How Trees Support Bees

We know trees are great for wildlife and improve your home property value in more ways than one. We also know that pollinators (especially bees) support Earth’s ecosystems in essential ways. But what’s behind the relationship between bees and trees (aside from the fact that they rhyme)? And how do trees beneficially impact our famously busy friends?

Trees Provide Food and Nutrients

Perhaps most importantly, the nutrients in the nectar and pollen of some trees’ flowers provide the food bees need, as well as the raw materials for making honey.

Though many people focus on planting flower gardens to attract these pollinators, trees provide an abundance of blossoms in one place. In fact, bees may be able to gather as much food from a single tree as they could from an entire field of wildflowers. Especially for those with minimal yard space, trees will have the honeycombs humming with five-flower reviews from all of your block’s bees.

If you want to set up a bountiful buffet for your neighborhood buzzers, here are some bee-friendly trees that you can consider:

Give Bees Shelter

When asked the question, “Where do bees live?” most of us may leap to answer, “Beehives, of course!” After all, that’s where Winnie the Pooh went looking for his honey. (And yes, bears really do love honey, though they feast on the rest of what’s inside the hives too.)

But in truth, over 70% of North American bees actually nest underground.

For those that live above ground however, trees are essential for shelter — particularly after the trees are dead. When birds go after insects that have burrowed into dead wood, the holes they create make perfect little shelters for cavity-nesting bees to lay their eggs. Many tunnel-nesting bees bore directly into the dead wood, which means you may consider leaving dead branches or logs alone, unless they become a safety hazard. Tree hollows also provide excellent homes for bee colonies, as their thick walls shield against extreme heat and cold.

But the trees in your yard can protect bees even if they aren’t living there. Strong winds can easily blow foraging bees far from home. Evergreen conifers like the Canadian Hemlock can provide an excellent windbreak, keeping your bees where they belong.

Besides directly providing housing or protection, trees help bee colonies stay healthy in another way. Sap and resin from trees supply important ingredients for propolis: a material bees make to secure, waterproof and sterilize the inside of the nest — shoring up the shelter to protect their eggs.

Bees are one of the most important pollinators when it comes to producing our food. In fact, one out of every three bites of food we eat is the result of pollination. For help maintaining your trees — or guidance on planting new ones — in order to support your neighborhood bee population, call (404) 252-6448 to speak to one of our experts. You can also schedule a consultation with us online.

How to Deal with a High-Maintenance Tree

Not all trees are total divas. The amount of maintenance a tree may require often depends on several factors, including the individual species, quality of your soil, hardiness zone, and the amount of rainfall and sunlight your yard receives each day. Though some of these elements may be beyond your control, there are several steps you can take on your own to tend to even the fussiest fir or high-maintenance hemlock.

Roll Up Your Sleeves

A tree is often labeled “high maintenance” if it requires a great deal of cleanup. The Southern Magnolia is a perfect example, as it drops its leaves throughout the year. Other frequently-shedding trees include the sweetgum, sycamore, and Eastern cottonwood.

All of these trees may be a bad choice if you’re expecting a country club-pristine yard year-round, but don’t shun them straightaway. Regular raking, for example, provides a great opportunity to get some exercise and enjoy some fresh air at the same time. And letting the leaves lie where they land can actually be beneficial to your yard and trees, particularly if you use a mulching mower to chop them up after they’ve hit the ground.

Do Much with Mulch

There’s an abundance of opinions out there when it comes to mulching, including what your mulch should contain, how wide (or thick) your coverage should be, and whether or not it’s necessary at all. But proper mulching can protect your tree against both heat and cold, retain valuable nutrients, and provide moisture and warmth. There are some recommended guidelines about when it’s best to mulch, so turn to the experts for advice in that department.

Give Her a Sweater

Though Georgia is far from Montana when it comes to winter temperatures, if your tree is sensitive to the cold, it may need an extra boost during the chilly months. Tree wrapping is one way to protect trees against sunscald, salt splash from the roadway, and bark stripping from hungry wildlife. But be careful not to wrap your little princess too tightly, or leave the wrapping on for longer than necessary.

Cold snaps can also endanger new plant roots, inhibit water uptake, crack bark, and kill tender new growth. Carefully covering small trees and sensitive shrubs with burlap or other sturdy fabric can keep them insulated until the temperature warms again in spring.

Fuss with Fertilizer

Perhaps more persnickety than the tree itself, fertilizer guidelines can require dedicated concentration. In many cases, your tree may not need fertilizer at all. But if it does, you’ll want to ensure that the fertilizer you choose contains the right balance of three main macronutrients: potassium, nitrogen, and phosphorus. We’ve provided a comprehensive guide to selecting fertilizer on our website, as well as a walkthrough of why and when it may be helpful for your trees.

Depending on your willingness to dedicate time and energy to your trees, there are some species you just may want to avoid altogether. But if you really love a tree, you can make it work — with the right help. Our certified arborists are ready to assist with even the most complex care, including pruning, trimming, and even moving a tree to a new location. Call us at (404) 252-6448 or connect with us online to discuss the best maintenance for all your trees — whether high-maintenance or not.

Is It Possible to Move a Tree?

Ample shade, healthy growth, and aesthetic appeal… There’s much to appreciate about the trees on your property, but what happens when one of your favorites is inconveniently placed? If you’ve found yourself in a tricky tree situation, you’re not alone. Lots of homeowners struggle with trees that were planted before they moved in, have started to encroach on critical structures, or are blocking space needed for a new project.

The smaller a tree’s size, the easier it is to move it, for many obvious reasons. A larger tree has less chance of successful recovery and survival if things are not done properly. If you have no choice but to move a mature tree, it may still be possible to do so effectively — though the task won’t be quick and easy. Here’s what to expect.

Choosing the Right Time

First, plan to have your tree moved when it’s dormant: before its growth cycle starts or after it ends. In general, most trees should be moved during the spring prior to growth or fall after the leaf drop, but some species have different windows. For example, deciduous trees should be moved in early spring prior to leaf development or after leaves turn in the fall. But evergreens shouldn’t be moved in the fall, as they may not become established in time before cooler weather rolls in. Instead, these green beauties should be transplanted in the late summer.

Root Pruning

Preparation for relocating a tree should begin several months prior with root pruning. In this process, the roots of the tree are trimmed approximately six months ahead of time. This fosters root development close to the tree, within the root ball that will be relocated.

Proper root pruning calls for specific tools and expertise. Pruning recommendations vary widely and may be based on factors such as the tree’s maturity, species, root sizes, soil type, and tree condition.

Digging Out

Digging the tree out isn’t as simple as it sounds and requires careful preparation. For starters, a north-facing branch should be marked so the tree can be replanted with the proper orientation. Its trunk should also be marked where it meets the soil line to ensure it’s inserted at the right depth.

How large a root ball will you need? “As a general rule of thumb, the root ball should be about 1 foot in diameter for every inch of trunk thickness,” Bob Vila advises. This means the bigger the tree, the larger its root ball should be. The digging process consists of creating a trench around the tree and then digging beneath to remove the soil.


When selecting a new site for your tree, be sure to choose a location with sufficient room for growth, as well as the proper light, soil, and water conditions for the species. The space will need to accommodate a hole roughly three times as wide and just as deep as the root ball. Carefully place your tree in the new hole, and firmly pack the soil around the roots.


An uprooted tree is vulnerable to transplant shock, a condition that occurs due to root damage and a changing environment. Oftentimes, this issue can be prevented with persistent tree care. Keep the soil moist but not waterlogged by watering enough to soak the soil around the root area, keeping it at that level in the month or two after.

You’ll also want to make sure the surrounding area is mulched to support moisture retention and prevent weed growth. Aim to mulch at least two feet beyond the trunk’s perimeter at a depth of two to three inches. While the first few months after a transplant are the most critical to keeping your tree healthy, you’ll also want to follow year-round tree care practices to help it thrive.

When you need help with a tree project large or small, contact the experts from Premier Tree Solutions. From tree removal to pruning, our team offers a wide range of services to keep your property safe and beautiful. To request an estimate, call (404) 252-6448 or connect with us online.


Be a Georgia Tree Know-It-All: Chaste Tree

Each month, we feature some of the most popular trees in the state, including the White Ash, the Shagbark Hickory, and the Japanese Cryptomeria.

Today we will be discussing the perennial marvel known as the Chaste Tree (Vitex agnus-castus).


With large clusters of purple blooms surrounded by gray-green leaves, the Chaste Tree has sometimes been planted as an alternative to lavender in damper climates, though the soil must still be well-drained. Though lavender may have a more widely-familiar aroma, Chaste Trees have their own notable fragrance, too: one reminiscent of crushed sage. This means this lovely tree also makes for a multi-sensory experience.

Much larger than lavender, Chaste Tree sizes range from a width and height of three feet, up to as big as 20 feet tall and wide. So you can shape them to fit smaller landscaping areas, or nurture and grow them into a more stately presence as works best for your setting.

How did the Chaste Tree receive such a name? In the first century AD, Pliny the Elder noted in Naturalis Historia that women in Athens during the early Roman empire “kept branches of the tree under their beds during the feast of Ceres, the Roman goddess of agriculture, grain, and fertility,” believing it would help them remain pure.

Growing Conditions

The Chaste Tree is native to the Mediterranean, so it prefers dry and well-drained soils. It does relatively well in sandy or rocky soil, and can handle acidic or slightly alkaline soils, but you will want to avoid a planting area rich in organic matter, which may hold excess moisture around the roots.

Position your tree in an area where it can receive full sun for at least six hours a day. Chaste Trees can survive in some partial shade environments, but you will have the best blooming results when they have access to direct sunlight.

Tree Care

Chaste Trees are fairly hands-off when cultivated in their ideal environment. Once your tree is established, you will often find that the natural amount of rainfall your area receives will suffice when it comes to watering. But avoid planting it in any area which may flood or hold standing water. With the minimal water needed for maintaining a Chaste Tree, it’s a great option to add to Xeric gardens, where water is often conserved or restrained.

When it comes to pruning, the North Carolina Cooperative Extension advises: “Flowering will be more spectacular if the plant is heavily pruned after blooming.” Southern Living also recommends thorough winter pruning to keep it from messily overgrowing.

Signs of Distress

Overall, the Chaste Tree is a beautiful haven for pollinators, and fairly low maintenance. As for harmful insects and diseases, thrips and root rot from excess moisture are the two main things to look out for.

Keeping your Chaste Tree in well-drained soil is the most effective way to prevent root rot. You can also prevent leaf spot by carefully watering at the root of the tree on rare occasions when you may need to water.

Contact Us

Proper treatment of a Chaste Tree will allow it to bloom beautifully for years to come. For help with providing top-quality care, call Premier Tree Solutions at 404-252-6448. You can also visit our website to schedule an appointment.


How Trees Affect Your Mental Health for the Better

We already know that trees are good for the environment, but Mother Nature isn’t the only one who benefits from them. For example, trees are magnificent air filters, absorbing carbon dioxide and other pollutants, and releasing restorative oxygen. But their advantages extend beyond the physical. Here are some of the impressive ways in which trees can boost your mental health, too.

Control Stress

It would certainly be nice if we could avoid stress altogether, but that simply isn’t a reality in our fast-paced world. What we can control is how we respond to it. And trees may be just the tool to help.

Australian research published in 2019 shows that residents in neighborhoods with an ample tree canopy had 31% lower odds of experiencing psychological distress. Experts suspect the shade that trees provide creates both a physical and mental cooling effect.

The same study showed that other, more subtle perks may also be at play. In cities especially, trees provide sensory relief that helps to alleviate stress that comes from the hard angles and glaring surfaces of urban landscapes.

Support Cognition

The Digital Age has provided more access to more information than ever before, but that also means our minds are more cluttered. Trees can channel our individual, restorative focus, and boost cognitive health.

Harvard epidemiologist Peter James has extensively studied the effects of greenness on health outcomes. According to his research and that of others, being in nature enhances performance on cognitive tests. About James’ findings, Alex Hutchinson wrote in a column for Outside, “The way a leafy promenade or a burbling brook tugs gently at our senses seems to restore our perennially depleted capacity to focus.”

Reduce Depression

In a study of 585 Japanese participants, individuals who spent even just 15 minutes walking in a forest reported fewer depressive symptoms than those in an urban setting. The mood-boosting benefits of being outdoors are so heavily touted in Japan that they prompted a movement in 1980 known as “forest bathing,” a practice of immersing oneself in nature. But you don’t have to go outside to reap the benefits: even just looking at images of trees promotes positive emotions.

While there’s certainly no replacement for qualified mental health services for those who need them, incorporating tree imagery into your home could be a good way to lift your spirits. If you’re fortunate enough to have trees on your property, consider keeping your windows open to take a glance at them every now and then.

Keep You Energized

Though being among the trees may not have the same energizing effect as a shot of espresso, hear us out. Trees can invigorate us in a way that encourages movement and keeps up energy levels. Of course, it doesn’t hurt that they also deliver physical benefits which may also prompt us to be more active, including immune-boosting effects from their antibacterial and antifungal properties.

Provide Peace & Quiet

Trees have impressive sound absorbing qualities, which can promote a calming effect of peace and quiet. This is especially important in urban settings or communities where houses are grouped close together, and traffic noise can reach a high volume. While you may not be able to eliminate the barking dogs or clarinet lessons taking place next door, planting evergreens such as arborvitae, pines, spruces, and hollies can create a noise barrier that dampens nearby sound. The resulting peace and quiet may be just what you need to unwind after a stressful day.

Here at Premier Tree Solutions, we know the important role trees play in maintaining the overall aesthetics and safety of your property. Take the burden of tree maintenance off your shoulders and explore our pruning, removal, and other tree care services by calling us at 404-252-6448 or requesting an appointment online for our professional assistance.

Something Bugging Your Trees? Four Common Tree Pests To Lookout For This Spring and Summer

Many Atlantans consider spring and summer to be the best time of the year. Unfortunately, tree pests and bugs agree. These tiny critters can lead to big problems and can literally suck the life out of your trees if not addressed. 

Here are the four major suspects to look out for in your yard: 


Also known as plant lice, these bugs are found together in groups and eat leaves and stems. There are several different species of Aphids and they can be usually spotted on tree trunks or underneath leaves.

While a moderate amount of them do not damage trees; a large group can cause yellowing leaves and stunt growth. Some Aphids inject a toxin into plants when they feed.

Spider Mites

Often found on the backs of leaves, these bugs are so small that they can barely be seen by the naked eye. They can be found in groups, clustered in a spider web.

You can tell if a tree has fallen victim to these pests if you can see stippling on the upper sides of leaves on deciduous trees and the needles browning on evergreen trees.


You don’t even need to spot one to know they’re there. With an iconic, drum-like song that rings all summer long, these bugs can usually be found on the tree trunks.

Their beak is used to suck fluids from trees, causing the leftover bark to cling in place and split right down the middle.


Before they blossom into butterflies or moths, these slinky creatures can defoliate an entire tree with their little army. They create large communal nests in deciduous trees.

Warning signs include leaves with ragged edges or defoliated branches, followed by the entire tree being defoliated.

There are hundreds of types of tree pests that could make a home in your trees. Thankfully, identifying their symptoms can help you figure out the culprit and stop them before real damage is done.

A chemical-based solution is not always necessary. A certified arborist can help determine what’s best for this situation.

Premier Tree Solutions specializes in tree care in Atlanta, Georgia, and in the removal of dead,
dying, or infested tree limbs and specimens and plant health care. If you’d like help caring for your property, please
don’t hesitate to give us a call at 404-252-6448.

Get Ready for Spring and Peak Home Selling Season with These Tree Care Tips

Spring has arrived and, with it, the time of year when home sales are at their highest — even in an already fast-paced market. If you’re looking to sell your home or want to keep your current home in selling shape for the future, you’ll want to make sure your greenery is looking its best. According to a study led by the Arbor Day Foundation, “Homes with trees in their yard have higher property values in the United States than those without any tree cover” — totalling up to an additional $31.5 billion in value nationwide.

For assistance caring for your trees this spring season, we’re here to offer some tips that should help make this task easier.

Prepare for Pests and Protect the Planet

Summer will see the reemergence of many new pests, so you’ll want to prepare during springtime so that you aren’t caught unaware. While pesticides are effective, you may prefer to use a substance that can help ward off insects without harming another part of the environment.

An alternative is to combat insects with more natural substances, including soaps, essential oils, and even other garden plants to ward off pests without harmful components. You can also attempt to lure other species that devour invasive critters by installing birdhouses or encouraging the presence of insect-eating insects.

Mulch is a Must!

Mulching is a great practice to protect your trees’ roots from the effects of intense heat or cold. While beneficial to your trees all year round, there are a few key times when refreshing your mulch is advised.

During the spring months, you’re typically coming out of the coldest time of the year, but are in the period before trees need to be protected from more intense heat. Spring is also notable for its rainfall, so you’ll want to refresh your mulch when it has some time to settle before heavy rain washes it away. Now is when you must spring into action!

Stay Sharp, and Check for Pruning Possibilities

The best time for pruning will be either in late winter or early spring, with early spring being the better of the two. The goal of pruning is to improve the health of your trees as well as their visual appeal. Tree trimming addresses several different concerns, including the height or weight of the tree, removing signs of decay, or thinning the tree to promote healthier growth.

The pruning you can do yourself would include things like removing smaller dead and decaying branches (this is great to prevent them from falling and damaging things during a storm). You can also reasonably trim small branches with shears and do some minimal shaping if you are comfortable. For anything else, you’ll want to contact a professional provider to ensure you don’t accidentally damage your tree.

Need a Professional Hand to Help?

These tips should help you manage basic tree care on your own. However, if you want to make sure that your trees receive the best care, you should find a professional partner to assess their health and provide the necessary solutions.

Contact us at Premier Tree Solutions, where we provide pruning, cleanup, clearing, and other services that can keep your trees looking their best. Check out the rest of our website to take a look at our services and give us a call at 404-252-6448 to set up an appointment, or 404-569-8897 for any emergencies.


Celebrating Earth Day the Georgia Way!

We’re enthusiastic Earth Day supporters at Premier Tree Solutions, and this year we’re using April 22, 2022 as an inspirational launchpad. From home state resources to international influence, here are some tips for keeping trees in mind on Earth Day — and every day! 

Help Tree Organizations Grow

There are many amazing organizations dedicated to helping trees every day, and we’re lucky to have several right here in Georgia. Trees Atlanta and the Georgia Tree Council are two specific organizations you can support in a variety of ways, including by volunteering! Other organizations — including the Arbor Day Foundation, One Tree Planted and The Canopy Project — extend their fruitful branches of conservation work across the nation and the planet.   

Celebrate Earth Day Heroes

The Sierra Club heralds John Muir as “perhaps this country’s most famous and influential naturalist and conservationist.” Even though he lived and worked in the mid-1880s, his involvement in creating national parks at Mount Rainier, the Petrified Forest, and the Grand Canyon still impact us all today. Use Earth Day as a reason to explore some of his writings, which have inspired thousands to turn a new leaf when it comes to taking care of the environment. 

Wangari Maathai is another tree hero to celebrate on Earth Day and beyond. “[T]hrough the Green Belt Movement,” her Nobel Peace Prize biography explains, “she has assisted women in planting more than 20 million trees on their farms and on schools and church compounds.” 

If you’re more a comic book fan than a real-world historian, there are several earth-friendly heroes you can emulate — or even draw your own! 

And whether they are making large-scale environmental contributions to our community, or saving the world in smaller ways, we all know a hero or two. Take Earth Day to plant a tree in their honor like Mercedes-Benz stadium did in 2020. Or use the My Hero Project to post about them. 

Take a Tree Tour

Your own backyard or a local park can be a great place for a tree celebration. Take a stroll while keeping an eye out for a new leaf, blossom, branch or bit of bark you haven’t given much attention to before. Snap a photo and use online tools such as LeafSnap or the website to learn more about them. You can also browse our library of Be A Georgia Tree Know-It-All posts to gain further knowledge on how to care for your own!   

If you’re up for a farther sojourn, plan a trip to visit the oldest tree in Georgia: The Big Oak in Thomasville, GA. This magnificent tree has a limb span of over 165 feet, and a trunk circumference almost 27 feet around. 

Stay On Top of New Tree News

Our knowledge of trees is ever-growing — just like they are. The Arbor Day Foundation, Georgia Forestry Commission, and Science Daily are three organizations that share tree news and opportunities for community involvement throughout the year. We keep on top of tree news in our own blog as well, including posts on whether trees can really talk to each other, how to care for them in each season, and how trees impact the environment

Our experts will continue to share new insights, care tips, and best practices with you, whether online or in person. Call us at 404-252-6448 or visit our website to schedule a free consultation and have your questions answered. 

Be a Georgia Tree Know-It-All: Tulip Magnolia

Each month, we feature some of the most popular trees in the state, including the American Hornbeam, Leland Cypress, and Sugar Maple.

Today, we will be highlighting the spring spectacle that is the Tulip Magnolia (Magnolia x soulangeana), also known as the Saucer Magnolia.


The name “Saucer Magnolia” will be clear once you view the spring blooms of these gorgeous trees. During early to mid-spring prepare to drink in a view of large blooms (up to 10 inches across!) in a variety of shades including white, pink, purple, and reddish-purple. The petals tend to cup around the center of the bloom, giving them a goblet or saucer-like appearance that inspired their name.

Magnolias are well known for their scent, and the Tulip Magnolia is no different. This special version has a lemon scent when blooming.

Tulip Magnolias can be expected to grow to around 20 to 30 feet tall. Their growth rate is considered medium, with height increasing typically around 13 to 24 inches per year. With their distinctive blooms and a spread of around 25 feet, the Tulip Magnolia is a tree that is sure to draw attention. Though they don’t provide much shade, for landscaping accents with memorable imagery and a tantalizing scent, the Tulip Magnolia is among your best options.

Growing Conditions

When deciding where to plant a Tulip Magnolia, there are some soil conditions to consider. Tulip Magnolias specifically prefer soils that are acidic, loamy, moist, rich, sandy, and well-drained. Clay soils can also be tolerated.

Tulip Magnolias have a fairly wide range where they can reliably grow: across Hardiness Zones 4 – 9. Zones 6 – 9 are found across Georgia, so the Tulip Magnolia is right at home here.

In terms of sun exposure, the Tulip Magnolia is a tree that needs a full amount. Ideally, six hours of direct unfiltered sunlight are required for this tree each day.

Tree Care

One benefit to Tulip Magnolias besides their beauty and fragrance is their ease of maintenance. Not much intensive care will be required, and pruning will be limited to dead or crossing branches. More pruning can be done for aesthetic reasons, but in terms of upkeep, not much should be necessary.

Another reason Tulip Magnolias are so highly regarded is that they are a hardy species. They are found to be mostly pest-free and are even known for their pollution tolerance. While not a hyperbolically drought-resistant species, they can tolerate moderate droughts. With regular weekly watering to keep the soil moist, plus covering the rooted area with mulch to seal in moisture, Tulip Magnolias are a durable as well as a beautiful tree.

Signs of Distress

One important thing to note with Tulip Magnolias is their thin bark. Consider this when doing other yard work in the area, as even weed cutters could do significant damage to the tree.

Another recurring issue to look out for is frost. The delicate blooms of Tulip Magnolias are highly susceptible and will blacken if frosting occurs.

Also, during more extreme bouts of heat, watering should be increased from weekly to more frequently to combat the rising temperatures.

Contact Us

For assistance with maintaining these lavish landmarks, you can call Premier Tree Solutions at 404-252-6448. Alternatively, visit our website to schedule an appointment.

Be a Georgia Tree Know-It-All: Yoshino Cherry

Each month, we feature some of the most popular trees in the state, including the Paperbark Maple, Sugarberry Tree, and Eastern Redbud

Today, we are shining a spotlight on the crown jewel of flowering cherry trees, the Yoshino Cherry (Prunus × yedoensis), also known as the Japanese Flowering Cherry.


The Yoshino Cherry tree is known for its elegance and splendor. Of all the flowering cherry trees, this one is surely the standout, boasting an abundance of white-pink blossoms that bloom during a memorable two-to-three-week period in springtime.

In fact, the Yoshino is often the star of National and International Cherry Blossom Festivals, including some in Macon! On top of their beautiful appearance, they are also known to produce a light almond fragrance.

Yoshino Cherry trees typically grow to 40-50 feet, at a rate of around 13 to 24 inches a year. Meanwhile, their spread can reach around 25 to 40 feet. These trees are chosen for their spectacle, so if you want to turn heads, consider this for your next landscaping project.

Since they are highly ornamental, you can make the most out of these trees by placing them as the main spotlight of your yard, or along streets or decks where they can provide shade as well as knockout beauty.

Growing Conditions

The Yoshino Cherry accepts a variety of soil conditions, including acidic, loamy, moist, sandy, well-drained, and clay soils. This soil-forgiving tree does, however, prefer moist soil.  

The Yoshino tree can also reliably grow in Hardiness Zones 5-8 (North Georgia is in Zone 7). Although partial shade is permissible, they grow their best in a setting with full sun. At the very least, your Yoshino Cherry tree should receive four hours of direct sunlight a day.

Tree Care

Heavy pruning isn’t necessary to maintain the Yoshino, but if you notice dead or crowded branches, hand pruning may help. It is best to prune during the summer months after the tree has reached full bloom, so that you don’t risk trimming away any flower buds.

Even though relatively easy to grow, the Yoshino and other ornamental cherry trees are known for their relatively short lifespan. You can expect them to thrive for approximately 15-20 years, though some have much longer lifespans. The cherished and well-protected Yoshino Cherry trees in Washington D.C., for example, were originally gifted by the Mayor of Tokyo in 1912, and are thriving to this day! 

Signs of Distress

While Yoshino Cherries have some drought resistance, it is best to keep them in moist soil. Avoiding extremely hot or cold weather is also important for the health of your Yoshino, and they generally do not do well in cold climates.

Insects — including scale, aphids, and mites — can be a large problem for these lovely trees. Neem and horticultural oil, as well as insecticidal soap, are all great options to help keep these pests at bay. Tent caterpillars and cankerworms may also prey upon your Yoshino Cherry, but luckily there are some organic pesticides that can help treat these issues.

In the case of more intense infestations, consult with a tree professional before administering a heavier pesticide, to make sure you don’t damage the tree, surrounding soil, or the rest of your lawn. 

You can also prevent insect predators by minimizing the amount of mulch touching the trunk of your tree. Though mulch is good for helping to lock moisture in the surrounding soil, it can contribute to disease and infestations if improperly placed.

Contact Us

To ensure your Yoshino is ready for the spotlight, you can call Premier Tree Solutions at 404-252-6448. You may also schedule maintenance through our website.