain the safety of at-risk forests, controlled burning is sometimes used as a fire prevention method.

What Is Controlled Burning?

Also sometimes referred to as prescribed burns, controlled burning is a planned, low-intensity fire that aims to remove hazardous fuel such as low-growing vegetation. In doing so, these fires can help stimulate regrowth and reduce the risk of high-intensity, high-heat fires that might otherwise devastate landscapes.

There are two types of prescribed burns commonly used:

  • Broadcast burns, which involve lighting fires across a designated space
  • Pile burning, which entails the individual burning of multiple stacks of vegetation in a specific area

Pile burning is often used when broadcast burns are considered unsafe due to risky conditions, such as drought. In this approach, debris is cut, accumulated, and prepared for safe burning when weather permits. Oftentimes, dead trees and fallen branches are also used as materials to assist in the process. While prescribed burning can possibly kill shrubs and small seedlings, most mature trees can withstand the impact of these controlled fires.

How Is Controlled Burning Performed?

Before a controlled burn is initiated, a detailed plan is put together. This outlines the overall size of the fire, what it will burn, and what will be accomplished. Weather and environmental factors are included, as well as meticulous contingency plans should any areas of the fire need to be extinguished. Details also include how the fire will be set and managed, including smoke control, and how and when the public will be alerted.

Prescribed burns are performed all across the U.S., with thousands taking place every year. More than 99% are performed successfully, but naturally, all fires come with inherent risks. That’s why it’s critically important for everyone involved with controlled burns to follow protocols precisely.

In rural areas such as Georgia’s forests, prescribed burns can be an effective way to prevent uncontrollable fires. Yet, even when performed on your own land, you’ll still need to acquire a burn permit from the Georgia Forestry Commission before performing a controlled burn. You’ll also want to familiarize yourself with the best practices for performing controlled burns in southern ecosystems from the U.S. Department of Agriculture. This will help you when developing your written burn plan, which should include:

  • The burn unit’s boundaries
  • Information about the adjacent land parcels and their owners
  • Topographical details
  • Control lines
  • Anticipated direction of the smoke
  • Smoke management strategies
  • Weather factors
  • Burning techniques and fuels
  • Smoke sensitive areas

There are several other important factors to consider when formulating a prescribed burn plan, including vegetation, soil, wildlife, human welfare, and air and water quality. Weather conditions are one of the most critical aspects to monitor. Ambient air temperatures should be 60 degrees or lower for wintertime burning, or 80 degrees or higher for burns performed during growing seasons, and relative humidity should be between 30 to 55 percent. Winds that are low in speed and consistent in direction are also important for ensuring the fire remains controlled.

With so many variables to consider, many land owners turn to experts from the Georgia Forestry Commission when pursuing a controlled burn. While these professionals can’t actually ignite the fire themselves, they can consult with you on every aspect of the controlled burn to mitigate risks to the greatest possible degree.

Minimizing the risk of forest fires is an important aspect of being a responsible land owner, and caretaker of our environment and community. Removing dead or at-risk trees can also help to keep your property safe. Premier Tree Solutions can help you with every aspect of tree care, from root to bud. Contact us by calling 404.252.6448 or by sending us a message online.

How and Why Ivy Is Damaging to Your Trees (and What to Do About It)

Ivy may be a plant associated with the pinnacle of academia, but an ivy league is certainly not something you’d want to find in your yard. The ornamental climbing plant can wreak havoc on your other plant life, including your trees. Here’s what you should know about the risks of this relentless vine and what you can do about it:

Does Ivy Damage Trees?

Ivy can have certain benefits to wildlife, including shelter for small species. Yet, it also has the potential to overtake an entire mature tree. The vine damages bark as it climbs, using the outer layer as a scaffold for climbing and adding extra weight. It will also siphon resources like nutrients and water from the soil, taking them away from the tree. With a thick enough coating, ivy can also hold damaging agents like fungal spores close to the bark, leading to disease or decay.

Ivy makes its way up the tree in an attempt to get closer to the light. When it reaches the canopy, it can shield the tree’s leaves from sunlight and inhibit photosynthesis. As a result, it may ultimately overtake the foliage and kill the tree off slowly.

How to Remove Ivy from Trees

Clearly, ivy is an issue even for the healthiest of trees, and it’s got to go. But before you start stripping the vines away from your bark, stop and read this first!

Ivy stems become affixed to the bark of your tree so strongly that they can take it with them if you pull it off with too much force. This creates an opening in the protective exterior layer of your tree, leaving the vulnerable interior open to damage from pests, disease, and other forms of destruction.

Instead of removing ivy with a hard pull, you’ll want to sever all of the vines growing up your tree’s trunk. Cutting the band of stems around the trunk’s base will separate the climbing vine from its roots. Over time, this will cause the ivy to wither and die. Simply leave the vine in place after it dies, as it won’t cause any further damage to the tree and the leaves will eventually fall off.

How to Prevent Ivy from Returning

Of course, the best approach to take when it comes to ivy is a preventive one. If you’ve already had it, however, chances are you have an ideal environment for the problem plant to thrive. This means you’ll want to take extra caution to keep it from returning.

After you’ve severed the vines, check back continuously to make sure there are no new ivy sprouts at the base of your tree. One effective way to deter this and other unwanted weeds is to lay mulch. The material will lock in nutrients around your tree’s roots while also preventing any sprouts from getting enough sunlight to thrive. But these are just a few of the benefits of mulching around your trees’ base, as it can also help to prevent fungi and other problems while promoting temperature maintenance.

Whether you’re nurturing a damaged tree back to life or handling decaying branches, Premier Tree Solutions can solve all of your tree woes. Our team specializes in pruning, storm damage response, and tree removal, among other tree care services. Call us at 404.252.6448 to schedule a service or send us a message online.

Tree Artists: Sculpting with Mother Nature

Sometimes, the medium an artist chooses to work with is just as interesting as the art itself. Such is often the case with tree artists. From talented sculptors to topiary masters, the gifted individuals who make artwork out of trees always leave us wowed by their work.

Here’s a spotlight on some of the most in-tree-guing forms of art made with our favorite natural wonders.


The bonsai tree is beloved by many and is often used as a symbol of harmony, patience, or luck. While it’s widely recognized, many people are surprised to discover that cultivating the bonsai tree is actually considered an art form.

Bonsai is an ancient Japanese art in which a small tree is grown in a way that mimics its full-size cousin. These miniature trees are meant to be a representation of nature “planted in a container,” which is the literal translation of bonsai. This meticulous art form requires methodical pruning to give the small plant the appearance of a tree, along with careful use of specific soil. Some perfectionist bonsai enthusiasts even aim to water their creation exclusively with rainwater.

Interested in trying bonsai yourself? Juniper is the most popular variety, but Jade is a particularly low-maintenance strain ideal for beginners.


The first historical mention of topiary art extends back to the Roman Empire, with author Pliny the Younger describing cypress animals and figures in his gardens. While the art form went dormant after the fall of Rome, it experienced a resurgence throughout Europe during the Renaissance. Exquisite hedge sculptures were especially popular in France, Italy, and England.

A surge in the popularity of houseplants during the 1950s and 60s prompted Disney to showcase their own take on topiary gardens. The artists behind these impressive works utilize an innovative system in which moss is fastened to steel wires, serving as cutting guides and enabling portability. While topiary gardens can also be seen across the U.S., homeowners can clip their own hedges into shapes as complex or simple as they see fit with small-leaved shrubs. Delavay privet, pittosporum, and English holly are a few worthy contenders.

Stump Sculptors

Replacing a chisel with a chainsaw is certainly a bold move, and it’s precisely what has allowed stump sculptors to achieve their iconic woodsy masterpieces. There are lots of places to find chainsaw carvings, from Etsy to your local farmer’s market.

Finished works often feature symbols of nature, from land mammals like wolves and bears to soaring eagles and hawks. These pieces look lovely against a rustic backdrop and make for the perfect conversation starter for your property.

Tree Shaping

Also known as arborsculpture, tree shaping is a unique practice in which artists use living trees to create sculptures. Techniques include braiding, twisting, framing, pruning, grafting, and bending to form unnatural shapes with the natural medium. Contemporary artists like Peter Cook and Becky Northey have designed tree chairs and other exquisite shapes through their Pooktre process, a gradual shaping method.

Your trees don’t have to be pruned artistically to be beautiful, but they do require basic maintenance for optimal growth and safety. Entrust our trained arborists to shape your trees to encourage full growth and keep your property pristine. Schedule a service by calling 404-252-6448 or reach out to our team online.

What To Do if Your Tree Is Dying

A dying tree is a disheartening sight. But it’s more than just an eyesore: left unaddressed, a damaged tree becomes a risk to life and property. With quick intervention, however, you may be able to salvage it — here’s how.

What to Look for in a Dying Tree

Many signs of a dying tree are obvious, like a significant lean, advanced rot, little to no leaf growth, and large cracks. Yet, some can go overlooked. For one, a collection of mushrooms on or around your tree could indicate rot, as the fungi thrive on decaying bark and roots. Damage to the bottom of the trunk (from lawnmowers, for instance) can also lead to structural damage and instability.

Other, more subtle indicators of a dying tree can be found by looking up. A thinning canopy usually means at least some branches are decayed. Premature leaf shedding, yellow or browning foliage, and undersized leaves are also concerning. Or, you might notice some branches with no leaves at all. Known as dieback, this can indicate internal decay, which stops nutrients from reaching the furthest branches.

Sometimes, tree damage results from a temporary problem, such as drought, disease, or pests. By acting quickly, you may be able to stop the tree from dying off entirely.

How to Stop a Tree from Dying Completely

Remove Dead Limbs

First and foremost, have any dead limbs removed. Not only are they at risk of falling, but they’re taking away resources like sunlight and moisture from surviving branches. Our arborists can remove dead branches in a snap to keep the rest of your tree growing healthily.


Issues like a thinning canopy and premature leaf loss could be a symptom of something as simple as having a poorly shaped tree. Pruning is a precise science that controls growth, can stop the spread of diseases, and builds a strong foundation for your tree’s structure. In some situations, tree preservation is possible through plant healthcare injections as well. Our trained crew provides plant healthcare services and takes the guesswork out of pruning by handling the process according to industry-leading standards.

How to Keep Your Trees Healthy

The best approach to take when it comes to tree health is a preventive one. Here’s how to stop trees from dying in the first place.

Keep Them Cool

Leaf discoloration and wilting are signs of heat stress, which occurs when trees can’t replenish water as fast as they lose it. Most mature trees can survive periods of drought and high temperatures, but you’ll want to keep vulnerable new trees cool by planting them in shady spots and watering them more when it’s 90 degrees or hotter.

Give Them the Space to Thrive

Trees planted near obstructions can’t reach their fullest potential. Ideally, you’ll give each tree a wide enough radius so its roots and canopy can spread out. Plan your tree placement strategically when selecting new species.


A freshly mulched yard looks sharp and benefits your trees. When placed atop the roots, mulch can lock in moisture, regulate temperature, and deter weeds. Aim for a 3- to 10-foot radius around the trunk (depending on the tree’s size), and a depth of 2 to 4 inches.

Select Native Species

While it’s certainly possible for other species to survive the climate of your community, native trees have the best odds of flourishing. These varieties are used to local conditions, including soil composition and weather patterns. We’re fortunate to have a huge variety of tree species native to Georgia!

Call in Professional Help

To the untrained eye, it’s not always easy to tell what a tree needs to survive. Luckily, our tree experts can pinpoint the best tree-atment to stop disease or decay. For prompt assistance, call us at 404-252-6448 or book an appointment online.

What to Do with Leftover Wood from a Tree Removal

Having a problem tree removed from your property can be a big relief. But it can also create its own challenge. Rather than having an at-risk tree looming over your yard, you might find yourself with a large pile of logs heaped in it instead. Although it is customary for Premier Tree Solutions to dispose of logs from a property after a tree removal, some homeowners request to keep them. Handling the aftermath of a tree removal can feel daunting, but we have some clever ideas for what you can do with leftover wood.

7 Creative Ways to Use Leftover Wood

1. Fuel Your Fire

Whether it’s for an outdoor pit or an indoor fireplace, leftover logs make the perfect fuel for burning a fire. You’ll need to season the wood before burning, which takes six to twelve months, but you’ll be grateful you saved the wood when chilly nights roll around!

2. Create a Bee Haven

There are few things bees love more than an undisturbed pile of wood. If you have a remote spot on your property, consider stacking some logs to invite these beloved black and yellow friends to create a home. Doing so will benefit our environment, as bee populations are declining worldwide.

3. Design New Décor

If you’ve ever read The Giving Tree, you know that a sturdy stump can double as a soothing seat. Apply this concept to your logs by creating chairs, benches, or other furniture out of them. Even if you’re not handy with woodworking, you might be able to bring the wood to a local artisan who can design a piece for you. Having furniture made from your very own tree is a move that’s both sentimental and sustainable.

4. Make the “Mulch” of It

Mulch has countless benefits. It’s a superb insulator, can inhibit weed growth, and makes a great visual impact. When you have a lot of flower beds or spaces, purchasing mulch material can get expensive. Even when you enlist a professional to shred your logs, you’ll still be saving on next season’s supply.

5. Separate Spaces

Cleanly outline your sidewalks, driveway, and other spaces with logs. These natural path markers will blend in with your landscape, while still creating distinct separate areas. Leftover logs and branches can even be used as makeshift retaining walls to support small terrace slopes.

6. Reach Out to Neighbors

When you’ve used up all the wood that you can, contact neighbors and friends located nearby to see if they’re interested in taking any. Many people with wood burning stoves or fireplaces will be happy to accept the tree-at.

7. Contact Your Town

When all else fails, contact your town’s municipal services to find out about the process for getting rid of leftover logs. Some cities and counties will take tree trunks with other landscape waste and brush on designated days. In other areas, you may have to schedule a pickup or drop the wood off yourself at a predetermined location. Before you do so, however, make sure you’ve looked into resources for recycling, such as reclaimed wood donations. Some organizations even offer pickup services for landscape materials and will gladly take the extra logs off your hands.

If you have a problem tree that needs removal, contact Premier Tree Solutions for prompt and efficient service. Our experts specialize in safe tree removal that preserves the rest of your property. Call 404-252-6448 to schedule a free assessment or send us a project proposal online.

Keep Your Trees Safe from Summer Storms!

Summer storms can wreak havoc on your landscape. As the tallest and most prominent features in your yard, trees often get the brunt of the damage. The good news is there are steps you can take now to protect your trees against severe weather through the summer season and beyond.

Keep Your Trees Healthy

Sturdy, well-maintained trees will fare best through high winds and other stormy conditions. This is why you’ll want to make sure you’re caring for your trees year-round, as a little frequent TLC can go a long way in keeping your trees healthy.

Most mature trees get adequate water through rainfall, but extended droughts can compromise even the healthiest root systems. If your area is experiencing a heat wave, be sure to provide water for both new and established trees.

Mulching is another tactic that can keep your trees in great shape. It’s a simple yet effective way to lock moisture in around the root system, but it also keeps other issues at bay. From pests to invasive weeds, many issues can be avoided by mulching around the base of your tree every spring and fall. Aim for three to four inches of depth.

Remove Problem Branches

Of course, one of the biggest threats on your property during storm season is a dead or damaged branch that could come down with heavy gusts. The importance of routine trimming and pruning cannot be overstated when it comes to keeping your home safe. While you may be able to remove small, low-lying branches on your own, any larger branches warrant professional help.

Although winter is the ideal time for pruning – when new growth is halted and you’re less likely to injure the tree – problem branches shouldn’t wait. Pruning removes at-risk limbs, including those that are damaged by disease. Since these branches have little to no healthy bark, they’re more vulnerable and thus more likely to come down during a storm.

To an untrained eye, it’s not always possible to tell which branches pose a threat. If you’re unsure whether you might need professional pruning, we’ll be happy to perform an inspection. We’ll make sure your trees are stormproof so your property stays safe through severe summer storms.

In the Event of Storm Damage

Sometimes, all the safeguards in the world are still no match for Mother Nature. Living in an area prone to tropical storms and hurricanes, we’re all unfortunately likely to experience weather-related damage at one point or another. If your property has been hit hard by a summer storm, we’re here to help.

Hurricane-force winds can uproot trees that have stood healthy for years. They can also bend and twist trunks, causing internal damage to the tree’s structure. Whether you have a single tree that needs to be removed or you have a yard full of heavy branches, trust our team to get the job done. We offer prompt and thorough storm recovery services to get your lawn looking its best again. We can also assess your property for hidden damage to trees and their root systems that may need to be addressed.

No matter what your tree care needs entail this summer, turn to Premier Tree Solutions for expert services delivered by certified arborists. Our detail-oriented team will treat your property as if it’s our own, providing the best level of care for your trees and surrounding grounds. To schedule a tree consultation, call 404-252-6448 or reach out to us online.

How to Keep Your Trees Cool

Scorching summer days are right around the corner. While many of us retreat beneath a shady canopy for a break from the heat, we often overlook the toll hot weather can take on our favorite shade-giving trees. Long periods of heat and direct sunlight can have a serious impact on your trees, so here’s what you should know about keeping them cool through the coming season.

Know the Signs of Heat Stress

Heat stress occurs when trees lose water faster than it can be replaced. Under normal circumstances, trees absorb water from the atmosphere through their leaves and branches, as well as from the soil via their root system. During extreme heat, however, the transpiration process accelerates, and trees lose water at a faster pace. Periods of drought can make the issue even worse.

Signs of heat stress include wilting leaves, internal leaves becoming yellowed, an inability to produce new growth, scorching, dropping leaves, and brown or red spots on leaves. The best way to prevent any of these heat stress symptoms is to keep that damaging heat stress from happening in the first place.

How to Keep Your Trees Cool in Hot Weather

Provide Adequate Water

Most established trees can weather droughts, but you can minimize the risk of heat stress by giving them a soak at least once a month. Be sure to water at the drip line, or the edge of the canopy, which is where most of the trees’ roots will be concentrated. If you don’t have a drip irrigation system set up, direct a garden hose to the area at a low flow.

For young trees (those that have been in the ground for three years or fewer), double up on your normal watering routine during periods of intense heat. Many new trees need 15 gallons of water at least twice a week if the temperature is 90 degrees or higher for an extended time. Water either in the early morning or after sunset to reduce evaporation. Provide water slowly using a slow-release watering bag, drip system, or trickling hose directed at the roots for up to 20 minutes.

Remove Dead Branches

Summertime isn’t the ideal season for pruning, as it’s best to do this when trees are dormant. But if they have seriously compromised branches, address them promptly. Doing so will keep your property safe through summer storms, while also ensuring all the water and nutrients are reserved for healthy growth.

Mulch Around Your Trees

We often think of mulching as a method for retaining heat to protect roots in cold weather — but it can have a similarly beneficial effect in summer, too. Mulch can help your trees’ roots retain moisture during droughts, and provide a buffer against extreme heat. If you haven’t already done so this year, be sure to apply fresh mulch around your trees before the hottest days arrive.

Incorporate Shade

While it’s true that trees provide shade for people, some smaller varieties could benefit from shade themselves. Air beneath trees can be as much as six degrees cooler than air in the direct sun, or even 25 degrees cooler than the air directly above asphalt. Plant deciduous trees with sprawling canopies to the south of any smaller trees or shrubs you’d like to protect from the sun. Maples and oaks are a few of our favorite species to consider.

For healthy trees year-round, turn to Premier Tree Solutions for top-notch care from certified arborists. Our team can help maintain your landscape through trimming and pruning, storm damage cleanup, and care for diseased or damaged trees. Call us at 404-252-6448 for an expert tree consultation or by sending us a message online.