A Breath of Fresh Air: How Trees Can Help You Have a Healthier New Year

If you’re focusing on your health in the new year, you’re not alone. Being healthier overall was the most common resolution for Americans going into 2022. As you prepare for a year of wellness, one unexpected aid can be found in trees. Here’s how you can use trees for a healthier 2023.

How Trees Can Boost Your Health in 2023

Promote Better Air Quality

Trees remove particulate matter, or the pollution that can damage our lungs. Their leaves filter pollution, releasing cleaner air and helping to control respiratory conditions like asthma. Since particulate matter is highest in large cities and near factories, if you live in those areas aim to spend more time in nature throughout the year to help offset the effects of pollution.

Shield You from Heat & Sun

Although the long, hot days of summer may be far from your mind right now, you can still plan ways to stay healthy all year by thinking ahead. If you enjoy outdoor activities during the warmer weather, make a point to take breaks under a shady tree when you can. By absorbing or reflecting back 70-90% of sunlight’s energy, trees help prevent skin cancer while also reducing heat stroke and heat exhaustion.

Support Mental Health

Being among the trees can be an instant stress-buster. They help control sounds, literally quieting distractions so you can practice inner reflection. Spending time in natural areas populated with trees has also been shown to control depression and boost energy. When you’re feeling overwhelmed, head to a local trail or tree-lined pathway to clear your head.

Offer Sustenance

You may already know that some of your favorite fruits and nuts come from trees. But while you may be able to find these products at a local grocery store or market, several populations around the world have relied on the fruit and nuts from local trees as sustenance when other food sources are scarce. Along with other wholesome foods, a diet rich in fruit can help you stay healthy by lowering the risk of serious diseases through a variety of important nutrients.

In 2023, consider making it your goal to enjoy fruits from local trees. Support nearby farmers by purchasing from them directly, which also ensures your produce will be fresher and create less of an environmental impact to reach your plate. Planting fruit trees in your own yard may be both fun and beneficial, since it doesn’t get more local than that!

Encourage Sustainability

The positive environmental impact of a young tree may take years to come to fruition, but there are many ways planting new trees can promote sustainability for a healthier world into the future. Trees store carbon and release fresh oxygen into the air, helping to curb climate change. They also increase atmospheric moisture to aid in water conservation, control pollution by reducing runoff, and prevent soil erosion. Consider doing a favor for your future self and generations to come by planting more trees and doing what you can to care for the trees you already have.

For assistance caring for your trees, turn to Premier Tree Solutions. From pruning to removal, our tree experts can oversee all aspects of tree maintenance, leaving you time to focus on all the goals you’ve set for 2023 and beyond. Request an estimate by calling 404-252-6448 or by contacting us online.

Prune in the New Year: How Trimming Can Give Your Trees a Fresh Start

Winter may not be the first season that comes to mind when you think of tending to landscape. Yet, for your trees, it could be an important time to provide a fresh start with some pruning. Here’s everything you need to know about the best time of year for pruning and how it can benefit your trees.

Why Prune Your Trees?

Tree pruning is much more than shaping leaves and branches to look a certain way. Pruning can be done on virtually any plant, and involves the strategic removal of stems and branches. While aesthetics can certainly factor into your pruning goals, there are also other important reasons to prune trees:

  • Maintain the tree’s health: By removing dead, injured, or diseased branches, you’ll eliminate any weak spots so other areas can thrive. You’ll also help to keep invasive pests at bay.
  • Control the plant’s size and density: Pruning prevents trees from becoming too large or cumbersome. Plus, pruning at-risk branches which have become decayed or obstructive to nearby structures will also help to protect people and property.
  • Encourage future flowering: Pruning can be done strategically to maximize the production of fruits and flowers in the coming season. Typically, professionals will prune the tree so there’s more room for growth at the canopy, which can allow for greater light penetration and flower formation.
  • Rejuvenate older or overgrown trees: Here’s where you can give new life to trees that may have gone a bit neglected. Pruning can give overgrown trees enough space and resources to produce new, hearty growth, enabling them to thrive once again.

When Is the Best Time for Pruning?

The best time of year to prune your trees and shrubs will depend on their type. In most cases, the winter season when growth slows or stops completely, and before the springtime bloom is ideal.

For deciduous trees such as maples and beeches, late winter, including February and March, is the best time to prune. With no new foliage to work around, tree specialists have a clear view of the tree so they can remove branches as needed. Oaks, however, should be pruned even earlier, around December or January.

Fruit trees, too, should be pruned during a period of dormancy. Because pruning can make trees more vulnerable to freeze damage, it should be done late enough in winter that any risk of extreme cold has subsided.

Most evergreen trees, including spruce, pine, and fir, require very little pruning. You may still want to remove dead, low-hanging branches, however. These can be pruned in late winter, although it’s usually possible to remove branches any time of year without risking damage to evergreens. If you’re seeking denser growth, the shoots of evergreen trees such as spruce and firs can be pruned in early spring.

Pruning larger trees is an activity best left to the professionals, but even the experienced yard enthusiast may need some tips. Allow our expert team to remove any dead branches safely and effectively this season so your trees can thrive through the rest of the year. Schedule an appointment by calling 404-252-6448 or by contacting us online.

How to Choose the Right Soil

Successful plant growth starts with the right type of soil. There are many factors that can impact the quality of soil, which in turn affects plant life. In December, the United Nations highlights the importance of soil preservation through World Soil Day. In honor of this holiday, here’s what you should know about your soil.

Why Is the Right Soil So Important?

Soil composition can vary drastically, and each state has its own unique soil “recipe.” The volcanic ash found in Hawaii’s soil acts as an excellent base for papaya and macadamia nuts, for example, while the decomposed prairie grass of the Midwest is ideal fodder for corn and soy. Most soil, however, is primarily composed of a combination of sand, clay, and silt.

Whether you’re growing a single potted houseplant or planning out your entire landscape design, knowing which soil to use can help your plants thrive. In general, soil provides five functions that support plant growth:

  • Keeping the roots in place
  • Oxygenation (as the spaces between soil particles hold air)
  • Water storage and delivery
  • Temperature control
  • Nutrient supply

While it may seem odd to purchase soil when there’s already plenty in your yard, in many areas, the native soil isn’t ideal for supporting a given variety of plant life. The fact is that most plants can benefit from some soil modifications..

A Guide to Selecting the Right Soil Type

Visiting the soil section in any lawn and garden center can be overwhelming. Here are some tips for guiding your decision when purchasing soil.

If You’re Planting in the Ground

Start by determining where you’ll be planting. Garden soils contain minerals and organic matter, which works best when you’re planting directly in the ground. In such cases, a blend of perlite, vermiculite, and peat moss may be best. These materials have been heated to destroy potentially plant-damaging pathogens. They’re also free from weed seeds, which makes them well-suited for starting plants from their own seeds, when they’re in their most fragile state.

If You’re Planting in a Container

While garden soils are well-suited for planting directly into your landscape, they can become too saturated and compacted when used in containers. For potted plants, use potting soil, which leaves plenty of space for air and also provides nourishment.

Typically, potting mix contains: an organic component, such as compost, bark, or peat moss; an agent to help retain moisture, such as vermiculite or perlite; and, a combination of sand, limestone, and other nutrients.

If You’re Planting Special Species

Garden soil will support most plants in the ground, and potting soil meets the needs of many annuals and vegetables. But certain varieties of vegetables, fruit, herbs, and flowers may call for specific soil conditions. In these cases, there are specialty soils available that can help to ensure the plants receive optimal blends of nutrients. For example, a soil with shredded bark may help to keep orchids growing strong, since traditional potting soil may hold too much moisture for the flowers. Cacti and succulents may also benefit from a plant-specific potting medium.

Here at Premier Tree Solutions, we understand all of the elements required to help trees thrive from the ground up. Whether you’re seeking removal for an at-risk tree, or pruning services to help your trees stay safe and beautiful, turn to our specialists. To request an estimate, call (404) 353-6448 or reach out to us online.

Where Do Christmas Trees Come From?

Finding the perfect Christmas tree is one of the many joys the holidays bring. When you identify the right one, it feels as if it just belongs in your home. Where do these special Christmas trees get their humble beginnings, before they’re dressed up in tinsel, and setting the backdrop for a cozy December night?

Much like the season itself, their origin story is a bit magical.

The Growing Gift of Christmas Tree Farms

Unless you’re fortunate enough to live near a Christmas tree farm, you likely purchase your tree from a retailer or pop-up lot. But most trees have a long way to go before they reach these destinations.

Prior to the 1930s, most people grew their own trees on their property or cut one down in the wild. Since then, however, tree farms have popped up all across the country, with two main regions producing most of our trees. The Blue Ridge Mountains in North Carolina produce 1.9 million trees annually, while Clackamas County, Oregon, is a close second with 1.8 million. Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania are also known for tree production.

Though these are the top producers, all 50 states have their own Christmas tree farms, and together, they’re growing 350 million trees right now. Each year, up to 30 million trees are sold, but for every one that’s harvested, one to three new seedlings will be planted for a Christmas yet to come.

New tree growth is important for keeping up with demand, especially since the average evergreen takes roughly 11 years to reach average height. This timeline can vary significantly by species, however. Douglas and Fraser Firs, for example, reach maturity within six to eight years, but the pines used as Christmas trees in Florida may reach their desired height in as little as three years.

Preparing the Present of Your Tree

Regardless of how long it takes, a lot of love goes into growing Christmas trees, as second-generation tree farmer Ben Butler explains: “Before planting, it is our goal to eliminate all tough-to-manage perennial weeds, adjust the pH to our target range (depending on the tree species), and establish ideal soil fertility for seedlings. This all needs to be done a year (or years) in advance.” Other preparations like grass development are done in the fall, well before  trees are typically planted in the early spring.

As Christmas trees grow, farmers monitor for weeds and pest issues. Most begin the shearing process once trees reach a height of three to four feet. This involves shaping the trees’ branches once the new growth cycle ends in the spring to create the conical tree profile we all know and love.

No matter whether you prefer a tree that’s short and stout, tall and elegant, or in need of some TLC like Charlie Brown’s, there’s simply no substitute for a real Christmas tree. Since nearly all real trees sold in the U.S. are also grown here, buying a real tree means you’ll be supporting the American economy with your purchase. Real trees are also a renewable resource, making them a better option for the environment.

When it’s time to care for the rest of your trees, turn to Premier Tree Solutions. Our specialists offer detail-oriented pruning, maintenance, and removal services to keep your property looking its best. To request a visit, call (404) 252-6448 or contact our team online.

Which Georgia Tree is Right for You?

Since July of 2017, we’ve been assembling a list of trees found in Georgia, and it’s grown substantially since we debuted with the Sugar Maple!  As we settle into fall (one of the best times of year for new planting), we wanted to gather this veritable forest of features in one place for you.

Please note that not every tree here is a Georgia native, but we’ve taken care to ensure that they do well in our area. Here are some of the factors to consider when deciding what to plant.

Loveliness with Longevity

If you’re in it for the long-haul, the Southern Live Oak may be one of our region’s most signature and stately selections. Plan ahead when planting, as they command a great deal of space both above ground and below, and can take 70 years to reach their full circumference.

The Shagbark Hickory is another magnificent species that can also take a few decades to mature, but it’s extremely adaptive and requires little fuss. The American Sycamore could be a fantastic alternative if you’re looking for a hearty hardwood that will fill out much more quickly.

Providing A Fancy Flourish

When it comes to a brilliant shower of springtime blossoms, there’s a reason the South is decorated with the Flowering Dogwood. This popular tree is also lovely in nearly every season, with lush green leaves in summer, and red-tinted foliage in fall.

If you’re looking for a real showstopper, the Yoshino Cherry is not only gorgeous, but also tolerant of most soils, as long as you keep it well-watered. For a differently distinct aesthetic in your yard, the Paperbark Maple adds uniqueness in both texture and color.

Mixed with Fruits and Nuts

Looking for a tree that provides more than shade or showiness? The Butternut Tree yields uncommonly delicious nuts enjoyed by people and animals alike. (But consult with an expert before planting to choose the best location and transplant time in order to properly care for their rapidly developing root system.) If you’ve got room on your property to keep it away from vulnerable plants, the Eastern Black Walnut is another tree whose nuts will please both your family, and the squirrels.

Beyond the popular peaches and apples we see in our state, if a fruiting tree is what you want, consider the Persimmon! This tree comes in two varieties that produce fruits of quite different flavors, but both can punch up what’s in your pantry.

Evergreen Excellence

Going green can be practiced in your yard all year long with these beauties. The Leyland Cypress is often a popular choice for a Christmas tree look, while the Canadian Hemlock grows its own adorable little pinecone ornaments. If your land can get a bit waterlogged, the Spruce Pine will allow you to enjoy some bushy green boughs without getting bogged down.

There are many more fantastic trees to grow and enjoy in Georgia, and our expert arborists can help you select and care for the ones that suit you best. Browse through all of our Georgia Tree Know-It All features, and then call (404) 252-6448, or request a consultation with us online.

The Fire is So Delightful: How to Cure and Stack the Best Wood

Once you’ve done your winter tree removal this season, you may be left with a handsome pile of more than kindling. And we all know there’s nothing like gathering around a fire pit or fireplace to warm the heart (and the toes) in the winter months. Winter is also a great time to prepare your woodpiles ahead of summer grill-outs, so here’s some guidance from our experts on how to properly cure and stack firewood for the most ideal flames.

Which Wood?

Density and dryness are the two factors you most want to consider when selecting the wood you’ll burn. Hardwoods such as Shagbark Hickory, Sugar Maple, and various oaks are considered to have high heat values, while softer woods like pines and Eastern Cottonwood won’t offer the same heat return on your investment.

Salvaged wood is a great way to keep the fires burning without burning up essential members of your local ecosystem, but avoid anything painted or varnished, plywood, particleboard, or compressed paper products, as they may produce hazardous fumes.

Doing the Splits

If you’re chopping wood yourself, there are a few important tips to keep in mind. The most surprising one (especially for Tin Man fans) may be that a regular ax is not the best tool for chopping wood. A splitting ax has a narrower, more lightweight head that will make the job much more efficient. Be sure that the blade is sharp, and that you always place the log you’re splitting on a chopping block rather than the ground.

Those who have a lot of wood (and a lot of time) may consider renting an electric or gas-powered log splitter, though those are quite noisy, slow, and may not provide the same lumberjack-style satisfaction of cutting your own.

Careful Seasoning

Since dryness is essential for a smooth-burning wood fire, be prepared not to burn your freshly-split firewood immediately. Common sources recommend 6-18 months of drying time for firewood, though that timeline may not take into account your local humidity, the density of the wood, or how dead the wood was when you began cutting it up.

Unsure whether your wood is dry enough? Small cracks from the center to the barkline, a darkened or faded color, loose bark edges, and even the wood’s scent can all be clues about its moisture content. Smaller pieces will also always dry faster, so keep that in mind when you start cutting.

Stacking with Style

Regardless of how and when your firewood is chopped (or, even if it’s purchased elsewhere), stack your firewood as quickly as possible. This will allow for air circulation that helps to prevent mold from forming in tiny nooks and crannies. A quality cover (which can include a basic tarp) will also keep rain or snow from soaking your stack.

There are several stacking styles you may choose from, including the German, Shaker, and Holzhous method. The stacking pattern you choose may depend on the area of space you have available, and how much sun exposure the area gets, but always be sure to keep your wood off the ground to prevent moisture seepage and termite infestations. You’ll also want to stack the bulk of your firewood away from your home, as unwanted rodents, insects, and even snakes may find it a cozy place to settle in.

If you’re considering a new tree to cut, are pruning back for a healthy growth season, or want advice on what to plant for future firewood, Premier Tree Solutions is eager to provide expert assistance at every stage. Contact us online for an assessment or call us at (404) 252-6448 with your questions.

Timb-brr! When’s the Best Time to Cut Down a Tree in Colder Weather?

Spring tends to be the time of year when most homeowners start thinking about their landscape. But if you’ve spotted a problem tree during the winter months, there’s no need to wait for warmer weather to take care of it. In fact, there are a few compelling reasons why winter is an ideal time for tree removal, as long as you plan strategically. Here’s what you should know.

Why Have a Tree Removed in Winter?

Dormant trees have several characteristics which could make them easier to remove. For one, foliage is less of an issue, so it’s easier for tree care professionals to assess the structure of the tree and make precise cuts. Bare limbs are also lighter and easier to manage, making tree removal more efficient this time of year. With fewer leaves to worry about, post-removal cleanup is also less of a hassle.

Another reason to chop a tree in winter is that most homeowners’ lawns and gardens aren’t in bloom, so you won’t have to worry about disturbing surrounding plant life during its peak season. Plus, you can use the winter months to plan out how you’ll use your revised lawn space when it comes time for spring planting, whether it’s expanding your gardens, planting a new tree, or simply laying sod to add more grassy area.

There are also some circumstances for which tree removal simply cannot wait. Though many factors go into the decision to have a tree removed, according to experts from the University of Maryland, the following criteria could be considered dangerous and call for prompt attention:

  • Leaning
  • Proximity to power lines
  • Severe trunk damage
  • Damage to 50% or more of the tree
  • Hollow trunk
  • Many dead branches
  • Trunk rot, fungus, or other disease that cannot be remedied
  • Root system damage

If any of these factors are noticed or develop during the winter months, it’s best to schedule your tree removal from a certified arborist right away to minimize the additional risks that could be caused by any winter weather.

When Should You Cut Your Tree Down in Colder Weather?

Most deciduous trees are dormant in Georgia from late fall through the end of winter, between the months of November and March. Deciduous trees drop their leaves in fall and include certain varieties of maple, dogwood, magnolia, ash, gum, willow, cyprus, sassafras, birch, and walnut.

When it comes to evergreen trees, such as Virginia Pine, Loblolly Pine, Eastern Hemlocks, and Atlantic White Cedars, winter is still a good time of year for removal. Although these trees don’t have a seasonal leaf drop like their deciduous siblings, they still tend to have flowering seasons in the spring. Therefore their branches may be lighter and visibility may be greater in the winter months, when blooms aren’t a concern.

Whether it’s warm or cold outside, Premier Tree Solutions is here for all of your tree maintenance needs. To plan your removal this winter, contact us online or by calling (404) 252-6448.

How to Make Halloween Trees

Twinkling lights can bring a festive glow to your landscape, living room, or both. We’re not talking about Christmas trees, though — this season, it’s all about the Halloween tree! Here at Premier Tree Solutions, we believe a few short weeks in December just isn’t enough time for trees to shine as your holiday focal point.

If you’re ready to try something different this year, join us in creating a Halloween tree that will wow the trick-or-treaters in your neighborhood.

How to Make an Indoor Halloween Tree

One of the advantages of owning an artificial Christmas tree is that you can put it up any time of year without having to worry about whether it will survive to December 25th. If you’ve already got one, dust it off a bit earlier this year and skip ahead to the following decorating tips. If not, consider searching through local marketplace listings or scouring garage sales for a good deal.

Hang Halloween Garland

You can find bats, cats, and everything in between strung on garland in most craft stores this time of year. If you’re looking for a DIY alternative, grab some card stock and cut shapes out using stencils. Then, string them along lights, yarn, or another material of your choice.

Weave In Some Witchy Wonders

If a whimsical tree is what you’re after, use a bright witch’s hat as your tree topper. Then, weave ribbons in orange, green, black, or purple in between branches, wrapping them around your tree for a funky twist on garland.

Adorn It With Decorative Masks

Channel the Phantom of the Opera’s iconic masquerade scene by placing decorative masks on your branches. If you don’t want to purchase masks from a store, you can always make your own using card stock, sequins, paint, and feathers.

Paint It Black

Whether you’re thinking of upgrading to a new tree this year or you’ve purchased a separate tree just for Halloween, you can have some fun with spray paint as long as you won’t be carrying the same tree into the next season. Black is a classic choice, but you might also consider a bright candy corn tree: spray paint yellow at the base, orange in the middle, and white at the top.

Of course, you can never go wrong with the simplest approach: hanging ornaments. While there are plenty of ornaments designed specifically for Halloween trees online, you can always create your own by placing a hook or fishing line on your favorite creepy trinkets.

How to Make an Outdoor Halloween Tree

There are lots of ways to decorate outdoors for the Halloween season. This year, show your neighbors that you’re Halloween-ready by covering one or more trees on your property with ghoulish adornments. Here are a few ideas to try.

Light the Way

One of the simplest ways to get spooky with your trees is to wind orange lights around the trunk and low-hanging branches. Not only will it create an eye-catching focal point in your yard, but it will also help to provide some illumination for trick-or-treaters.

Try Spooky Spiderwebs

If you’re looking to add a bit more to your outdoor trees, try adding decorative spiderwebs and a series of eight-legged friends dispersed at random intervals throughout the branches. Consider placing small- to medium-sized decorative spiders lower on the tree, then situating one giant spider near the top for a cascading effect.

Get Batty

Not a fan of stringy spiderwebs? Make a frightful impact by hanging paper bats or ghosts made from white fabric from your branches — while being mindful of not overburdening them. Be sure to set up spotlights — maybe with red or orange bulbs or filters — so your Halloween tree can be seen after dark, too.

No matter how you choose to decorate your trees, Premier Tree can help you care for them year-round. To request an estimate from our team of tree care specialists, call (404) 252-6448, or request a free assessment online.

What Does the Rainforest Do? A Guide to the Tropics

Rainforest preservation may be a popular concern that crops up on your feed from time to time, but the significant role rainforests play in promoting life for all of Earth’s species isn’t always fully appreciated. Here’s a closer look at what these magnificent ecosystems do for the planet.

Where Are Rainforests Located?

The largest rainforests are located in the Amazon River Basin in South America, the Congo River Basin in western Africa, and in Nicaragua, Australia, and areas of Southeast Asia. In general, these areas of complex biodiversity are located in areas close to the equator, between the Tropic of Cancer and the Tropic of Capricorn. But other “temperate” rainforests exist across the globe — including one in Alaska.

What Do Rainforests Do?

Regulate the Climate

In general, trees remove carbon dioxide and store it in their leaves, stems, and roots during photosynthesis. Due to their extreme density of trees and plants, rainforests absorb tremendous amounts of carbon dioxide from the earth’s atmosphere. This is important, because excess carbon dioxide is a heat-trapping gas that contributes to warming of the planet and resulting climate change. According to NASA, “Human activities have raised the atmosphere’s carbon dioxide content by 50% in less than 200 years.”

Even the world’s largest rainforest in the Amazon has now potentially become a carbon producer, due to factors like wildfires purposely set to clear land for industry and agriculture. But research indicates natural climate solutions such as rainforest conservation and restoration could still provide up to a third of the global climate mitigation needed to reduce global warming.

Store Freshwater

Rainforests essentially act like a huge sponge, and are suspected to store more than half of the earth’s rainwater. But they also give that water back to us. All trees draw water from the ground to sustain themselves, and release excess back into the atmosphere. By this process, the vast number of rainforest trees actually create clouds, resulting in rain that falls all across the globe. Scientists have discovered that even rainfall in the U.S. Midwest is influenced by the Congo’s rainforests, and moisture that cycles through the Amazon can become rainfall in Texas.

Provide Habitat for Wildlife

Although rainforests cover just three percent of the earth’s surface, they contain more than half of the planet’s terrestrial species. They are home to a staggering 30 million species of animals and plants, and at least two-thirds of the entire species of all life on Earth. Many of these animals are endangered, including jaguars, giant otters, Amazon river dolphins, and hyacinth macaws. Preventing extinction is critical to keeping the ecosystems of the rainforest within balance.

Supply the Global Pharmaceutical Market

While more than 40,000 plants have been scientifically classified in the Amazon rainforest, many remain yet unknown. Of those that have been studied, several have important medicinal properties. For example, the Quechua people — an indigenous group living in Peru and Bolivia — discovered quinine in the bark of rainforest trees. Though you may think of quinine as just an extra ingredient in tonics for G&Ts, it’s actually a muscle relaxant and also the first medicine used to effectively treat malaria.

The rainforest is also home to vincristine and vinblastine, which are derived from flowers found in Madagascar. These anti-cancer drugs were first used to treat diabetes and were later found to help stop cancer cells from dividing.

With so many yet-undiscovered species in the world’s rainforests, who knows what other medical miracles we may continue to find?

While the trees that scatter our lawns don’t have the ability to grow wild like those in the rainforest, they still deserve careful tending. If your property needs tree maintenance, request a free assessment from us online or by calling (404) 252-6448.


How to Use Trees to Attract Wildlife Friends

We care a great deal about caring for trees. But we do so in part because we care equally about the ways in which trees benefit us all. Just recently for example, we outlined how trees benefit bees. We’ve also discussed how trees help our mental health, how they can assist with yard drainage, and why we should be thankful for them in general.

As part of this wide-branching conversation, we’ve highlighted several ways in which trees are great for wildlife. But if you’re interested in propagating a bit more flora to prop up the fauna on your property, what are the best steps to take? Here’s some advice from our experts on attracting and supporting a variety of species.

Hum-Dingers for Hummingbirds

The smallest birds in the world, hummingbirds are powerful spiritual symbols in many cultures, in part because of their ability to fly both upside down and backwards. If you’re interested in bringing some of this power and beauty to your yard, we recommend you plant trees with an abundance of blossoms (especially if they’re red), including:

To further sustain these fast-moving, magnificent creatures with the ample nutrients they need, hang your trees with regularly-cleaned feeders well-stocked with a solution of 1:4 parts sugar and water. Putting feeders in the same place every year will ensure your hummingbirds know exactly where they can find the best nourishment in the neighborhood.

A Parliament For Owls

Owls are carnivorous predators who prefer a private and serene environment. Plant evergreens and other large shrubs that provide a place for owls to hide, while simultaneously attracting other birds and small mammals. This will signal to local owls that your yard is a safe — and bountiful — place for them to reside.

Deer, Squirrels, and Foxes — Oh My!

Regardless of the species you most want to attract, providing food is the fastest way to reel them in. Fruit and nut trees that thrive in Southeastern climes include:

  • Peach
  • Apple
  • Asian Pear
  • Pecan
  • Chestnut

While you’re busy supplying this fruitful buffet, don’t neglect the power of the water cooler. A birdbath, free-flowing fountain, or even regularly-refreshed buckets of water will make sure everyone is well-hydrated, and give them a place to congregate. (This includes insects, who need a water source too, and are an important part of the wildlife food chain!)

Leave Dead Trees Where They Lie

We understand it’s tempting to remove an unsightly fallen tree, or unearth a long-decaying stump, but if you’re a friend of wildlife you may want to reconsider. For example, the National Wildlife Federation asserts that “over 80 animal species ‘depend on dead and dying trees, and hundreds more — including reptiles and amphibians — benefit from them.’”

Of course, if your fallen tree poses a threat to your home or the other trees on your property, we can help you with either relocation or removal.

Whether you’re cultivating a wild forest best befitting wildlife, or need help pruning things back to a pest-free, pristine level, our certified arborists will provide their best skills and advice. Call (404) 252-6448 to schedule an individualized consultation, or schedule one with us online.